Subject: Re: VERY CONCERNED!!!!
I don't want her out there anymore. There is NOTHING GOOD THAT will come of this.
- TP
That was the 'circle the wagons' sentiment, expressed to the DNC inner circle, in a post-NV email:
From: Tracie Pough
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:44 PM
To: Miranda, Luis
Cc: Banfill, Ryan; Debbie Wasserman Schultz
And who is Tracie Pough?
None other than "Chief of Staff -- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL23)"
TP's concern for her boss' public appearances seem to be well-placed.
It was in response to DWS' post-cornoration defense [on CNN] of her own public 'dressing down' of Sanders -- for not taking a strong enough stance against 'his own violence-fomenting supporters' -- and as discussed in this internal debate over which 'Sanders-condemning' Press Release would:
... open DWS and the DNC up for more criticism.
(Even though on-the-scenes reports, told an entirely different non-violent story, about what really happened on the floor of the NV Caucus.)
Here is the CNN interview, critiqued by TheHill, which caused DWS Chief of Staff all the political consternation -- which seems to amount to concern about DWS' words themselves:
Dem party chief's response to 'throwing shade' remark? 'Hashtag SMH'
by Rebecca Savransky, -- May 18, 2016
Weaver earlier Wednesday slammed the Wasserman Schultz, saying she was disrespecting the Vermont senator's presidential campaign.“We could have a long conversation just about Debbie Wasserman Schultz and how she’s been throwing shade at the Sanders campaign since the very beginning,” Weaver said on CNN.
Wasserman Schultz, who represents Florida's 23rd Congressional District in the House, had said earlier that Sanders's response to the chaos at last weekend's Democratic convention in Nevada was unacceptable. She said the Sanders campaign didn't adequately condemn the violence from its supporters.
On Wednesday afternoon, Wasserman Schultz said the party needs to focus on getting through the primary and then working to prepare for the general election.
"And make sure that we can continue to draw the contrast between either one of our really fine candidates who are focused on helping people reach the middle class and make sure that we get equal pay for equal work and create jobs," she said.
[...]Wasserman Schultz said she is singularly focused on making sure a Democrat wins the White House and won't let anything else distract her.
And when another DNC-insider piled-on to the Tracie Pough, "VERY CONCERNED!!!!" email thread -- expounding on the words of Sen Jeff Merkley, to ask "Will Bernie Sanders burn it all down?"
TP felt compelled to clarify herself, and her initial remarks:
To be clear. I thought the CNN hot [sic hit?] was good. That's not why I'm very concerned.
- TP
NO. DWS' Chief of Staff's circle-the-wagons "concern" was:
I don't want her out there anymore. There is NOTHING GOOD THAT will come of this.
It seems that she was right about that one.
[FYI: The DNC-Emails cited were found by conducting this search. All I had to do, was click and read.]

As always,
Thanks for that, Jamess.
What a shitty operation that is the Democratic Party.
My anger knows no bounds, my FDR voting g'parents and parents are all rolling, perhaps ROILING in their graves.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
thanks on the cusp
I can only imagine what "dirt"
lies waiting to be un-earthed.
The above post took me about 30-minutes of searching and cross-checking,
and about another 30-minutes of composing.
Enjoy! ... or maybe not.
There's a lot
I have an old friend from high school who is a republican. I am respectful of her choices so I deal with the weird posts. She is kind of a geek and research is her profession. She had a dozen pretty interesting links to the wiki leaks so good face book had them blocked.
There were a couple about paying people to attack Bernie supporters on progressive blogs in an attempt to shut them down.
any chance ..
you could get those links posted here?
How lucky we have an Assange!
Good interview with him today. I think they've got another dose focusing on the foundation coming out this week.
Here are three clips of Julian.
16 min
3 min
5 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the links Lookout
When "public servants" talk about "fairness" and "transparency"
they ought to be held accountable to those same "self-serving" platitudes.
PS. I can't believe that DWS has already got a 'new gig' inside the Clinton Campaign machine !?!
What else do we need to know, about their glaring LACK of accountability?
Guess about hot: Hot mike?
They're tres slangy, ya know.
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