The Rats Are Looking for Lifeboats
Just broke my self-imposed boycott of Charlie Pierce of Esquire, a very witty commentator who has shown a distressing tendency in recent years to line up along the Democratic party line. During the primary season this meant toeing pretty close to the Clinton party line, with occasional gestures toward impartiality. So, like so much other corporate media, he went in the trash bin. Today, though, I'm home getting over a cold, and wandered over to his joint. Imagine my surprise to see an entry from Friday entitled Somehow Hillary Clinton Made the E-mail Mess Even Worse Today.
He begins with some on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand about Hillary's latest "press conference," mostly making fun of the servile performance of the assembled "journalists." But he then quotes some lengthy passages of Hillary's answer to a question about her emails, and gets pretty acid-tongued.
"Director Comey said only three of the 30,000 emails had anything resembling classified markers—usually a classified document has a big heading on the top, which makes it very clear what the classification is. In questioning, Director Comey made it clear the three emails out of the 30,000 did not have the appropriate markings, and it was therefore reasonable that anyone, including myself, would not have suspected they were classified…So, that leaves the 100 out of 30,000 emails that Director Comey testified contained classified information, but again, he acknowledged there were no markings on those 100 emails. And so, what we have here is pretty much what I have been saying throughout this whole year and that is that I never sent or received anything that was marked classified."That is not within an area code of satisfactory.
Hell, it's barely in the neighborhood of English. It is legalistic gobbledegook. You can turn an ankle trying to get from premise to conclusion in that tangled thicket of weaselspeak. It ought not to matter at this point, and it never has mattered all that much to me, but, Lord above, if HRC and her people ever wonder why her trust numbers are so abysmal, they ought to read back her answer to that question.
That's the way you talk when the mule you sold somebody died on the way home.
When Charlie Pierce, good Democratic soldier that he's been, turns his acid wit toward The Anointed One, it may portend Trouble in Paradise. Hillary's gotten her convention bounce, with a considerable assist from her main opponent. But there are still 3 months to go, and lots of time for Hillary to pursue her greatest talent, bleeding support. When your friends start turning on you this early, and you have no skill in turning a troubled campaign around, you might start to worry.

The oligarchs
have their ways of compelling obedience. See Greece last summer. And, for those who decline to obey, there is always the suicide in a hotel room, or small plane malfunction.
I don't think the Clinton Campaign or the DNC made themselves look good at all. If they had "won" as they claim, why not let the old man have his day at the convention, let the followers have their demonstration--remember those--, and then have the vote? It's not like they hadn't already stolen what they didn't prearrange.
I shall most likely add my vote to the Green Party total, even while having reservations about the party, hoping that that total gets up to a number high enough to seriously embarrass Mme. Clinton--What, you couldn't carry your home (borrowed) state by more than 2%? Not only would a 20% or above showing for Green diminish Clinton, it would also be a serious embarrassment for Schumer (D-Tel Aviv), the guy who thinks he gets to tell every Democratic Senator how they have to vote.
Mary Bennett
Drat, low caffeine levels and
Drat, low caffeine levels and didn't mean to rec this, as this is one of those rare occasions on which I strongly disagree with something you've said. Saw your name at the page bottom as I scrolled and auto-reced, lol.
Edit: the above regarding Bernie supposedly marginalizing himself. Too used to replies saying to which comment a response was intended.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I'm fine with you strongly disagreeing
I'm just struggling to explain to myself why Bernie is doing what he's doing. I'm not ready to condemn him, but he's being more the good Democratic soldier than I expected. I think all of us are drawing our own conclusions, but nobody really knows.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Yeah, I figured you'd be OK
Yeah, I figured you'd be OK with that; personally, going by Bernie's history, I'd never want to make the mistake of underestimating him and his ability to plan and keep options open.
And the carefully phrased and planned way that this was worked, I'd hate to see people dumping him perhaps just as some long-shot but planned for opportunity came open which he then lacked support to widen/take.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You can unrec, just click again on the thumbs up.
Happens to me all the time!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I think the damn emails DO count as a national story... I'll read on - that just struck me funny.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
He's still playing the game
I guess he wouldn't want Stephanie Miller to get fussy with him. A lot of his observations are still party line, but that's why I found his conclusion striking.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Her emails are couched in terms of a political race or fucking Russian hackers.
To me, they are law and order.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I wish
someone would say this. If you're the SOS, all of your SOS/Gov emails, whether they're marked Top Secret or are just an email to Huma saying you want chicken salad for lunch, should be considered and treated as classified and the property of the State Dept. To determine what is what is for the folks at state. Why did the repubs let clinton and comey get away with this whole "classified" meme is beyond me. When she deleted her chicken salad order, she destroyed government property, which is illegal...
Are you saying the public should not be able to see
anything State does? Because that's what classified material does, it prevents the public from seeing it.
Just because all those emails were and should
have been property of the State Department from the minute they were sent and received, it does not mean the public gets to see them all, but they should have been a part of the permanent records of the State Department. Hell, Clinton kept the damn emails for over two years after she left the State Department.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Two years after an FOIA request for them, too.
It wouldn't take me two years to figure out whether an email was about my mom's funeral or about State Department business--and I would not need to hire a lawyer to figure that out, either. Her entire story reeks of Clinton.
At the very least, she should pay for all the worker hours and overtime the government has had spend because of her desire to protect her official doings from the public eye, from the lowest rung of the ladder to Kerry and Obama.
The commenter appeared to want ALL state dept
communication barred from the public via classification. I disagree vehemently with that. The more secrets our government keeps from the people, the more secret our government becomes.
And for what? To protect us from our enemies?
We all know that's just bullshit don't we?
Here's the issue
If the emails were kept on a private server outside the government records, then any FOIA request could not be responded to. If the records were and are maintained by the State Department's permanent records division, then they are open to a FOIA request. So there are two things here.
1) Every one knows that one of the reasons Clinton used a privater server is that she did not want any of her emails to be subject to a FOIA request. which normally would be made to the State Department. So FOIA requests could not be filled by the State Department regarding emails Clinton sent or received because they did not exist in the permanent records of the State Department.
As an aside, IMHO, there is an even darker reason for the private server and that involves the Clinton Foundation. We already know via testimony by Sidney Blumenthal that Clinton shared non-public information with him when he was working for the Clinton Foundation.
2) As for the government keeping too much information from the public, I agree, but that is a separate issue outside the Clinton private server.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Exactly. And Another Issue With The Private Server
If Clinton used a govt server, all those emails would be part of the permanent govt record. So even if something is classified, it could be viewed by a govt investigator who has the security clearance. So Hellery was preventing internal investigations as well as FOIAs.
And she deleted 30K emails. No one can tell me she sent 30,000 emails to trade recipes with Chelsea. Only a fool will believe she wasn't hiding criminal activity.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's a separate issue,
but that's not what I asked the commenter above. Like I said, he/she indicated that all State communications should be classified, I disagree.
The issue there is people seem to get all caught up in this email thing in effect endorsing the government propensity for keeping information classified from the public.
So I bring it up.
where in the fuck
did you get that Al? I said ALL her fucking emails should have been considered classified and then let the folks at state sort out the ones that are and are not. I don't think it should be made public who our fucking spies are in, let's say, Russia. do you?? But anything else deemed non classified should be released to the public. Keep reading whatever you want into my comments Al. Quite frankly I don't give a fuck...
OK fugwb
I see your point. Didn't mean to offend.
I think we can all agree that she made life tougher by her
desire to exclude as much from FOIA as possible, including foot-dragging after her tenure at SoS was done. Now we know that State is beaurocracy-loaded to make FOIA requests longer than the life of trees. A basement of monks doing illuminations on parchment must be costly./s
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
No problem Al
I'm just getting old and cranky...
Good gawd, you just know to do or not do things at your job. (Be nice to clients, offer the elderly lady the best office chair, cut off your cell phone during the interview... Maybe workers at Burger King really do need that reminder to wash their hands in the bathroom mirrors, but this is the State Department of the United States of America, Secretary of State...more powerful and more sophisticated than anything in history.
How can Hillary appreciate being the First Woman President when she didn't appreciate the depth and magnitude of being SOS? It's like it flew right over her head.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
she's a narcissist.
their thought process circumvents normal common sense.
it's all about her.
at a side note and not meant as a critique ...
... I start to believe these days that many people show their narcissist inclinations when they have the opportunity to appear in front of a camera. There is probably very few tools that are that powerful in corrupting and co-opting a person's sense of self than the exposure via a camera to the broad public.
This does not include those who use the video exposure of their own political opinions on the alternative internet media outlets. I consider that their only and last resort to ever be heard at all. So, don't get me wrong on that.
I agree with fugwb
How could Hillary have done her job without receiving classified information on emails? She couldn't.
And the NSA knows that Sidney Bluementhal stole classified information from them while he was in Sudan and sent them to Hillary. He didn't have security clearance because he wasn't working for the state department but her foundation.
Why didn't the NSA fry him for that
And I read that some of the classified information sent by Hillary got some operatives killed. Sorry, no link.
But it f that is true, then that should be treason, shouldn't it? Or she should have been charged under the espionage act.
No other way of putting it. Hillary broke many laws but is going to get away with it.
And be rewarded by becoming president.
How many governments and people who donated to her foundation does she owe favors to?
She could be the most comprised president in history.
She will be the most corrupt one, that's a fact!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
She might have to go a bit further
to out-corrupt LBJ, but she's at least giving him a run for the money.
I have been saying this
all along. Any email that was sent, regardless of it being "so-called personal" or State Department business was and is property of the State Department. When Clinton destroyed those 30K+ emails, she destroyed State Department property. None of those emails belongs to her when she decided to mix them. It was up to the State Department to determine which ones would be subject to FOIA and which were strictly personal, not Clinton nor her lawyers.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Exactly, His article says There never was
anything to see here, yet, somehow Dear Leader managed to make it sound bad anyway. However did she do that.
His column took lots of swipes at the press attending that staged "press conference" than it did at Hillary.
great link. i especially liked this part of it, where pierce
characterizes hillary's non-answer/bullshit explanation about the emails:
"Hell, it's barely in the neighborhood of English. It is legalistic gobbledegook. You can turn an ankle trying to get from premise to conclusion in that tangled thicket of weaselspeak. It ought not to matter at this point, and it never has mattered all that much to me, but, Lord above, if HRC and her people ever wonder why her trust numbers are so abysmal, they ought to read back her answer to that question.
That's the way you talk when the mule you sold somebody died on the way home."
The less said when the mule dies on the way home the better.
When you help Bushco convince the American public that invading Iraq is not only warranted, but necessary, you wait for years, through one Presidential primary season and the start of another. Then, you say, "I made a mistake" and shrug.
When it's only emails, though, you dance like no one watching can figure out what the hell you are doing.
She doesn't care so much if
She doesn't care so much if people know because 'they can't touch a billionaire/corporate-backed Clinton' - Team Clinton can just keep chanting 'CT/right wing conspiracy, can't PROVE it, so there! Nyaa nah nah nah naaaaa! Who else are you gonna vote for?' and continue to blatantly lie and cheat with the aid of media and other corporations running government.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Who ya gonna vote for? #JillnotHill
I'm so glad we don't have to spit
and say something true about the orange haired one, like elsewhere. This elction cycle is making me physically uneasy. I'm hoping the other one continues to run to the left of the cluesless one. We may still get a revolution, if luck is with us
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
What a intensely bizarre and unsettling time we're in, isn't it?
Thanks DD. I like Pierce's writing also (the piece he wrote from Iowa just before the primary was really good, in which he said in its title that the best speech he's heard so far was not from Bernie or Hillary, but Cornel West). Here again he has a moment of clarity that was cutting and incisive, and I wish it foreboded to something that would have the currency it deserves in that national dialogue. But it won't. The m.o. of the MSM has become so predictable that we know for every time we stand up to applaud one of our "progressive" voices you can be sure there will be 3 or 4 follow-ups that reverse the course, as if they're keeping some kind of scorecard which forces them to come back to heel with more laudatory fluff the next few time. Muckrakers? Not many out there.
I've been lamenting the end of the Bernie campaign, the brazen way it was stolen and the fascistic display of Nationalism and goonery at the DNC. And in a larger sense of how all this sudden awareness and interest in politics among the usually sedated populace comes rushing to the fore as a result of this quadrennial circus. And this year is a true Twilight Zone that featured a freak show, depravity, massive webs of deceit, euphoria and ultimately perhaps, the truth that the quest for personal greed and power is one obstacle we're doomed not to be able to hurdle. That's not to say I'm giving up.
The aftermath of the primary, however, has me feeling more than ever like I'm riding a seesaw of contempt and pity for society. But just like after Occupy it's a matter of reminding yourself that the struggle is long, and that all of those millions of people around the world touched by OWS to form their own occupations in solidarity, those folks, like the millions of Bernie supporters, volunteers, canvassers and donators, aren't just going away. They've been implanted with something that just needs a little watering every now and then. It may seem dormant but it doesn't die. The anger comes from being so close (and having it stolen, literally) and realizing that it seems only during presidential campaigns do these incredible opportunities arrive in which to galvanize the masses. Bernie did an amazing job in that regard. Obama's campaign may have been one of the most high profile and successful in generations. But Bernie's engendered similar commitment and support, if not more fervency in a purely populist way we haven't heard in a lifetime.
In my view so much of how we react to this moment boils down to what media you've consumed, what books you've read, if you have the wherewithal to question your own internal predispositions in order to dig in to find out where they came from, and the higher awareness to find empathy and compassion beyond the basic motivations of self-preservation and fear. The level of propaganda, distraction and manufactured controversy distorts and confuses otherwise good and caring people to be manipulated then divided and conquered. If had one wish it would be that people eliminated all commercial media (i.e. newspapers, cable tv, radio, commercial ads.) from their mental diet, and substituted reading literature and having more in person, face to face conversations not only with their friends but perfect strangers we'd have the necessary antidote to all the poison infecting and debilitating us. Was just watching a short film on the life of Studs Terkel and his is a testament to the espousal of these ideas.
In a nutshell to me people will continue to be staggering through a malaise, wrestling with their powerlessness, until we find a way to dignify our own personal stories. What I mean by that is people will, through the media they take in, sadly continue to transpose their lives and problems onto whatever celebrity-driven and institutional political claptrap sloganeering because there is nothing in "the news" reflecting our lives back to us. Nothing expressing the real anxiety, for example, over mounting student/medical/consumer debt, rising housing and insurance costs, etc. Business jargon will be mixed with official reports and stats and empty, generalized promises by politicians signifying nothing to the average single working mother who simply needs relief from minimum wage job and health and child care costs piling up. Until we can build a media with a platform to dignify the lives of ordinary working folks with identifiably universal problems, we'll be stuck on this treadmill of thinking "the news" is there to help inform us to make better decisions in our lives, when in fact it's practically carefully concealed advertising spots for the oligarchy. The personal stories are what build empathy and compassion, the engines of society. During Occupy sites like the We Are the 99 Percent tumbler page and others cropped up, very effectively tapped into this idea by crowdsourcing these kinds of stories. They are a portend of how real change will come. When people share their stories, the effect of knowing we're not alone or living in the shadows of being foreclosed upon and that nearly everybody in the 99% shares a version of these predicaments, will not only liberate us but unite us in the way necessary to take the next step to defeating the oligarchy responsible for all this unnecessary strife.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Bizarre is a good word for it.
But unlike watching the police raid the encampment at OWS and burn all the books, demoralization is only a part of it. It is now the deeply disturbing realization that my government and TPTB are willing to do much more than I previously imagined to keep their grip on power. Apart from the election fraud, media co-option, and bloodthirsty covert operations in the Middle East, we now have people connected to the DNC and WikiLeaks that are showing up dead right here. Easy enough to dismiss I suppose with a CT label but still leaves me feeling unsettled and unmoored. Then again, perhaps you are right. Less time on social media and more time with literature might do me a world of good.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Much more:
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
OMG, that is so unbelievable cruel and disgusting,
jeez, that gives me the rest. Despicable. Why did they vote that way and why did they turn against their own?
I wondered sometimes what it would do to the public perception, if the OWS movement had actually occupied the area around the Capitol in DC. I once asked this question on DK and I got a stern answer. "It will NEVER happen". I remember the answer was almost threatening and indicated I should shut up immediately. I did.
So, if it would happen, we know now what the reactions would be. We just have to look into your own history.
Thanks for the link. Very terribly eye-opening to me.
Tien An Men Square = the Mall & Capitol Hill.
Pretty clear what would happen — the media would be barred, live Internet would suddenly stop working, and we'd get to see some of those new high-tech crowd-control weapons systems.
Mistreatment of the Bonus Army
is exactly what I thought of when they started the 3 am raids on OWS and trashing their belongings.
We sure do love our veterans, though. /sarcasm
And those mistreating the Bonus Army were the ones who had been commanding them during World War I, too.
It's a recurrent problem with veterans
They need money and support, and they need it NOW, not on whatever schedule or conditions were previously "agreed" to - and they will kick up a ruckus if their needs are ignored.
Shays' Rebellion was an earlier example - in fact it was what scared everybody into realizing that the Articles of Confederation were not working and they needed to get serious about having a real government.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
And we're not even that picky...
Housing, food, and medical is pretty much it. A few luxuries like power, water and internet are nice...
But somehow wanting enough to pay for all that is... "greedy" in the eyes of the politicians as they fork over another million for a bomb that will never be used.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Terrific comment!
Definitely worthy of an essay of its own.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for nailing such major
Thanks for nailing such major issues so beautifully and for your identifying some relief of the media isolation/black-out of the universal problems of the people as a factor necessary to social cohesion.
They wish us to feel alone in a dog-eat-dog, pathological and unsustainable world and never question why civilization is a 'can't-do' issue in wealthy democracies - and the propaganda is endless...
Would like to mention one small caveat, if I may:
I'd actually doubt that it's the writers keeping a scorecard, probably a little word from Team corporate Clinton to the boss/writer causes the bounce-back effect you speak of in that first paragraph. And DNC emails provide backing evidence for this...
The Clintons (and other corporate/billionaire candidates) must be kept out of public office.
There is apparently a mechanism by which the people of any country rejecting a cheated-in 'leader' can have them fail to be recognized by the rest of the world, which perhaps someone in better health could look into?
Edit: the rest of the world will be terrified by the two evils promoted for the American Presidency - and are all other countries actually expected to sit quietly by and wait to be subjugated/picked off/nuked one at a time by either, rather than banding together in self-protection against the life-destructive hostile corporate global take-over in progress, to be illegally enacted through the US government with the largest military in the world?
It's either nuclear destruction of the planet now/in the near future or no global life support system/oxygen/potable water, etc. within decades, from unlimited industry/military pollution and destruction in an already failing life cycle around the world - all for the short-term profit and power of the few - unless this tragicomic farce is stopped NOW in the US, from whence it emanates.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
A widespread economic boycott would ruin the US
in very short order. We make very little, import almost everything, have exhausted our own resources and need to buy/import/take/expropriate from everywhere else.
If enough countries banded together and told us to go pound sand, we would very quickly be up Shit Creek.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes, Pierce is a good DNC soldier with a liberal pretense.
How quickly Pierce jumped on the "Bernie Bros Bad" and "Surrender
DorothyBernie bandwagon after lies about thrown chairs had my head spinning.Like most who want or need to stay in favor with the centrists while pretending to be liberal, Pierce knows just how far to go. He also knows that, as long as he endorses the "right" person by the right deadline, all will be forgiven by those in power.
I don't think for a second that he has turned on Hillary. He is criticizing her handling of one thing, but would still tell you, in a heartbeat, to vote for her.
I respect (as I must) his writing skill, but not more.
Yeah, like East German writers who knew just how far to go
with criticism so as not to look like lapdogs while at the same time staying in the Party's good graces.
Good post
(Via poor wi fi)
Apparently Clinton creates record for only three 'classified' emails ever as SoS.
The other 29,997 were requests for GUM?
from a reasonably stable genius.
Claiming that she didn't
Claiming that she didn't actually do anything as Sec of State? That she's experienced at avoiding doing her job?
Honestly, if she was bright enough to pound sand, she'd realize that there are no good excuses for this.
And, in any event, she can always fall back on her tried-and-poll-tested claim of merely following Republican precedent, as seen in the first debate, basically: 'Gee, I always make endless mistakes, from which I never learn, but the Bush Administration did that first, so that's all right!'
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
When HRC finds herself in a hole of her own making, she doubles
down and digs faster. Her excuses aren't believable because she lies. Carefully parsed lawyer-speak doesn't disguise her failings as an artful dodger.
BUT: None of that has mattered with all the power, money, and media lined up behind her. I see a cheerleading team with the entire squad muscling up to heave her into the Oval Office. Whether she sticks her landing or falls on her face or derriere matters not to those who pull her strings.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Oh, I agree with you there
The fix has been in from the start. The powers lined up behind Hillary are so strong that there's almost no way she'll lose, barring a monumental and historic screw-up. Which, of course, she's certainly capable of. What happens once she gets in office is another story, however. Republicans aren't going to stop hating her or trying to tear her down. I think her administration is going to look like the second Nixon term, with her under investigation and embattled from the start. And like Nixon, I don't expect her to handle it well or come out of it looking good. Whether she'll actually have to leave office I don't know, but I sincerely doubt it's going to be pretty. The only reason Obama had no impeachment charges brought up is that they couldn't find anything that would stick. That won't be the case with her.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I sure hope you're right about the Republicans
Because if they actually decide to cooperate with her -- which recent developments (endorsements) seem to suggest -- then FSM help us all.
Pierce supported Sanders during the primary . . .
At this point I think he's probably more anti-Trump than Pro-Hillary.
Hillary definitely missed her calling
She should have been a phlebotomist.