
You don't ignite a political revolution by surrendering and kissing the ring.

You don't disrupt the status quo by disarming.

Congrats, Bernie. You've appeased the people who mocked you and lied about you. The civil rights "hero" who lied about your history as an activist, the politicians who said you didn't care about immigrants, the disgraced former congressman who attacked your credentials so his wife could get a job in the White House, they are all laughing at you right now and congratulating themselves on putting down this revolt. The people who conspired to hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton can't wait to get their hands on your email list.

You've decided to appease the party that not only fought you and mocked you, but also actively worked against the very policies that you advocated. Wall Street, the Israel First lobby, the defense contractors, they all get their candidate and their neoliberal goodies. And we got what? A platform with no teeth. A meaningless piece of paper that will be forgotten as soon as the convention ends.

You may be satisfied with a symbolic victory. I am not.


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WaterLily's picture

This revolution was never about Bernie. It's about us.

I don't know what you expected him to accomplish all by himself. He ignited a fire that we must keep aflame. We don't have to vote for Hillary; I'm not. We do have to remain focused on 2018 now, and how we can really change this fucked up system we live under.

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lunachickie's picture

It's real simple, folks:

We don't have to vote for Hillary; I'm not. We do have to remain focused on 2018 now, and how we can really change this fucked up system we live under.

Jesus Christ on a hot tin roof, he's ONE GUY.

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That's politics. It's up to us to overcome our own aversion to politics if we're going to get the revolution we need, which is nothing more or less than the restoration of representative government. Right now, Congress and the White House feel free to regularly oppose policies supported by over 90 percent of Americans. This is the result of gerrymandering, election fraud and "lesser evil" candidates. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Voting only gives them an air of credibility.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

to vote for that woman after he's helped expose her and her Democratic party shills for the corrupt pieces of shit they are? I answered some email from him, doubt he ever sees it, asking that very question. Are we just supposed to pretend we don't see it then? Just ignore a primary that was pretty much blatantly stolen, ignore her emails and servers and pay for play, ignore her war mongering and pretend all is good in Murka today? My God, I'm sorry, but I am pissed today beyond measure. Yes, I know that makes me terribly naïve and childish, but there it fucking is, so what, shoot me now please.

Yeah, its about us alright, and we are on our own. I'm really beginning to think the only way out IS violence, but then they're fully prepared for that too. We are toast. Shillary will NOT honor her pledges on that platform, and she'll be very, very busy working to corrupt any supposed "clean" Dems we try to elect!! I know I should not be shocked, I know it but damn, I can't help it today.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

WaterLily's picture

No. We're not just supposed to pretend.

Bernie has been the first to say he can't tell his supporters what to do in November. Nor did he, in his speech, today. He's smart enough to know that we're smart enough to know that everything he exposed was true. He's also smart enough to know that the actions he took mean that no one can credulously accuse him for an HRC loss in November. They'll try; oh, they will try. But that result is now all on her.

Regardless of what the real back story is behind this endorsement, I'm 100 percent comfortable not voting for that corrupt lying liar harpie. Bernie showed me that path.

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as George Carlin once said. We fight on. And we fight on knowing that we have put the lie to the notion that big corporate money is necessary for an election. We also saw a good chunk of the Republican party reject business as usual in their primaries. I think people are getting fed up and realizing that they are not alone in feeling that way. We've made some tangible gains, and I think we can build on them.

And when you are feeling down remember: it took the Republicans from Goldwater to Reagan to enact their revolution. (I also have the sneaking suspicion that Clinton is playing the role of this age's Nixon.)

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People can believe what they want but the fact that he didn't wait until the convention is very disappointing Its kind of like the captain leaving the ship as it sinks.

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lunachickie's picture

they are calling the shots here, not Sanders.

They can strip him of all those delegates and bar him from the convention if he did not do their bidding. Did you *want* him to go out like that? No? Well, now you know why he said what he said. Looks to me like he pumped up a life preserver for himself, because you know damn well the DNC insisted on this "endorsement".

Which means as much as a bucket of warm spit to most of us. Well, unless we're all quitting....

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