Friday Open Thread 02-13-15
Good Morning 99percenters!
Some news and Lonnie Mack
'Privacy Critical to Human Freedom': Snowden, Poitras, and Greenwald Talk NSA
Though Snowden beamed in remotely, conversation hosted by New York Times brings together trio that revealed vast secretive surveillance network to global publicDuring a unique conversation hosted by the New School and the New York Times on Thursday, the three people most responsible for bringing the story of mass global surveillance programs orchestrated by the U.S. National Security Agency were brought together for the first time since they first met in a Hong Kong hotel in 2013.
Filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald sat with the New York Time's media columnist David Carr on stage while the whistleblower himself, Edward Snowden, appeared via videolink from Russia where he remains under asylum protection.
CitizenFour, the documentary film by Poitras which tells the story of Snowden and the NSA revelations he first entrusted to her and then Greenwald has now won numerous awards and been nominated for the upcoming Acadamy Awards. Discussing both the making of the film and her investigation into the world of NSA surveillance, Poitras described how once you recognize how "pernicious and ominous" the world created by the NSA has become, "it does give you that sense of not being able to sleep" because you come to understand "how deep these powers go."
Greenwald, who along with his colleagues at the Guardian, won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Snowden documents, said during the talk, "The realm of privacy is critical to human freedom, to political activism and is something that we've always sought out."
The real tragedy of the Vietnam War
Fifty years after the conflict began, America is still fighting brutal, indiscriminate wars under false pretensesThe 1960s — that extraordinary decade — is celebrating its 50th birthday one year at a time. Happy birthday, 1965! How, though, do you commemorate the Vietnam War, the era’s signature catastrophe? After all, our government prosecuted its brutal and indiscriminate war under false pretexts, long after most citizens objected, and failed to achieve any of its stated objectives. More than 58,000 Americans were killed along with more than four million Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians.
So what exactly do we write on the jubilee party invitation? You probably know the answer. We’ve been rehearsing it for decades. You leave out every troubling memory of the war and simply say: “Let’s honor all our military veterans for their service and sacrifice.”
For a little perspective on the 50th anniversary, consider this: we’re now as distant from the 1960s as the young Bob Dylan was from Teddy Roosevelt. For today’s typical college students, the Age of Aquarius is ancient history. Most of their parents weren’t even alive in 1965 when President Lyndon Johnson launched a massive escalation of the Vietnam War, initiating the daily bombing of the entire country, North and South, and an enormous buildup of more than half a million troops.
In the post-Vietnam decades, our culture has buried so much of the history once considered essential to any debate about that most controversial of all American wars that little of substance remains. Still, oddly enough, most of the 180 students who take my Vietnam War class each year arrive deeply curious. They seem to sense that the subject is like a dark family secret that might finally be exposed. All that most of them know is that the Sixties, the war years, were a “time of turmoil.” As for Vietnam, they have few cultural markers or landmarks, which shouldn’t be surprising. Even Hollywood — that powerful shaper of historical memory — stopped making Vietnam movies long ago. Some of my students have stumbled across old films like Apocalypse Now and Platoon, but it’s rare for even one of them to have seen either of the most searing documentaries made during that war, In the Year of the Pig and Hearts and Minds. Such relics of profound antiwar fervor simply disappeared from popular memory along with the antiwar movement itself.
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Lonnie Mack - If You Have To Know
Lonnie mack - Oreo Cookie Blues
Lonnie Mack- Wham
Lonnie Mack - Rock People

Happy Friday the 13th...
there's another big improvement to announce today. The image uploader has been replaced with a much more functional system. Right below the text editor you'll see "Insert Image or link", click the "Image" link and a file browser will open. Click "Upload" and then "Browse" to the image on your computer that you want to upload, click "Upload" and the file will be uploaded to the sites library. The uploaded image will appear below the file browser, to inject the image into the text body click "Insert file" and it will be inserted where ever the cursor is flashing, it can be inserted anywhere in the text. The image is inserted automatically wrapped with the proper HTML code, use standard HTML to align the image. The image can also be resized by clicking the "Resize link". The maximum size for images is 600x900, anything larger will be automatically resized. When finished simply close the browser window. All user images will be up uploaded to the "user images" folder so be polite if you are resizing someone else's image and make sure the "Create a new image" box is ticked so you're not altering the image that is being used somewhere in a diary or comment.
This is a dandy step up from what we had before as it allows the image to be injected anywhere in the text body and also solves the problem of image alignment.
Clicking the "link" link inserts a hyperlink to the image. The text in the hyperlink can be changed by removing the automatically inserted text that's between the brackets and replaced by whatever you want to type in.
Thank you for another improvement Johnny!
Since I struggle with html code already, I had been reluctant to try to insert an image. Maybe this improvement will give me the courage to do so.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Morning gulfgal...
it's pretty slick, it will inject the code wherever the cursors is at. Upload your image, make sure the cursor is where you want it and click "Insert", it's much more flexible than the old uploader. The code can also be moved to where ever you want it after it's been inserted by cut/paste.
Thank you JtC for the new image uploader system
This is truly amazing. I am looking forward to writing a diary with images.
To thine own self be true.
I had you in mind...
Marilyn, when I went on the quest to improve the in-house image uploader. Once the code is injected it can be moved anywhere and and attributes (align, size, etc.) added.
I thank you, too, JTC--but where is the image uploader? ;-) N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Hey, nevermind, JTC. Just found the uploader under "Blog." N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
You'll also...
find it in comments.
Thanks, I see that, now. N/T
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
What? Are you saying that...?
so if I wanted to put a picture of the Zombies right here
you're telling me I could upload it, then click "insert image", click the picture and it would show up? Is that what you're saying?
You betcha'
that's what I'm sayin'...

zombies, also too.
that's terrifying
as for the image feature...sweet!
funny but the technical side of the site is already better than you-know-where.
it's a nice feature. I enjoy building things, especially when it's for a good cause. Some folks are just in it for the money.
I need to play with resize
These pictures are coming in too large. Note how disgusted I look over there on the right. I either have just found out that the pictures are too big or Prez Obama just appointed a bankster to run the Treasury.
I could adjust...
the default max size, but I thought it best to leave it a little larger in case someone needs it, they can always be downsized. BTW, the default max size is 600X900. You know what, on second thought, i'm going to lower it to 500X800, 500 wide is the norm for most sites anyway, thanks for the feedback Shahryar.
Even without zombification
that picture is downright frightening!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
(No subject)
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"50 Shades of Grey"
Good Morning. I started off my reading today with the New York Times A.O. Scott's review of "Fifty Shades of Grey" which is playing down the street from me. I haven't seen the movie so I'm not judging that. This is one great review.
Review: In ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Movie, Sex Is a Knotty Business
To thine own self be true.
Sad note, David Carr collapsed after this show
The show with Greenwald & Snowden
David Carr, Times Critic and Champion of Media, Dies at 58
To thine own self be true.
He did not sound well
during the interview. He was coughing a lot the entire time and his voice sounded very weak. Very sad.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
He was a heavy smoker
He was actually dying during the panel.
To thine own self be true.
Latest example of Iceland doing things right.
i'm delighted to see that iceland has right-sized bankers...
who are not too big to jail.
Jail is where they belong.
Obama not prosecuting the bankers really laid bare the two tier system of justice in America.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It also laid bare
who Obama himself is and it is not pretty. I continue to be amazed at how many people defend him even on those things over which he had total control and power. Defending Obama was more important than defending all the people harmed by his lack of prosecuting too big to fail. That is what really turned me off to dkos.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Though foreigner in the US, I dare to say something here,
may be it didn't so much lay bare who Obama is, but how in the US historical context of racial exploitation and discrimination it is more or less impossible (imo an understandable humane reaction) for many Afro-Americans to not circle the wagon around one of their own and defend him. Or in other words, the emotional make-up of human beings makes it so difficult to set priorities fairly and justly and it makes it possible to allow yourself to be blind or in denial.
It is a reaction that you can find among white and other "tribes" in the same way. Therefore it's to me not something I like to put in the realm of Obama's personality. I am very disappointed in many of the policies Obama supports (and even more in the justice system that is not working the way it should), but I resent to personalize it on the basis of his personality, which includes bey default his race. And that is the way probably all of Obama's followers see it, as an attack on him on the basis of his race. To acknowledge that Africans and Afro-Americans have always been on the bottom of the discrimination/exploitation/colonization hierarchy is imo necessary, and to see the Obama defenders in that context, as well.
I also don't think that you can make "dailykos" responsible for that to happen on their site, because I think with the structure they have, it's impossible to humanely and fairly control what is happening there. What I think one can say is that dailykos has a rule and structure set-up which leads itself to be abused.
Dailykos has made the decisions with regard to their structure that I don't think are good. Some of which seem to be handled differently here.
First I think, it is very important to not give people the opportunity to see, who recs a comment. The community-based control of who is a dick and who is not, ie HR'ing, doesn't work. (Personally I can't stand the wording of that rule. If the site is as influential as it claims to be, then I would think, the owner doesn't do a good job to promote his site and himself - the same I feel is true for his way to react to criticism - ie. not giving a shit.) It's doing harm, because the humane character of readers and commentators you can't much change. The rec list for diaries is also not doing good. People go into competition with their friends to help them out to stay on the rec list. It enables group think, group bashing and puts pressure on readers to take sides or else... it does not select the best diaries, but those the closest knit groups want to make the best. I am also completely uninterested which diary has been shared the most on FB or was liked most. Imagine you had such a system during the Third Reich ... people in masses are herding and trample anything to death, when aroused.
I guess we have to live with our tribal tendencies and be patient. I wished there were clear cut political parties with clear cut ideologies and accountability of its members to stick with agreed upon party policies. Well, I could say more, but that would end up in bashing due to my own glasses I look through.
Bare with me, it's unbelievable hard for me to understand the American political landscape/system/constitution/legal system and its citizens. Very complicated.
And its so full with great people, music and art and literature. Makes me always sad and confused.
excellent observations there, mimi.
Don't feel bad, I don't think anybody really understands
this system we have, not how it really works.
But an old American saying sums it up pretty well, "money talks and bullshit walks".
I think the results of the last election, the republicans winning and the voters sitting it out, tells a lot about the influence of that
site. Not nearly as much as they might think.
the image uploader and inserter is a
feature. Love it. Thanks JtC.
Now I am one distressed person, a woman torn between two ... sites. Where am I going to write comments, here, or there?
Wow even this works, can embed videos.
You "otter" be in pictures
I wanna go back to my little grass shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii …