Donations to Jill Stein Explode Nearly 1000% Since Sanders’ Endorsement of Clinton
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 07/14/2016 - 1:42pm
To borrow a phrase from Dr. Stein the "politics of fear" don't appear to be working anymore.
Stein, who is running her second presidential campaign in four years, said donations to her campaign have increased tenfold in just over 24 hours, obviously due to Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton and a resulting fallout from the Democratic Party.
Since Tuesday morning, the Green Party has received over $80,000 in contributions, over half of which comes from first-time donors, and half of which comes in the form of contributions under $50. Tellingly, about 615 of those contributions totalled $27, the exact number commonly trumpeted and solicited by the Sanders campaign during his revolutionary grassroots funding movement.
“There’s been an explosion of Berners coming in through every portal of the campaign, and it’s really exciting,” Stein told US Uncut in a phone interview. “There is so much courage out there to stand up to the marching orders handed down by the usual suspects.”
Stein’s social media accounts have also seen tremendous growth and engagement in the past 24 hours. A recent livestream posted to the Stein campaign’s Facebook page has been viewed over 300,000 times in less than a day. Her page itself has added approximately 44,000 new likes in the past week. Her Twitter account has over 145,000 followers as of this writing, increasing by the tens of thousands just this week, with 5.6 million impressions on July 12-13 alone. There have also been 10,000 new signups for her email list since yesterday.
And according to web traffic ranking site Alexa, has been climbing steadily in popularity since January, with rapid monthly growth since March. The search term “Jill Stein” has also seen a hockey-stick increase on Google Trends since the endorsement:
The Green Party is on the ballot in 23 states so far, and is polling at 7% nationwide (three weeks ago).
Meanwhile, on the other side of the debate, Libertarians might shake things up.
Amid the historic lack of support for both major party candidates, third party Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson might have a rare opportunity to be included in the general election debates.
This news comes as new national polls have Johnson at a whopping 12 percent, just three points away from the required 15 percent needed to be placed on the national debate stage.
A Morning Consult poll of more than 2,000 registered voters show that a large portion of voters would back Johnson. Notably, the poll did not include Green Party candidate Jill Stein, so we do not know yet how many voters side with the more progressive candidate.
This is bad news for Hillary.
Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein together drew backing from 16% of the 1,000 people surveyed. When voters had the option of choosing the third-party candidates, Mrs. Clinton’s lead over Mr. Trump dropped from 5 percentage points to 1 point.

we need more voices in the debates beyond...
...just the Democratic and Republican parties. the electorate needs to hear more and have more choices. i'm willing to even allow the Libertarian in there if Stein could also be on the stage.
I don't agree with the Libertarians,
but they have a right to be heard. And voters have the right to hear all the options.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Meanwhile Clinton's lead shrinks some more
Didn't look carefully, so could be wrong, but
did wonder over to TOP to see if there was any honest diary up about the new polling, and didn't see one.
I did notice however that their "recommended" list still had stuff from yesterday. So does that mean they've slowed down quite a bit?
Nor will you see one
Hillary sinking in the post-FBI report polls is not something anyone there would rec.
What would Bernie want?
Bernie always said that it was about us. It's our job to keep the revolution going. The important question now is not what Bernie did, but what will we do?
If we back Jill and she moves into respectable percentage points, we exert power and keep alive issues that brought us to Bernie. We say to our fellow electorate that Bernie's principles stand by themselves. Any you know what, if we lead Bernie will follow when this mess of an election is over. Elizabeth Warren might also follow, maybe.
If we follow Bernie into that hellhole then we have nothing. We can't even talk about the issues that brought us together. We have lots of ideas that we need to develop to lead the country to the Progressive Left. How do you structure a country where we all enjoy FDR's second bill of Rights?
I am one of those people that gave to Jill's 1000% increase in donations. Bernie had a massive firehose of a cash stream, that I think he was hesitant to really direct at Her Majesty Queen Hillary (HMQH). On the other hand, I see Jill willing to tell it like it is. I think that given a better chance to elect, it was worth it to support Bernie. but now Jill represents an opportunity to remain true to our principles and to make a big statement and to nurture our movement. I have to believe that is what the real Bernie would want us to do.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Bernie would
want us to call him names like sell out and stuff.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Bernie had some problems.
The facts are cherry-picked in this piece. But Bernie had a political revolution, and it would have been nice had he believed in it.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Bernies brand is honesty
He has to do what he said he would do.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Rules are rules
Like when Obama said healthcare for all is now off the table. And campaign rhetoric is the get out of promise card Hillary has in her wallet.
Reminds me a teenage/frat type game. When the lights go on at the sound of the first person yelling "yahoo" Bernie is the only one in the room with his clothes off holding the prize.
Funny I was knee deep in the campaign in NY
Never heard of Bill Fletcher, in fact hes not listed
AS far as integrating voter contacts, I had a database team set up by Sept 2015. When staffers showed up instate, I simply had my database team enter the our voter contact results info into the Votebuilder database.
Heres a news report with vid shot during our NY Votebuilder database training.
Oh yeah and as far as the un named (Emmanuel with a fragile ego) Sanders dude.... hes full of shit, because I built a voter database with phone numbers for the entire state of NY. It takes 20 seconds to train someone to integrate a secondary database in the campaign database. So if someone had problems with entering their voter contact results, they never came to me for help.
Yeah... Every voters address, age, gender, date of registration and phone numbers for about 57% of those voters.
People for Bernie is a twitter handle a Public School teacher uses. She would interrupt official campaign events run by staff to push her own agenda. She even tried that at 2 of my events, one time in front of 96 people, she got shut down.
The fact is we were given unprecedented access to next generation tools, access to sanders volunteer lists etc.
What else ya got?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
He's dedicated the bulk of his life to what he believes in
Though I'm as bummed as millions of other Berners, I won't label Bernie Sanders a traitor or sellout. I doubt we'll ever know all his reasons, but he hasn't conceded, and he'll continue to work for major change on the justice fronts that have always been his focus. The man has walked the talk his entire adult life.
He never suggested that any of us should limit the political revolution--which IS about us, not him--to the Democratic Party. He's free to try to make changes from within that corrupt structure. He, of all people, will understand why millions gave up on the Ds long ago or (like me) will dump them now.
I will always be grateful to him for taking on the Clintons when they intimidated everyone else away early on. (Imagine this election if Clinton had run unopposed.) I'll be grateful to him for ripping back the curtain for so many who didn't understand how the rigged system works and now do. I'll be grateful to him for energizing an entire generation, the one we left holding the bag on climate change and crippled with student debt and whose career opportunities we shut down and shipped overseas. Too many people, not enough jobs that they're needed to do.
He's a good man. He's gonna do what he feels he must, and I'd be surprised if he doesn't expect each of us to do the same, knowing that will include other paths toward a better future.
You might find this short video interesting; I did:
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Re: firehose of cash
I wonder if he will give it to Hillary like McCain gave all his campaign cash to W in 2000. Will she demand it?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
What would Bernie do?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Brother Cornel goes Green
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
As usual, Dr. West
has a way of getting right to the point:
Its amazing that so many of the supposed "liberals" out there can't see this.
Thank you for sharing this link Lookout, I would have missed it.
So-called liberals
I think I'll start labeling them "self-styled liberals," since there's nothing about most of them except their fealty to favored Democratic wedge issue panders. Democrats are worse at delivering on those wedge issue promises than Republicans are on theirs, but the suckers who fall for it every time simply will not hear that they're being suckered. They're like slot machine addicts at the local casino, convinced that the big score is just one or two more quarters away.
Please help support caucus99percent!
I like "self-proclaimed" liberals
with all the subtle disdain that implies - a la "self-proclaimed" islamic state.
Some article
The other day used "Vichy left"
A place to hang our hats
Despite what corrupter-in-chief Bill Clinton said about progressives having no place to go but the Democratic party, the Greens are a place to hang our hats and grow progressivism. Riding on the Clinton train is a ticket to No-where-ville.
Voters always have another place to go: away
The catastrophic declines in market share Democrats have seen, along with their near-habitual cataclysmic midterm losses, should have taught them this lesson. But they refuse to learn it. Maybe if we all start voting Green instead of not voting, we'll finally get their attention. I'd be happy to earn the fury of Hillariacs if she loses to Trump while Jill Stein gets a nice fraction of the vote. They'd go into Nadergasms of hate -- it would be most amusing.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Nadergasms...teehehe (n/t)
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
I am a wee bit confused
I keep reading about how Jill's funding has exploded and how she is now one of the most searched names on the inner tubes AND how the private meeting between HRC and the senate dems was fraught with growing concern about her stagnant poll numbers....
And then I read (on the GOS) that the HRC/sen-dems meeting was a virtual LOVEFEST (direct quote)
And I think to myself... Hmmmm
Orwell was an optimist
C'mon, are you actually questioning that bastion of even-handed reporting, The Orange Satan? You seem to be suggesting that they might be shading into the teensiest bit of pro-HRC propaganda! Certainly they would never do such a thing! That's crazy talk!
Of course, maybe we all NEED that pro-HRC propaganda. Otherwise we may succumb to all this Left-wing brainwashing that's causing us to reach for our wallets to send money to this Stein person, or even down-ticket Berniecrats! Oh, won't someone help me? The Leftist mind-control may part me from my $27!
BTW, @dallasdoc: "Nadergasms"! Brilliant!
"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all."
- John Maynard Keynes