Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Talks for Possible Endorsement Next Week
Bernie Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns are in talks about a possible event at which Sanders would endorse Clinton, ABC News has confirmed, according to sources close to his campaign.
Sanders confirmed the discussions during an interview Wednesday night on MSNBC.
"I think at the end of the day, there is going to be a coming together, and we're going to go forward together and not only defeat Trump, but defeat him badly," he said.
MSNBC's Chris Hayes then asked, "You're not denying the report that there are talks about a possible endorsement?"
Sanders replied: "That's correct."
No. Just NO. Not after all the lies, cheating, name calling, the attempts to make him look bad, calling into question his civil rights work, his honesty, his wife's honesty.
I've been watching this Kabuki dance between the two parties for decades now. We are sitting watching our rights, liberties, and government being taken from us by the elites in this country with the help of pay-for-play political whores. Now it looks like Sanders is going to endorse another politician who's record for lies and corruption are well documented and who with her hubby, Slick Willie, helped put us in the disastrous place we're in today. We could never have gotten here without them. Both.
I KNOW what he said at the beginning of his primary run, that he'd support the 'Democratic' candidate. But that was BEFORE they showed the country what a foul bunch of liars and cheats they are. We actually watched the Clinton camp, the Obama Administration, the FBI. and the media circus rig this primary, and we watched Clinton skate for something the head of the FBI stated anyone else would be in big trouble doing. For the rich and corrupt, the payoffs never end. And fas or us, we get the privilege of paying to bills, providing the low-paid labor, and fighting in their wars.
There's always somebody going to fight for us. Until they don't. I know, Bernie's got a day job to protect. But his endorsement will destroy the faith of many new and young people he brought to the election. Many will see his endorsement as acceptance of the same old way of doing business. And some will become Clinton supporters because 'Bernie is going to vote for her'. And some, will finally get tired of all these promises to help us 'take back our country' . (Thanks Obama for all that Transparency and Hopey/Changey.) It's business as usual. I wonder, what did Sanders expect? Did he think he could just walk away? He's being treated like shit by the Senate 'Democratic' quislings already. That was inevitable. He will pay dearly for his run regardless of what he does, so why not strike back at those who destroyed his campaign and our chance of a clean, grifter-free presidency?
We don't have a lot of time left to save our country. Or save our planet for that matter. And the Clinton creature doesn't give a damn about any of that. And she cannot be trusted. He needs to go with the Greens and run on or support their ticket.

There is no revolution
Everybody here talks constantly about a revolution, but without a leader, a great plan, organization, effort, money, savvy, name recognition, and will, nothing happens. Will and a leader can move mountains, but a wishy-washy, slogan-mouthing leader who gives up when a viable option exists (Greens right now) isn't really a leader.
Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
Disappointing. Yet another failed "leader".
I don't see you volunteering for the role n/t