Behind Enemy Lines
[Cross-posted from WayoftheBern]
Back in high school, the father of a close friend worked for Billy Graham. He was close to all of us, played foosball with us, drove us to all the tournaments, and I played a lot of chess against him. He was like our Den Leader. I liked him a lot.
He was also a born again evangelical and would periodically try to 'convert' me, probably because I seemed the most open compared to the rest of the guys. I resisted, but he would press, saying I'm such a good and caring person and I was always eager to be there for others and open to help who and where I could, that he didn't understand why I wouldn't take that final step and "make it official."
And then it came to me. One day when he was pressing I looked at him and said, "When you work behind enemy lines you don't have the luxury of flying your flag." I told him that the people I deal with in my daily life would be less likely to hear my positive message if they thought it was from a place of religion and not just a general humanist thing. I needed to be seen and accepted as one of them (as I was) to have any hope of making an impact. I had no problem with the message Jesus was sending (raised Catholic, Agnostic now), but I wasn't comfortable putting deification ahead of (or in place of) the overall message.
Even back then I was all about somehow changing the world for the better, spreading the Good Word of love thy neighbor and turning the other cheek and Golden Rule and all that, but felt my best efforts in spreading this message would be to work from behind enemy lines, effect change from within.
And he got this, and never pushed again.
And as we get closer to the convention and Bernie's endorsement becomes a bigger deal again, here's where I see Bernie on this issue of "endorsing" Clinton. So many people in my social media feds are freaking out over Bernie's endorsement of Clinton, and I tell all of them "When you're working behind enemy lines you don't have the luxury of flying your flag." It's a tactical approach. One of many available, but the one we knew (should have known) he would be committed to by running for president as a Democrat.
Bernie is trying his best to effect change from within. It's a legitimate tactic. This requires he work behind enemy lines, and as such he doesn't have the luxury of flying his Fuck This Party flag. But that's his message nonetheless. "I'm one of you, now listen..."
Propelling our progressive agenda a big job, made more difficult by what's looking like the top of the ticket, and we'll need people on both the outside and the inside to create the kind of energy needed for the kind of momentum shift we're attempting to pull off.
Democrats are no more our enemy than certain Christians are to Christianity. It's those who have co-opted what it means to be a Democrat who are our enemy, and Bernie is employing an approach that puts him squarely behind enemy lines and in their faces.
It doesn't make him a sell-out, or the enemy. It shows he has honor and brains and a plan,and we need to have his back regardless of short term victories (or the lack thereof).

In general, within U.S. party politics
I believe that it is nearly impossible to make positive changes within the system. So many start out that way and are seduced by the power and further beaten into shape by the fund raising requirements to stay in office. Al Franken, for example, though not completely corrupted, has softened and become another establishment democrat. So much for his liars books now that he has endorsed Clinton.
I agree with you about Sanders. He is the exception and has been as he has been functioning under the flag of party independence throughout his career. Yes, he has affiliated with the dems, but I don't think he's changed his stripes.
He will continue as long as he is able in whatever capacity that he is able to push for socialistic values.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
It won't happen as a stand alone effort
But it has a chance from the ground up if it can motivate enough people to get involved and we have people fighting from both inside and outside.
I have a friend who ran for city council last cycle again our local Hillary - second generation legacy politician, scads of money and the party endorsement. And he trounced her from the millennial and new turnout coupled with people sick of Business as Usual. He also endorsed Hillary early on (and took a beating for it later) but he's been making the point that it's important to get in and start making the positive changes we want... need to see, and from there he's doing what he can to change the brand from the inside and encourages Sanders supporters to keep making as much noise as they can to keep the pressure on from the outside as he keeps fighting from the inside.
We're in a multi-fronted battle, and we can't cut lose those on the inside working to advance real progressive issues because they don't have the luxury of flying the flag. As we get more of them elected their influence can, and will, grow.
If we assume that the "system" will corrupt anyone and everyone - save for the rare example - who gets in we're admitting that all hope of successful change is lost.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Agree it won't be a stand alone effort
But how do we recognize the progressives inside, if they endorse Hillary and "don't have the luxury of flying the flag"? Don't they need to make the case that they are anti-establishment within the party? Seems to me they need to make the case that they are not party regulars and are bucking the establishment.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
That would depend on how they view the climb from the inside? If they fly the flag to soon helping hands on the inside could consider them disloyal and start to block their advancements. A meaningless endorsement (ala Bernie), if they're rock solid on issues could get them further up the ladder, and it becomes their strategic decision of when it's most advantageous to unfurl the flag.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I agree
The newest crop(s) must remain Sanders inspired...
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Pro Life Decisions For All
We are all entitled to make decisions about how we choose to live based on our informed conscience. I am accountable to ME! Nobody is the boss of me. I own the Pink Slip on ME free and clear.
I will make mistakes. I will do and say things that hurt other people. I am the one who pays the price for the mistakes I make. Others will do the same to me. That's life.
Bernie is choosing the path that Bernie believes will achieve the goals that Bernie has set for himself, as Bernie sees it.
So far he ain't doin' too fucking bad for 74 year old white guy.
Peace Out.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Seems to me that people's attitude towards
Bernie's endorsement is not really about him. I think it has more to do with the belief of whether or not it is possible to reform the Democratic Party from the inside, as I believe he is trying. It boils down to the conviction that the party is too corrupt and taken over by outside financial interests, and that the only way forward is to support a third party, in this case Jill Stein and the Green Party.
I personally come down on the side of the third party and will give all my financial and volunteer support to Jill. There will be plenty of time to support the Sanders Institute and Our Revolution once the dust settles in November.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
I personally come down on the
I get this completely. I know I can find a lot of good down-ticket races, but at the top I'd like to see at least one valid 3rd party option if for no other reason it makes it more difficult to run a campaign based on how less horrible you are than your opponent.
To this end I'd also like to see more organizations pushing for better election reforms including IRV or proportional voting. First past the post and winner take all don't serve democracy well.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
The AFL-CIO tried to reform the Dems from the inside.
This was at the height of their influence and membership and they failed - The AFL-CIO was used, abused, and busted by the neoliberals doing the paleocons work(in concert with them).
3rd Party may have an outside chance, in my opinion: Working from within has been tried by an organization more powerful and skilled at organizing and failed.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Except the enemy is
too deeply entrenched for Bernie to have any impact "behind enemy lines." What is needed now are torches and pitchforks. The time for subtle has passed, we need to be on the front line and loud.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Sanders is a man of his word.
He made an oath to support the Democratic nominee, that's what he is doing. We (those taking part in the same movement) will continue on with our promises and fight until there is change.
I like your story
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Sanders is giving legitimacy to a war criminal, someone
who has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Her and her husband are responsible for the deaths of millions. This isn't about being behind enemy lines, its consorting with the enemy.
In every war
we've relied on insiders to help the cause.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
And the more I
read these comments the more I think that the war must be fought on all fronts!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Yes, we HAVE to keep up the pressure from every angle.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
So sad that our side
became the enemy. I think it has to be an inside/outside approach to change.
I also think we have to work outside of politics - building communities, working on alternate power, gardening, collecting water, and so on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hard fight
Hard fight
he is up against entrenched and corrupt establishment types. we have seen how fast they tossed over half the progressive planks from the platform, especially the TPP one, so they will try and slip that one through on us, then even if they overturn CU and McKutcheon vs FEC, what will it matter when the corporats can take the US to court over fines for polluting/EPA regs/and taxes?
TPP = death of national sovereignty/laws.
The DNC have also excitedly gobbled that endorsement, with catch phrases like "He's with Her!" and used it for their propaganda. That is the downside to his strategy.
The upside would be a reformation of the Party, but I personally don't see the happy/fat/stupid elites getting the party back to that of the working peoples' party any time soon.
So long, and thanks for all the fish