YOU (me, we!) are having impact, folks! Delegate GoFundMe updates: Bryce in CA and Egberto Willies of TOP fame
Bryce in California is nearly there and someone named Susan Sarandon (really her? dunno!) just kicked in hard:
From Egberto Willies' gofundme:
Folks, we are almost there, near 3/4ths of the way to be exact. I want to thank all of you who have contributed and shared the 'gofundme' link. I also give special thanks to some DailyKOS expats who set up a Reddit, The Progressive Wing, and Caucus99Pecent that brought in many small donors on Sunday. I was pleasantly surprised and grateful when I got off the plane in Houston from Netroots Nation 2016 in St. Louis. You all are the bomb, and you let me know our fight for making things better is possible. Every so often I question my switch from software developer/entrepreneur/business person to political activism. Then it becomes evident that we have to have some who are willing to do it lest the ever long tentacles of our plutocracy devour us all. This weekend at Netroots I met many who have given up so much more. Again, thank you.
Who are you donating to? how are they doing?
(cross posted from reddit)
I'll be contributing ...
... to the general fund for this. These delegates want to go to the convention and they were elected to go, so I'm happy to help any way I can.
Beat in the USA.
there's a general fund?
i've not been aware of that. i haven't seen mentioned mentioned in any of the posts i've read here or K4S. i've only seen lists of delegates and their individual GoFundMe pages. i wouldn't know where to begin with that so i was hoping and wondering if there was a pool of money for donations. can you provide a link? i don't see that on Bernie's website. thanks.
Well when I previously contributed ...
... it was in response to a Bernie email, and I think it was a Bernie site. I'll try and find it.
(Edited): Ach, sorry, I was wrong. It was the progressive candidates Bernie was supporting that I contributed to. Guess I'd better start looking at GoFundMe pages. Argh.
Beat in the USA.
Found a great site.
You can just click on a state and then see who still needs money. The link here shows NY, which is my home state, so I contributed to one of the delegates who still needed help.
You can go to any state, this is a good resource.
Beat in the USA.
yes good list there, by state
I went and snooped around for my state, very interesting exercise (since I have no $ to give) to try to "vet" them, heh. I also looked at how far they are from their goal. If someone passed my smell test AND was not too far off from reaching their goal, thats who I'd try to send some coin to.
Like this guy (lives near Dallas) he's only a few hundred away from his goal, young guy too. Thats another +point.
having the same trouble
i tried that site yesterday. hard to know who to send $$$ to given that the CA delegates are asking anywhere from $2000 to $7000. that's a rather big span so i can't help but wonder how honest some of the delegates are to be asking for $5000 and up. maybe the ones asking for only $2000 are crashing on someone's couch? there was a comment on K4S pointing out that some of the delegates are elected officials that can very well afford their own costs. that's why i was wondering if there was a general pool to make a contribution.
additionally, the delegate list links for CA were not working yesterday and i had wanted to find out about if delegates from my district needed funding. i had to call the CA Democratic Party to find out about that and they explained that the links were temporarily inoperable because the delegate list is changing. people are dropping out and the alternates are being selected.
there has to be a better way. i just hate to see so many enthusiastic Bernie delegates not get to the convention for lack of money. it was the primary reason i didn't apply to be a delegate. i knew i couldn't afford the cost involved.
I keep bumping in
to Egberto at N.N. events so often that I know eventually we will work on some (radio) project together. Bumped into him several times in St. Louis, but for never more than 2, 3 minutes as he was always heading somewhere, and I had to man the radio dials. It was good to see him at the Daily Kos Caucus.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
sent a little to Egberto
I read him often at the old place, and glad he gave us a shout out. I will look to see who else I can help.