U.S. Officials Literally Laughing at Donald Trump’s ‘Top Secret’ Iran Video Claim
On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. had secretly paid the Iranians $400 million in various currencies around January at the same time that Iran released four Americans held in Tehran.
Trump said he watched it unfold.
“I’ll never forget the scene this morning,” Trump told the crowd on Wednesday. “Iran—I don’t think you’ve heard this anywhere but here—Iran provided all of that footage, the tape, of taking that money off that airplane.”
There is just one problem. The U.S. had no way to directly deliver cold hard currency to Iran. Rather the pallets referred to in the Journal piece traveled to Switzerland and the money was eventually transferred to Iran. That is, no pallets ever landed in Iran, a U.S. official told the Daily Beast.
Well, it turns out he saw it on TV. Trump spokesperson Hope Hicks admitted to the Washington Post that footage Trump was referring to was not, in fact, top secret. It was b-roll from a Fox News segment.
I'm starting to actually wonder if this guy really isn't a plant to make the Clinton creature look 'good'. This moron is doing a bang up job if he is.

Banking sanctions on Iran
It was more difficult to get sizable money into Iran because of banking sanctions for these many years. They have less use for dollars since American companies were barred from business in Iran so Euros and Swiss Franc were the currencies of choice. Although dollars are widely used in the ME. In fact the now old but once new and harder to counterfeit 100 dollar bill was first introduced in the Middle East before it came to the US. It seems likely that Iran is not a part of SWIFT (interbank currency matrix for the FOREX market and nation states, because of the previous sanctions. 400 million is barely a blip on the daily currency transactions in the foreign exchange (FOREX) market. Ten or twenty times the size of the stock market daily transactions.
Maybe it's to discredit Trump in front of his supporters
There is probably proof that will later be revealed that this was all just part of the Iran nuclear deal which included returning Iranian assets that were seized after the deposition of the Shah.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Yes listen to the president.
3 parallel tracks. 1 The Iran nuclear deal, 2. the return of confiscated money ( the negotiations at The Hague and oil money frozen in more recent years.) 3. prisoner swap... 7 Iranians held by the US for 4 dual citizen US nationals. Although this was all known at the beginning of the year. The problem is Trump can't hold more than one unrelated thing in his head and conflates the several things that happened because After 2 decades we finally started talking to Iran a couple years ago. The same way he conflates the private Clinton server issue with the hacked DNC emails. 2 separate things. Trump needs some cognitive dissonance training.
There was a Trump before his nomination
that his supporters told me they loved because he was not establishment, that he would speak the truth and not stand on political correctness. And now, they are telling me he is nothing more than a plant to help elect HRC.
He was an ass, rude, abrasive before...now, he seems to be in need of a straightjacket.
Those folks tell me they would vote for Bernie in a heartbeat.
Now, we all called him crass, but we acknowledged he was just an unfiltered Tea Bagger.
now, we are ALL calling him nuts.
They are going to vote for anybody but Trump.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If Donald Trump were a trojan horse candidate
... whose sole reason for existing was to throw the election to Hillary Clinton, how would he act any differently than he's acting now?
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I don't think his ego would allow that.
I can't see Trump taking a fall for the Clintons. No way. He is just a fucking imbecile that the GOP deserves. The Democratic candidate got lucky because without the imbecile she would never be President.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
This is an indicator. Trump says certain things that
show he's mentally invested in the false narratives and lies of U.S. imperialism. In this case, that Iran is an enemy and that the Iran deal didn't go far enough, etc., when in fact the Iran "deal" is a sham because Iran never did or have any intention to build a nuke bomb or nuke weapons program. That's a Zionist originated scare tactic to justify sanctions and other acts against Iran. There was never a need for a deal. If there was, why doesn't Israel admit its program? Why Iran even participated in the "deal" is hard to believe but that's geopolitics.
But this is an indicator that Trump would follow the imperialist footprints before him. Again, something lost in the discussion, obfuscated away.
Israel believed that Iran was a nuclear threshold state.
Iran nuclear program not a sham. That's why Israel (Mossad)assassinated at least five Iranian nuclear scientists. So many that the US had to call them on the carpet. Everybody know Israel has nuclear weapons. At least 150 nukes. More than enough to make glass of some of their idiot neighbors.
They weren't nuclear weapons program scientists
because there was no nuclear weapons program. And the "threshold" thing is bs, there is no proof Iran wanted to develop a nuke program or bomb, even U.S. intelligence admitted that. Particularly coming from Israel as you noted.
"Idiot neighbors"?
it was rather silly
i heard a radio report discussing the money transaction and they said that amount of money would have been loaded on pallets and filled the plane. the video of people carrying bags of money off a plane is ridiculous claim.
I doubt his ego could withstand being a plant.
I think he is just a stupid man who believes every stupid conspiracy he reads on the internet. Looks like he is my uncle, so dumb that he is unaware of how dumb he is.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams