Video Replay - Sanders / Clinton Rally in Portsmouth, NH
Update: Rally took place at 11AM US East. Bernie's speech starts at 38 minute mark into the video.
Since no one else has put has put up a thread for this rally, I guess I've gotta do it. You bunch of Slackers. Hahhaha.
I hope they don't skip Bernie's "endorsement" IF it happens cause I really want to hear the phrasing. What is ole Bernie up to that sly silver fox?
Mount your Unicorns people. We're going for a ride. Hahahaha.
Edit: I should disclose, I will never vote for Hellery or Trump. No matter what Bernie has to say today.
Pay close attention to Bernie hand gestures and body language. Remember he is being held captive.
"Bernie or Bust" Many Sanders supporters say they won't be happy if he endorses Clinton. #Wbz
— Anna Meiler (@AnnaMeiler) July 12, 2016
Uh oh. Might be a Booing in store for Hellery on her big day.
Official banners and merchandising are for Hillary Clinton but 80% of the people is wearing #BernieSanders shirts.
— Lorena de la Cuesta (@LorenadlaCuesta) July 12, 2016

Trump isn't going to win.
I don't even know if he'll be nominated.
I gather that Sanders has figured out what the rest of us now understand -- that if they can cheat him of a nomination he duly earned, through some rather sloppy and glaringly obvious election fraud, and if they can then make him endorse the entity responsible for the cheating -- even before the convention -- then democracy is dead and we're in for a nice cozy period of strengthening dictatorship. Like I said, it's really amazing in this regard that Sanders thinks he's got something to lose. It's got to be his health plan or something like that.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
and why would the population accept that democracy is dead?
If Trump doesn't get nominated, great, one loose cannon less to lose your mind over. It would be easy for any Republican candidate, who has been less vocal in the past, to win over Hillary making a swing from the left. Nobody still wants to hear the "terror" mongering and millions of people would be glad to see less Americans in uniform around the world. I don't believe that the resistance against US foreign policies will not come out in the future. It might be even more easy to convince Republican voters if they had a more "reasonable and modest" candidate. I can't believe that the majority of "little people Republicans" feel so different about SS, health insurance issues, job programs. So far the "capitalistic business model" hasn't been that great to their little people either. It's just a matter for a moderate Republican to find "the right tone" to convince the average Johnny to vote for them again. At the same time they will hammer Hillary Clinton with all that stuff she could be rightfully hammered with. I believe it's possible for the Republicans to win at this point, no matter who is their candidate.
Can't believe it myself, it's so tragic.
Possibly, but most of us also thought he would never last
the first couple of states in the contest.
I think you may possibly be underestimating not Trump so much as the complete and utter disgust of the status quo.
Honestly I don't see the Republicans contesting the convention barring Trump himself being charged criminally for some offense. In that respect they are smarter than the Democratic Party in that they know it would completely fracture them.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The Republicans have never cared about "unity"
in the same butt-kissing way the Democrats care about "unity." Important fractions of the Republican elite have already gone over to Clinton. People in the middle are already starting to panic at Donald Trump's lack of a campaign and his political positions, many of which are either too scary or to the left of Clinton's. There will be an attempt to contest Trump's nomination at the Republican convention. Whether it will succeed or not is anyone's guess.
But perhaps not. Establishment Republicans have made themselves really disreputable these days. People don't like them, and for good reason. They have been cozying up to religious nuts, gun nuts, and libertarian wankers, all shrinking constituencies and all irrelevant to the despair felt by the American working class today, and this is all they can find to disguise their neoliberal, narcissistic elite agenda. In this regard Clinton really lucked out today; with Sanders' endorsement she now has another facade to plaster-over her Goldwater Girl essence.
As for "disgust," people didn't like Bush Junior either. Not that it did them any good when Al Gore failed to contest the nonsense of Florida in November of 2000, or when John Kerry failed to contest the nonsense of Ohio in November of 2004. Rigged elections are about to become the new normal in the US, in the way they've become the new normal in Mexico. The "winner" becomes the individual with the biggest syndicate, and the election fraud in the Dem primaries this year should give you an idea of the extent of the Clinton syndicate already.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Cass, not sure if you're 'joking' about the health plan, but
the fact of the matter is our Senators and Congresspersons, and members of SCOTUS do have a single-payer type plan available to them. (Aside from access to the Health Exchanges.)
There are no co-pays, or deductibles. And no paperwork or claims to file.
Bernie told C-Span's Steve Scully in an interview that he planned to run for Senate again, if I'm not mistaken.
Someone posted the video here, about two weeks ago. Don't remember who it was. Maybe they can steer folks to the video.
Anyhoo, maybe health care is a consideration. It could be pretty hard to leave that kind of benefit behind.
(BTW, we 'regular' federal employees/retirees do NOT/never did have access to that health care system. Only to the FEHB in the past, and I suppose for folks today, to the ACA Health Exchanges.)
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I think a lot of money can be made
by betting on Kasich to walk out of the Republican convention with the nomination.
Beware the bullshit factories.
And that would not be an unreasonable bet, IMO
where can I get in on that, LOL! I've been saying it for awhile. The poor bastards don't know what's about to hit them...
his health plan? None of us has any idea what is going on. All of this shit is new ground for a lot of us.
But, that said, yes:
And when they strip the GOP side and get rid of Trump, then you can really stick us with a fork. IMO, they won't even have to do that much, it looks to me like the ground is being laid for Trump to "quit" already (seen in a number of trial balloons the other day, if you're interested, I'll find a link).
So here we have another demoralizing Thing about to happen, this time to the voters on the Right. Is anyone seeing a pattern here, yet? The ol' knife stuck in the hearts of anyone still believing we had a Democracy trick, where a whole bunch more of us just Quit the System.
Well, if we're going to all that trouble, then it's time to sign off the interwebs, too, because what's the damn point? Might as well not make myself a target to those who will no doubt start disappearing dissenters (cough)...
Solidarity is a great defense against dictatorship.
We need not be dupes, even if our votes are of no consequence.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I'd watch it except I can't stand listening to Hillary
And now it's become hard to listen to Bernie too. I wish Jill Stein was giving a rally now.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I think there should be a whole series of internet debates
between Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. Maybe bloggers could sponsor 1 or 2. We should try to make Stein vs Johnson the real discussion.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I bet TYT will probably be trying to do so.
I know they are already planning a debate on LEV in the near future (Although I am about 4 episodes behind right now, so they may have even announced it already) that I am really looking forward to viewing and live blogging.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Sad, disgusted but not surprised.
Just ordered my Jill Stein bumper sticker, yard sign & button. If Jill isn't on the Missouri ballot in November, hell, I'll write Bernie AND Jill in. Probably won't matter either way. I just know I'm done voting for Dems who don't have a clue what it means to give a damn about the 99% by actually FIGHTING the evil Empire.
Just watched a bit with the sound off
Hillary looks so fake pretending not to be reading pre-processed, homogenized words from a teleprompter.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I'm sorry, but how on earth does he expect
those who've supported him all through this to keep on fighting when we see what that got us? Sure, I'm depressed as hell today and pissed off too, and maybe I'm an outlier but I wonder. How many of the young who busted their asses for Bernie are going to be willing to go on and fight when they see what that comes to? Personally, I LIKE to hope that TPTB see how bad things are and are going to be willing to at least "mitigate" them, but that's pretty godamned naïve today, don't you think? It no longer matters if we even protest unless we can significantly outnumber them, and even then they have weapons that can mow us down by the thousands if they wanted to.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
This is far from over ...
Bernie endorsing HiRC is only a set back for our movement
if we follow him into the graveyard of the Democratic Party let it die there.
Our revolution continues....
Hell Yeah!! Revolution Phase I Completed.
Revolution Phase I - Awareness - Completed. Thank you Bernie could not have done it without you.
Revolution Phase II - Action
- DemExit, change party affiliation, goodbye Dems
- Support Green Party (my choice anyway, your 3rd party selection may vary)
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Send a clear message to the DNC
My goal is to STOP HILLARY and I will vote for the candidate
that can do this.
Et Tu