She's Only Been The Nominee For Less Than A Day And Here's The Right Pivot
In fact the pivot occurred for all to see right in the Democratic convention. Gee, wonder how that "most progressive platform in the history of the world" will make out.
Tim Kaine Makes Appeal To Republicans: We've Got a Home For You
Kaine pointed to his father-in-law, the former Virginia GOP Gov. Linwood Holton Jr., as a Republican who’s going vote for “an awful lot of Democrats” over his own party’s nomination of Trump.
“He is voting for Democrats because any party that would nominate Donald Trump for President has moved too far away from his party of Lincoln,” Kaine said.
He broadened the call to other wandering Republican voters: “If any of you are looking for the party of Lincoln, we've got a home for you here in the Democratic Party.”
Tim Kaine's Speech Was About Making Democrats, not the Gop, the Party of moral values
Kaine’s pitch wasn’t aimed at the Democratic faithful. And he's not on the ticket to appeal to the party's base.
Instead, he was trying to appeal to undecided independents and even Republicans at home, people who might be reluctant to back Democrats but are deeply concerned about Trump’s character and fitness for office.
The last night of the DNC was a direct appeal to Republicans
There are already a lot of Democrats at this party, so what if we invited some Republicans? That was the theme of the last night of the Democratic National Convention, or at least a large chunk of it.
After a strong start featuring a number of Democrats and progressives, including a history-making speech by the first transgender speaker at any major party convention, the Democratic National Convention took a hard right turn.
First was Doug Elmets, a former Reagan official who earned a surprising amount of applause praising the savior of the Republican Party at the Democratic National Convention. He was followed by another Republican, Jennifer Pierotti Lim, a senior official at the conservative-leaning and pro-business U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Welcome to the New Party of Lincoln
Casting Trump in opposition to traditional conservatism and Republican doctrine allowed Obama and Kaine to pull off a daring ideological move: They made an appeal to Republicans without diluting their liberalism. Obama pointedly praised Bernie Sanders even as he made a pitch to Republicans, and he and Kaine both talked about gun control and economic fairness. In effect, they were saying to Republicans: Trump is so toxic that you have to come over to us, and we’ll be happy to have you, but we won’t change our core values.
Tim Kaine's Republican fan club
MIAMI — Tim Kaine is not going to be an easy target for Republicans. After all, they all but love the guy.
As a rank-and-file Democratic senator, Kaine has shown deal-making tendencies with top GOP lawmakers and an affinity for breaking with his own party that’s earned him respect across the aisle.
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DNC 2016 message: We're the Party For Everyone
PHILADELPHIA — Many of the conservatives who watched with dismay as the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump have now watched with amazement as Democrats co-opted some of Republicans' favorite themes at the Democratic National Convention.
Democrats' thinking was clear: We're the only political party left for grown-ups, so we'd better make sure we have something to offer voters on both sides of the aisle.
I could go on, but why bother, I'm sure you can see how this is trending.
The moment has finally come, the one that the centrists, DLC, Third Way, No Labels types like Clinton and Kaine and Warner and Obama and Bayh and Bloomberg and Lieberman and so many others have dreamed of lo these many years. Because of the Trump implosion, all the connected "grown-up" pragmatic, austerity prone pols from both sides can be united under one political umbrella. The veal-penned Liberals will be left to sputter " Wha happened . . .?" in wonderment once again as the Party marches solidly rightward at the very moment they were fooled into thinking it was marching leftward.
Unutterably evil?
Why? Racism? Yes, that's a bad hit, but the candidate that wants to return trade to normalcy versus the Whore of Wall Street?
It's a hard choice, but I'd rather see Trump as President than Clinton. Voting for Stein.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
They are both terrible
Appallingly terrible. And neither should be president.
But one is obviously a strongman, proto-fascist, dictator in waiting. That one does trip my higher on my hierarchy of evil but YMMV.
Given the challenges of predicting the future and the unknowns swirling, it's really hard to put one's hand on one's heart and definitively know which will be objectively the worst long term. So I'm not arguing the point with anyone who takes the stance that Clinton is worse than Trump, as neither should be president.
I'm also very slightly more optimistic about being able to undo the damage of Clinton/Kaine, but Trump/Pence not so much. Again YMMV.
You are right...
And I am not arguing - but let me give you a morsel here: Trump may unintentionally unravel some or all of the institutions which keep the establishment in place and the people in check. Clinton will only strengthen them.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
It seems we share similar gallows thoughts on this
The only one in that vein I think has a decent chance of coming to pass is: "So Putin & Trump are buddies? So no war with Russia then for sure." It's something I'm not so confident about that with HRC. And apparently neither is Putin.
Trump'll be the bull in the china shop, he'll break a lot of shit, some will be stuff we want broken but most of it won't be. HRC will be much more competent, deliberate, targeted and effective in the shit she breaks. Like privatizing Social Security (can Lewinsky save us again?)
The Republican conversion diaries are starting to appear
at TOP. I was curious when that phenomenon would begin. Shouldn't be long before the pro-TPP and deficit cutting diaries commence.
The good news about the lurch right is that a number of progressives may be relieved of some guilt and fear of voting for Stein, knowing that their place is being filled by a former Bush or McCain voter.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I used to go to TOP but then my immunization wore off
Someone at Docudharma used to talk about being protected by
their “Valentino flameproof orange moo-moo” . . .
As a Hawaiian, I always wanted one of those.
Is the customary Penthouse Letters format being applied? I wonder if they're due for another round of Bernie Butters proclaiming that the scales have fallen from their eyes and they now see the splendid progressivism of Her Highness?
Please help support caucus99percent!
I don't think Bernie Butters have much of a premium anymore
They were only necessary to keep some kind of semblance of order during the Convention and were a compliment to the "90%! of Sanders voters have switched to Clinton" meme.
IMO Bernie Butters are now on the remainder table in back because we wouldn't want to remind the new GOP converts that they're in a different stall but the same barn with the penned in Libruls.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I never thought it would happen to me...
But the other day, one of my deepest
sexualpolitical fantasy came true...Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
i think luna put it best when suggesting....
...that we just ignore those posts. i'm already guilty of that a couple of times before reading luna's post. if we don't engage them they go away. if we do then it just becomes DK all over again.
over at TOP/DK
diaries about stolen election squashed. I posted the articles linked to WA Post article on US has worst elections and there were follow comments about flagging me
diaries about TPP squashed
there is NOTHING of interest there anymore
it was the BNR diaries which kept me there for a year and now that they are at TheProgressiveWing, little of no reason to go back
it is really sick to see them sucking up to DNC/Hillary. Are the paid trolls now in the majority?
what will happen over there if Trump takes a big lead? Will they hope that the youth and Bernie supporters come home?
Or will they ride their internal propaganda down the rabbit hole?
The Clintons really want the power of the office
I hear ya, Don.
I hadn't been over there since the first part of June. I went back last week....for less than 5 minutes. If TRump wins I'll go back to blame Hillary. If Jill wins, I'll go back to gloat. If Hillary wins, I'm not sure what I'll do but I hope it's epic.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Don, They are so
far down the authoritarian rabbit hole and have been for so long that they will never ever see the light of day again. They will ride into obscurity and insist that this is the real world. Night is day, and right is left. They are as upside down and ass backwards as the most pig ignorant teabagger is.
1984 doublespeak
George Orwell was prescient, just mis-dated his book--should be 2016
It’s like the refrain of that song by “Weird Al” Yankovic
I dropped a note into
One of LD's diaries that you were having problems posting there. I told him to contact you. Did you hear from him?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Why are these two laughing
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Same reason these two are:
Reagan left office 24 years ago. That is almost a quarter of a century. Democrats have controlled the Oval Office for 16 of those 24 years. If they had really wanted to fix anything Reagan broke, they could have. Instead, it's now considerably worse for at least 90% of Americans.
I'm much more worried about the two in this photo and Hillary than I am about dead Ron and dead Magggie.
The way I see it, this is simply year 35 of the Reagan
Revolution. The DLC rapidly evolved from Reagan Lite to Uber-Reagan.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I see it as a progression from Nixon
with Bill Clinton outdoing Reagan. If we keep focusing on Reagan, we're screwed because even assassinating Reagan isn't going to improve anything in our lives. New Democrats would love for us to keep blaming Reagan, don't you think?
Agreed, though so few seem to recognize that the Dems are
even Reaganite that I tend to harp on it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Calling out Reagan-like Democrats
now alive and governing or running for office or forming policy in places like the DNC or think tanks as very different from emphasizing Reagan himself.
I have seen and heard too many Democrats blame everything on Reagan or, possibly, on Reagan and Bush the Lesser and fight tooth and nail to defend Obama (who I think is better than the Clintons, though not ideal), the Clintons and the entire batch of New Democrats.
This is exactly what I came to some months ago.
Centrist Democrats and "moderate Republicansare combining into one party, seeking to leave "the left of the left" and the right of the right twisting in the wind. Democrats will not longer need to worry about tacking left during primaries to appeal to the "base." I don't know if it was a dream or a long term plan, dating back before No Labels was established.
This is one of the reasons I am a broken record about the need to unify, organize and strategize. I think as well that we will have to stop seeking to be rescued by a political party. We also have to stop demonizing Republican voters and learn to unify with them on an issue by issue basis. It may be too late. I hope not, but the task is huge, we're not unified or funded and they are.
Democrats are “de-basing” themselves in more ways than one? n/t