Kucinich on the DNC Hack
This is from Facebook and I think it says it all:
Instead of directly addressing the leaked DNC memos which reveal attempts to subvert the Sanders movement, several top officials of the Clinton campaign have used identical talking points that Russia is responsible for making the emails public. This makes for a weird Clinton campaign mash-up of secret emails, State Department server vulnerabilities, alleged Russian hacking of an opaque US system and political manipulation by insiders. It would be truly funny, except it is anti-democratic.
Desperate to change the subject, and avoid a deeper discussion of a rigged system, the Clinton campaign is tapping the kind of Cold War themes which were popular in Hillary Clinton's State Department. Last I checked, Vladimir Putin is not up for nomination at the DNC. And why should Americans have to depend on Russia to find out what is really going on inside our institutions?
The timing of how this faux story got out pretty much proves to me that the DNC and the corporate media are in cahoots -- after all, the leaked emails showed the media's culpability and collusion as well as DNC's. Reminded me of how the AP put out the "Hillary clinches the nomination" story with all the rest of the media outlets using the same language, at the same time.
P.S.: If this Kucinich quote has already been blogged here, apologies for the repetition!

The Russia angle is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
The DNC has yet to provide any evidence that Guccifer 2.0 is Russian. Everybody in the media is repeating it as a talking point, yet they have no details to report on whatsoever. It's just "Did Russia hack the DNC server?" over and over. And considering that Guccifer had access to it for an entire year without them even noticing it, it's obvious that the IT people at the DNC are incredibly incompetent and the people in charge have practically no understanding about how technology works.
I'm glad that Kucinich is publicly calling bullshit on this. The redistricting that pushed him out of office was incredibly unfair, and he was always one of the strongest progressive voices in congress during his tenure.
Agree it's ridiculous.
Greenwald is putting out some very good work on how there is no proof whatsoever about this so-called Russian angle. I've been following his thinking on Twitter.
Beat in the USA.
As Denise is Pointing Out, it really doesn't matter who hacked
it is not the story. The fraud is the story and one that if covered by the media could bring down the system. It is the typical Emperor Has No Cloths scenario. Everyone knew this was going on but once there is proof then everyone actually starts looking.
Here is another one for you. I am seeing all these "anti" TPP Dems, Hillary, Pelosi, the list goes on. Same on the Republican side, at least to the public. In private they all do the bidding of their corporate masters so like good little drones they will rail against it for the election but pass it in the lame duck. When it is all said and done those who supported it will decry its passage, with a smile
No it isn't
What system will it bring down? You mean that corrupt system we are all on about all the time lately? That system?
Oh my gawd! Oh, my sainted Auntie! We'll bring the corrupt system down--and why wouldn't we?
There needs to be no more "private" for these people. They are in the office they hold at all for The Public Good. We better step up our game real soon--the time for talking about how "it could bring down the system", and just get on with it, already, instead of letting them define the narrative and endlessly change the damned subject on us.
It's as if they are trying to steal all the wealth and then LEAVE. They act like they're going somewhere literal (as opposed to figuratively, such as "We are going to take You to utter ruin" What I do not understand is "where in the hell do they think they're going to go?"
NO ONE forced the DNC staffers to write or send those emails --
the question regarding how they were hacked is moot.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
The 'liberal' media - Huffpo, Slate, etc. are pushing the whole 'Russia wants Trump so they leaked this to split Democrats' angle. Now hating Hillary is somehow unpatriotic. Pathetic.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Nobody with a working brain is gonna buy that bullshit
To quote a certain simpering little "comedienne", they're being ridiculous.
I have truly never seen so much craven, disgusting, deliberate denial. As if pretending all is well will make it so. There may be more delusion in the DNC than there is in the GOP. If you've been paying attention in the last 10-15 years, you know how much that is saying.
In the fifteen minutes mr. luna subjected me to those lying sacks of shit on MSNBC, I heard little Chucky Todd asking "who would be a bigger thorn in Clinton's side when she's POTUS?" (referring to Sanders or Warren, of all things)....ummmm, News Flash, Chucky: Hagatha isn't going to have enough votes to be POTUS unless she cheats better than the GOP. And they're masters at it. But if, by some miracle, she survives the sleazy Paul Ryan brigades, she'll wish she hadn't cheated, lied and told the Sanders brigades to fuck off. Thorns will seem so quaint and harmless, compared to what's in store for her.
Bring on the vote shamers! These will be the folk that incur the most obnoxious parts of my countenance for the next four months (you've been warned, lol!)
You've probably read this
You've probably read this report by now, or at least looked at some of the hundred pages, since it's in a diary (or whatever the C-9 term is,) here, but I'll post the URL anyway.
Says - even only regarding the exit polls, that it appears that Sanders may have handily won the primary', if not for the massive voter suppression and cheating.
The propaganda, bald-faced lying, suppression and cheating are common to the pathological corporate culture now running both 'evil' parties and offered candidates and they have it down to a science. It would appear that yes, of course Hillary can cheat as well or better than the GOP.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
The outrage is all about shooting the messenger
Who cares where info came from, or when? No one is denying that the leaks are true. I've seen a little push out there to try and claim that the "Russian hackers" altered the info as well, but that would be easily disproven.
The Russian angle distracts from the larger story, and I understand that there is much more to come.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Kucinich is showing more
Kucinich is showing more integrity than Bernie right now.
Love Dennis Kucinich
And his pro-peace and pro-people message.
Love is my religion.
The other thing ...
... that I find truly ludicrous is the absurd "apology letter" from the DNC, which makes it seem that the "inappropriate" emails were just saying mean things and not proving that the DNC was indeed not being impartial as their rules command.
I wouldn't care at all about the emails if they were just saying "mean" things.
What is important about them is the proof that our corporate media were sending DNC articles about Hillary before they published them, that the DNC was attacking Bernie when the DNC had no business doing so.
As an aside, all this dreck makes it even more amazing that Bernie had the results he did among the electorate and shows what an incredibly strong campaign he ran with such unbelievable obstacles before him.
Beat in the USA.
He won
Why do you think they were both in tears when his brother gave him his delegates? He won. We all know he won.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And according to the Election
And according to the Election Justice USA Democracy Report, (the URL to which I've just reposted upthread, which was from a post here on C-9) the math/data says that Bernie won, too.
You can often tell what that type's up to by the inversions/projections they use in accusation and jeers.
Edited some of the mess I made, ranting and typing while listening to the video of 'DNC protesters pushed as far into the convention perimeter as possible', lol.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
heh, hillary's best friends the neocons are delighted...
for the opportunity to promote their new "red scare" propaganda campaign against trump.
look for the latest neocon talking point, trump=putin. i just heard ben jealous mouth it in debate with jill stein on democracy now.
it's a two-fer. they get to spread anti-russian propaganda to promote their much-hoped-for war with russia and they get to tarnish trump.
i ran across this today:
The Hawks’ Election Strategy: Pushing a New Cold War
Thanks for the link, Joe.
What I find truly creepy is all the posts Josh Marshall at TPM is putting out in his "investigative reports" trying to show yuuuge links between Putin and Trump.
I'd like to see him give a gander at the links between the Clinton Foundation and all sorts of shady foreign governments. But naaaah.
What a strange time we're living in.
Beat in the USA.
Losing Digby and Eschaton blog has been creepy too.
Suddenly — and contemporaneously with the TOP March 15 edict — both sites basically went dark on anything (including the Sanders campaign) the least bit critical of Hillary or the Dem establishment.
and what about my Facebook friends?
2 weeks ago they were all "Hillary is corrupt!" Now they're "Trump must be stopped! Hillary's close enough to Bernie for me!"
and also "don't be stupid!" and also "you're ridiculous" and also "you want Trump to nominate Supreme Court judges??"
That last one was shared by a friend of mine. I don't know the guy who wrote it but he was criticizing Jill Stein, the noted anti-vaxxer. Jill has said she doesn't think we should have a war hawk who is in favor of bombing children and working with the arms dealers and this guy (whoever he is) responded to that exact statement with "the f---?" and went into some cheap imitation of Lewis Black being angry, saying Jill wasn't responding to the real problems (to which I'd say "the f---?").
Too bad about this political season. It makes me think ....umm.... differently about some people. I'm sure they mean well but when a guy you thought was smart posts that Assange is a Russian agent you just have to want to back off that friendship a little.
Somebody I'd known for years unfriended me
because I don't want to vote for Clinton. At least now we know where we both stand
evening npk...
everytime i look at tpm, i can't believe that i used to read things there. it has been quite a while, though.
I was thinking something similar
It is more than just a talking point to divert attention, it is equally being used to drive up the big red scare and the boogey man Putin so we can get in a war with Russia. This is exactly why Hillary Clinton scares the hell out of me.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
evening gg...
i think that this is probably one of those confluences of events where the interests of the parties merge and the neocon rethugs decide that it is to their advantage to run their media spin machine in behalf of a democrat - and the democrats, delighted that their smear of trump is gaining traction jump in with both feet. most of these folks aren't real deep thinkers and aren't thinking that hillary and the neocons will use the momentum from the smear to gin up another war.
Why do we think it's "gaining traction"?
I think it really depends on where you live--it's not gaining traction in north Florida at all.
It's the first time in years that I've gotten on with my neighbors.
There's a lesson in there, folks.
Thanks for link to Bromwich
One of the best writers and observers. He doesn't write articles often, but when the does, the analysis and depth are incredible.
He may of course have marginalized himself with this article as the entire mainstream media including so-called liberal sites are running with the story.
I am afraid there is no stopping what Bromwich says:
Basically, the Russians replace the "Muslim terrorist threat" for Hillary Democrats. One thing I have seen is that no accusation against Putin is beyond reason. To justify aggression against Iran and Russia in Syria, I would not be surprised if Clinton accuses the Russians of aiding and abetting ISIS. The Polish minister of internal security accused the Russians in having a hand in the Paris terror attacks.
The dogs of war are a-stirring.
CNAS = PNAC rebranded
Wonder how many people will be fooled by ths shiny new wrapper?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Who would ever have thought
that the anti-Christ was a woman. Lol
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Oh, cool! The American people
Oh, cool! The American people are impatient to end their 'austerity'/corporate/billionaire-induced suffering with Mutual Assured Destruction and will vote for corporate/billionaire-baby Her Royal Coronation in droves to bring this on themselves!
Edit: do I need a snark label?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
No mention at convention of ISIS
Do ya think maybe TPB are afraid someone might make a connection to Syria, Libya, if anyone mentions ISIS. So now, Russia is more of a threat than ISIS. Jeez - I can't keep up.
Now, we aren't supposed to remember the "reset" button $hrillary gave to her Russian counterpart, thinking she was so clever, spelling it wrong...
Never been too scared of the Soviets - they're running out of money, except for the Real Oligarchs, damn, are they ever RICH - and Putin probably hasn't done anything much worse than the Good Ole CIA has done in their time. Feel more sorry for the Russian people, who truly are suffering, as are so many who happen to be in the sight of Obama's drones.
Haven't watched any of the convention - weak stomach. But if $hrillary is such a fantastic, brilliant, better than nutella nominee - WTF, why are Bernie & all so afraid of Trump?
The old right is pushing the Russia conspiracy too
George Will says Trump won't release his tax returns because he owes a ton of money to the Russian oligarchs.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Anyone wonder how much the PTB there have given to the CGF.
And how much of our debt is China holding.
Clintons always try to create fear - but nothing's as scary as they are!!!!!! Warmongers, expecially if it will fill their coffers with more money.
Frank Giustra gave the Clinton Foundation $30 million
in connection with that uranium deal. I don't know if President Nazarbayev gave any money to the Foundation but he did give Bill $500K for a speech. I wonder if he's charging the DNC that much for his speech tonight at the convention or if he's giving them a discount.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
CLinton sending out her whips
didn't want to start another essay -
Watch out CA Bernie delegates!!!!!
Hillary's private email server was hacked
Huma Abedin said that during her deposition to JW, but Comey tells us that while it may have been hacked, there is no proof it was.
They had to take the sever offline for a few days until they could upgrade the security.
So Hillary was responsible for classified information being hacked from an insecured server.
Plus, did the FBI even question Bluementhal who had stolen classified information from the NSA? And then Bluementhal sent that information to Hillary even though he didn't have security clearance to read it. Or why didn't the NSA take that knowledge to Comey?
Over at LOF, there's a diary stating that Russia rewrote the emails before they published them.
And they are only talking about the one that questions Bernie's religion, not mentioning the ones DWS sent to Chuck Todd.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I Miss Dennis
I wish he'd find a way to return to politics, but somehow I suspect the Democratic Party would give him the Bernie treatment.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Actually,I think a case could be made that Bernie got the Dennis
Dennis was ignored when he wasn't being mocked or derided. I am glad to say I sent him donations - a good guy and a real Democrat.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
One of his very few questions at an early debate
was if he would care to re-confirm his UFO sighting. That insightful bit of probing journalism was courtesy of the late Tim Russert.
I've always admired Kucinich and think he would be a great HUD Secretary or some other cabinet position when the 99% percent finally gets some candidates elected in a brand new Party or the re-vitalized Greens.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
this right here
Think about that! So ironic.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
pathetic on so many levels
Its amazing the horsemanure people will fall for. A lame apology for disrespectful language? gimme a break. No apologies, no admissions, but no denials either, of their blatant unethical disrespect to the whole concept of "democracy" and then they just smile and twist arms some more and wink at their media hack buddies and lie lie lie with this ridiculous Russia nonsense. And...fire but dont fire DWS, and carry on, we have an election to steal for heaven's sake!
How stupid do they think we are?
One thing I'd change
I'd point out that "Cold War themes" perfectly describe Hillary herself, along with her political career and any involvement with Russia. She seems to have never left behind the cold war. And currently, it looks like she and her campaign are trying to drag us back to that line of thinking on the national scale. Talk about dragging us back several decades.
If shes going to play the Cold War card
Then she needs to explain how her proxies got pwn3d by the bad guys. Isn't she supposed be the one with he experience and judgement to handle this sort of problem?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Hillary? Have to explain something?
That'd be a first.
Oh, given time she could, I'm
Oh, given time she could, I'm sure. Put the PR guys on it for suggestions, run them past the focus groups, see what goes over and how it polls, polish the best ones up with a cloth and 9/11 and thereafter shuffle through the top few explanations until people quit asking.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.