It's The Water . . . Literally!
Here in the Bear Creek Valley (aka Rogue River Valley) a large fraction of the people are rather relaxed. No kidding! Certainly, sales associates and service staff are supposed to be agreeable and even friendly, but really‽ This place is outside the norm.
Sure we all know White City is a "den of thieves", the West Side of Central Medford is "a cesspit of crime", and there are jerks on the highways and byways but overall the "amiable index" is strong in this valley. And, Lithia Park around Ashland Creek of Ashland, Oregon fame is not named "Lithia" Park by accident. My wife is convinced it's the lithium. So, chemically induced or not, I really like this place.
A real problem for us is that to a certain (as yet unknown) irreducible extent we are (all of us) disconnected from reality. For years I have been tying to workout an acceptable way to express this disconnect and the best I have come up with is not very satisfactory.
- Perception
- Over thousands of millennia we have evolved what can
be best described as a "classical" understanding of our
internal (as well as our external) environment. - Reality
- Everything emerges from quantum mechanical processes.
There is no "dividing line" between the Classical Realm and the Quantum Realm.
One blends into the other . . . seamlessly.
Unfortunately, readers conjure up the likes of Deepak Chopra, and the nonsense they are selling. Not many follow the likes of Lawrence Krauss, and Sean Carroll. Even the best struggle to see how the real relates to our perception of the real. Ah! but some things are clear: like Periodicity , Causation is a human construct.
Yes, yes, yes . . . We are all aware of the stochastic nature of cosmic radiation (the high energy charged particles striking the Earth from all directions) and the concomitant details of track physics that influence the shape of lightning strikes. Toss a lit match into an overgrown forest and we know what will happen. Displace a pendulum bob from is equilibrium position and release it . . . we know what will happen. We are all aware of the vast amount of labor saving devices and essential infrastructure systems that operate flawlessly 24/7 that make our lives so very easy. In fact the only source of error in any of our well regulated lives is the human that flips the wrong switch.

the wisconsin river
has some similar issues.. aside from the mercury and other loveliness from the paper mills.
the EPA here is notoriously lax on protecting the rivers, because industry. there's very little interest in the xanax and MAOIs people have been pissing into the river for 20 years.
that's why i've switched over to vodka.
At least Carroll says it's waves not particles
I'm still waiting for one of them to say that there is no such thing as an electron. They're actually practicing wave energetics but still calling it "particle physics".
Even Carroll is can be mistaken.
Someday I would like to have a discussion with him about how his comment is not only not right, it is so very not right that it is not even wrong.
There's a story that the EPA wanted to restrict eating seafood
from San Francisco Bay because of prescription med pollution - Viagra and Prozac. There were too many "leaks" - "my girlfriend works for the EPA and she heard" - to be reliable, but if Lipitor had been included Joe Isuzu could have said it and be believed.
On to Biden since 1973
We're all going to need Lithia Water
to survive the next four years.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Or KBr (potassioum bromide), old snake water remedy
Used as second action course for seizure disorders. After phenobarbitol. Too much information. Bromides used to be good.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.