Obama and TPP, a Little Over the Top
Submitted by NinoTheMindBender on Tue, 07/12/2016 - 2:48am
So what if, instead of the TPP, Obama was supporting, say, child pornography, would you still have people saying: "We have to support this, Obama is the leader of the democratic party", or "We have to support him in order not to embarrass him", or any of the other dumbass lines about why people in the democratic party shouldn't oppose the TPP? A bad idea is a bad idea whether the president is a lame duck or not. As much turmoil as it will cause most Americans (and other nationalities as well), screw it, I hope it embarrasses the hell out of him. Don't support destructive legislation next time.

Lame Duck session
In addition to TPP, Obama's terrible choice for the Supreme Court will probably be confirmed. This corporate judge was, is?, Orrin Hatch's choice to replace Scalia. There probably will be a truck load of others bills passed that are against the wishes of Americans, as expressed in polls. Obama will have a nice laugh about all this on some exclusive golf courses with his high finance buddies in the years to come.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
One of the reasons that things like this pass
is because Americans have been taught that it's perfectly fine to not understand the world around them. Then whenever you try to explain them why this is bad, it requires more time to explain then they will give you.
So they have no idea really. They just go on their way, and live lies of perpetual confusion.
Many people are inured to the fact that the odds are against
them and get tired of beating their heads against a brick wall. Then there are those who think the system is fine and that the failing is their fault.
Fortunately, it only takes a committed small minority willing to struggle day after day to affect change if a crisis emerges and the majority are shaken from their torpor.
But: "The good guys lose and the bad guys win; that's why you're looking out and I'm looking in"...The Kinks
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Sadly, from the evidence I've seen at various Dem blogs,
...the answer is an ugly "yes."
And let us not forget that TPP, in order to get fast track, had to have Obama basically give his okey-doke to slavery.
So, like I said, yeah.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
That is how partisans like this are known to those of us who grew up in rural Washington. Willingly follow their leader off a cliff to their death without question.
I have yet to vote a straight democratic ticket and I have been voting for 30 years now.
In my county our rep. is a republican very down to earth, no nonsense, Tom McCall type republican. Supports small business, schools, many environmental causes, and a minamum wage that covers living expenses. voted against a new bridge because it was being built without thought to upriver companies that barge their product down river, without thought to the airport or the fact we have a bridge that is light rail ready complete with a giant parking lot and without thought to what was actually causing backups on the freeway.
The bridge was designed to be a monument rather than functional with eight lanes either way when less than 5 miles down the road it narrows to two in an area that would be hard to widen.
Supports a third bridge to the west funneling off to the port and downtown area of Portland.
Democrats support the new bridge, tolling both bridges which would require a constitutional amendment in both states that would not benefit the citizens but allow them to toll paid for bridges.
She gets lots of votes 70% last time in an area that is 30% republican partisan. Balance is a good thing the voters are strapped yet her democratic opponent thinks we should tax food.