Lynch-Clinton Meeting in Phoenix
I am interested in the ongoing drama of Hillary Clinton’s email server while Secretary of State. Thus, Bill Clinton’s “accidental” meeting with Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport flight line interests me very much. So far the stone wall has held and no one can be sure of what was discussed during the meeting. Many of us doubt it was just a sharing of pictures of the grandchildren.
Bill Clinton is a bright, immoral, and devious lawyer in my view. From what I read, I’m not alone in that opinion. For this reason, I put "accidental" in quotation marks above. There was something other than friendly chatter going on in that meeting in Phoenix. But I don’t expect to learn what it was from Bill. How about Loretta? She is also a lawyer and in one of the highest official positions an attorney can fill. Therefore, no sensible person thinks she won’t know how to defend herself and evade and obfuscate cleverly as well as use every debating tactic that is taught in law school.
I have never been very good at explaining to myself let alone to others how I judge a person’s motivations or sincerity. We all do it daily. It’s just that some (many?) of us can’t describe with any detail how we make the judgements we do. A friend sent me a link to the website of a woman who makes a living determining how someone is actually feeling by analyzing their body language and, consequently, their probable mental state and motivation. Dr. Lillian Glass is her name and she has analyzed Bernie’s endorsement speech as well as an interview of Loretta Lynch about the meeting with Bill Clinton. I’ve linked to the Lynch analysis below:
Dr. Glass minutely analyzes Loretta Lynch’s spoken language and body language. The Doctor’s conclusion to the analysis is unequivocal: “What I have heard . . . during this interview in Aspen has been high anxiety, possible signals of deception, and a lot of spin and double talk in Lynch’s rhetoric.”
If Dr. Glass is right, and I see no reason to doubt her competence, we need to dig a whole lot further into this situation. The Senate Judiciary Committee looks as if it is going to do just that.

I have no doubt that she was "truthful" about what was said.
The problem, as is often the case is what was unsaid.
Bill: "Loretta so great to see you again! You are doing a heckuva impressive job as Attorney General! I was so wise to appoint you as US Attorney for Eastern NYC."
Loretta: "Thank you Mr President."
Bill: "How are the grand kids?......yada yada..."
(28 minutes later)
Bill: "Well, I've wasted plenty of your time talking about the grandkids. Gotta run."
Loretta: "It has been a pleasure, Mr. President."
Bill" "All mine....OH! Before I forget, Hillary wanted me to ask you if you would be open to continuing as Attorney General after her election?"
Loretta: "Mr. President! I am so flattered that she would consider me!"
Bill: "Loretta, you gotta know dear, there is no one we trust more than you to be Attorney General."
All of which is completely consistent with her statement. They did not discuss any pending cases. At all. In any way.
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Loretta: "Bill what a coincidence seeing you here on the tarmac"
Bill: "I know weird....small World, huh?"
Loretta: So what you been up to?
Bill: oh, babysitting the Grandkids, been getting into Canasta a little too.
Loretta: Oh I love Canasta.
..................... and so on...............
Bill: Well Loretta, I just thought that since my plane was on the tarmac, I'd wait a half hour for your plane to be on the tarmac too, because I really miss talking about grandkids with you, but I'll be moseying along now. So nice to bump into you again.
Beware the bullshit factories.
He's Amoral, not IMmoral
He never had a moral sense, has no idea of right and wrong, and will always do the expedient thing (or the thing he wants right now) rather than anything he "should" (or even "shouldn't") do.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Amoral or Immoral?
The definition I used is this:
usage: Immoral means ‘failing to adhere to moral standards.’ Amoral is a more neutral, impartial word meaning ‘without, or not concerned with, moral standards.’ An immoral person commits acts that violate society's moral norms. An amoral person has no understanding of these norms, or no sense of right and wrong. Amoral may also mean ‘not concerned with, or outside the scope of morality’ (following the pattern of apolitical, asexual). Amoral, then, may refer to a judicial ruling that is concerned only with narrow legal or financial issues. Whereas amoral may be simply descriptive, immoral is judgmental.
I go for immoral for two reasons: 1. He doesn't conform to moral standards because he knows what they are but doesn't care; 2. I'm not being neutral and and am downright judgmental where the Clinton's are concerned.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Here's the YouTube interview
It begins with thirteen minutes of dead nothing yet...
She is introduced as someone of absolute and unquestionable integrity.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Maybe Lynch can be convinced
Maybe Lynch can be convinced to do the right thing here, to make herself look better after this display of corruption? It's about time that the US Dept. of Justice actually protects the Constitutional rights of citizens, from ensuring that they can vote freely and easily to ensuring that they cannot be murdered with impunity by those they pay to serve and protect them. This won't stop until it is stopped.
Please consider signing, if you haven't yet?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
No, Lynch and Obama
are saving a sinking ship. The Obama administration is so dirty, so involved with Clinton corruption and the Foundation, they all have to act in lockstep-denial of plausibility mode or go down themselves. That's why Comey's hands are tied and the agents working on the email case were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. Believe me, if the Clintons are ever indicted, they'd bring down this government and those of many other countries as well. Like the Wall Street banks, the Clintons are too-big-to-fail.
And therefore too-big-to
And therefore too-big-to-exist. They must be down-sized, preferably to where those meriting it can fit in prison.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Why do I so like the sound of that?
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.