The Gift That Keeps On Giving

All I have to do is remember a little part of Bernie's campaign to feel confident in analyzing what information is coming out of Hillary's campaign.

The first debate, when Bernie tried very desperately to keep it on the issues - his "we don't give a damn about your emails" is still resonating with me as I struggle through this political morass to hold to the real issues, not the political infighting.

Issues in the center of my thoughts. That sounds easy, but it truly isn't. I have an ego as much as the next guy and it hurts my ego when I read the Brockian mindfucking jive, and when my ego hurts, I start thinking about me, not us. Because that's what the issues are - NotMeUs.

So the Clinton camp attacks Trump and tries to scare the left flank of the body politic into falling in line.

I'm not that rigid, I'm fine with falling in line.

But there is no line, see that's the problem.

They talk about privilege. Bernie spoke of privilege, too, but never used the word. He spoke about the privilege of the "One Tenth of One Percent" who are so captured by the privileged bubble they've pursued that they are incapable of feeling real compassion. That's the harm of privilege, that you stop caring about others. It's the definition of hell, imo.

And then he spoke about the rest of us, each one of us, with a clear moral grasp of what dignity means to brothers and sisters.

Anyway, I digress.

What are Clinton's issues? Shaun King is trying extremely hard to support Hillary, and I find reading his tweets to be instructive, as he has yet to find any of her issues compelling. Best he can say is that she "really knows her stuff," when talking about the granular aspect of governing and politics.

So what "stuff" is that then? That she's good at organizing her thoughts? What, then, is the goal that her organized thoughts are reaching towards?

We've all heard all the arguments about the Clinton flaws and the flaws of the DNC Clinton Machine. I'm not going to reiterate them, it's why we're here instead of at Daily Kos.

I'm not closed minded. If, for example, I saw Hillary Clinton loudly and strongly lobby against Obama signing the TPP during the lame duck session, that would certainly make me look twice at her.

There are actual issues that I'm willing to swallow my pride over if I believe the talk is leading to the walk. But I first have to see the walk.

Haven't seen it yet.

And I know the walk now, because I've seen it illustrated by Bernie Sanders. So now I have a basis for comparison. At his best, his campaign made me truly forget myself and my ego and really see other people as brothers and sisters and feel real human compassion.

So that's where I'm at this sultry summer Saturday evening.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish
