Four Dallas Cops Killed In Ambush
Submitted by Meteor Man on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 3:28am
Four police officers were fatally shot and seven wounded by snipers who targeted them during rallies in Dallas to protest against the fatal police shooting of two black men this week, one of the worst shootings of its kind in recent U.S. history.
The proverbial shit has hit the fan.
Skid Row Update:
Officer Martinez, the LAPD cop who executed Africa,, is now a Training Officer at the Skid Row Central Division. FUCK the LAPD!

Sysyem Failures In Dallas
Hat tip to Buzzfeed.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Huff Post
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Yahoo headline news also has death toll now at five
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Top story in NYT as well.
How not ironic for this to happen in Dallas. There will be more. It's only July.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Agree, in Dallas
JFK said it best:
"Those who would make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Is anyone else not surprised. Sorry it had to come to this, but it HAD to come to this.
ENOUGH has been way, way, way, Sandra Bland, too much.
Where is OUR memorial Wall - or do we have to wait until there are 55,000 ( documented! we know we've passed that number in our lifetimes) as in Viet Nam Memorial.
What a disgusting comment
"it had to come to this"? You son of a bitch. 5 cops murdered and you see that as a necessary outcome? 19 people agree with this? Take that mentality and go join some jihadist group.
The execution of police officers is every bit as reprehensible as that of the killing unarmed people posing no danger by police. Both should be dealt with in the same manner.
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
take another look at "it had to come to this"
you interpret that as someone saying it's a good thing. I read it as logically it's what was going to happen.
It's very comparable to this "Muslim terrorism" we hear about. It's going to happen that people who are pushed, threatened, have their own killed, will try to take matters into their own hands and fight back.
I don't see the logical connection between taking isolated incidents of police killing innocent civilians as sufficient evidence of a white conspiracy to oppress and kill blacks such that indiscriminate killing of cops becomes justifiable or, as you seem to suggest, inevitable.
And I'm sorry but I don't see the Taliban or ISIS or any other radical islamic terror group (no need for quotes there you notice) as freedom fighters struggling against an unjust colonial oppressor. Tell that to the Kurds, or the Yazidis, or fuck the Shiite and Sunnis who are being butchered. Are they colonial occupiers as well? Bush's fucked up war left a power vacuum that certain ideological groups, endemic to the region, filled.
What a Mess
Of course the media is going to go crazy and look for some to start recommending rounding up all black people and putting them in camps.
I will say at the outset, these murderers in Dallas should be found, investigated and sent to prison if and when found guilty. Let me also say this, these actions are directly caused by police brutality and the unwillingness of the criminal justice system to even send them to trial let alone jail.
Imagine this is you will, government officials roaming the streets of middle and upper class white neighborhoods randomly assassinating men, woman and children with no accountability and no punishment for their actions, these types of sniper events would have started a long time ago.
"Imagine this is you will, government officials roaming the streets of middle and upper class white neighborhoods randomly assassinating men, woman and children with no accountability and no punishment for their actions, these types of sniper events would have started a long time ago."
And, stopping those same people driving ( or being driven) in cars with broken tail light, and THEN shooting them.
suspect killed, therefore motivations unknown
I am such a cynic nowadays that I don't believe for one minute that the sniper's purpose was to retaliate against police brutality. I think that this -- just like the murderous actions of other state agents, including the police -- is terrorism. The goal is to frighten people into being compliant, giving up what remains of our civil liberties, and to excuse or permit widespread repression, subjugation, and incarceration.
The timing, immediately after the deaths of two such "sympathetic" (to white people) black victims of police violence, is completely fishy to me. This attack will be used to clamp down harder on black people and other POC, once again completely disregarding the daily killings at the hands of police and jailers.
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
I think it's a distinct possibility
This could easily be an attack on all Americans, instead of what it is being spun as.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Damn, when I made this post yesterday I didn't think a few hours
later that it would actually come to pass.
I think this may be one of the first big cracks in the social structure and we will be seeing more and more of these types of actions committed by desperate people enraged with the injustice and unfairness of their lot in life and pushed to the point of irrational, violent action.
If we don't do something soon it's only gonna get worse, but unfortunately until some of the 1% start falling victims to these attacks, or their paid henchmen at least, little will change.
The elites see cops as just as replaceable of a commodity as the rest of us, so killing them like this isn't likely to achieve the change they were probably hoping for, but maybe, just maybe it may make some of these departments start seriously considering REAL community policing efforts rather than the Jack booted door kickers so many have become.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Well said Alphalop
I was with my 18 YO son this morning, and shared the ugly news of this shooting. His response was personal, and powerful... I will not share it here. I told him that foreign jihadi's are a result of our military oppression on a global scale, and they are very willing to kill any American, because they have seen nothing in their lives EXCEPT our oppression, our wars, and the poverty WE are causing them and their families...for generations. We shared the common feeling that this is an act in response to the same type of hopelessness, frustration and privation the global elite have imposed, even in our own cities here in the US. Maybe it is "terrorism"... for the same type of oppression the Arabic jihadis feel every day... only difference is the location of the oppressors, and the oppressed
I agree that there are a lot of parallels that could be drawn
between the two.
There are major differences as well but a lot of the underlying "triggers" that cause these types of actions are indeed based on similar reactions to what is becoming an untenable existence for many.
If you see your people killed by drones at a wedding or by cops out front of a convenience store there is always going to be a segment of the population that will retaliate against such injustices with violence.
I see these types of incidents not only not decreasing, but increasing, in the immediate future.
(edited to remove one word that messed up a sentence.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The anarchists are appearing.
From what I have gleaned (things can change w/more camera phone footage), this was a peaceful protest with a massive (excessive?) police presence that was calm. Transit cops? Then the snipers. And now fuzzy: 2? 4? Two snipers shot? Are they dead?
I hope more shit does not hit the fan in the next 24 hours, before there is a full storyline (not credible) on this ambush. Too bad for BLM.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Re peaceful protests; Clinton's comment was interesting.
"I mourn for the officers shot while doing their sacred duty to protect peaceful protesters...". Excuse me? Since when is being a cop a "sacred duty"? Sacred for who, worshippers of Thanatos? And "protect peaceful protesters"? What a revolting joke. While there are occasional examples of police actually protecting people, the police presence at protests seems to mainly be for the purpose of intimidating and assaulting protesters.
She worships the Sacred Cow on Wall Street
The cops are just there to protect the elite 1% while they intimidate and murder our loved with with sacred immunity.
Sacred Duty...
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Plumbers have a sacred duty
to keep the porcelin throne operable. Cops get paid to show up and eat do-nuts. No crocodile tears from this homey.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Do you have any evidence the snipers were anarchists?
You may not realize it, but you're perpetrating a bigoted slur against honest Anarchists dating back to the Haymarket Affair of May 4, 1886. During that gathering of Anarchistic labor activists demonstrating for an eight-hour workday, a bomb was thrown which killed seven cops and at least four civilians. The police authorities blamed the Anarchists, of course; but it is actually more likely that the bomb was constructed and thrown by agents provocateur working for either the industrial bosses or the police themselves. In fact, one of the Anarchists, the leader August Spies, actually refused to appear or speak at the demonstration unless even the mere mention or suggestion of violence was carefully purged from all promotional materials for the demonstration:
left: "before", right "after" Spies' objection
Assuming the violent ones are Anarchists is no less bigoted than using the "N-word" to describe Black Lives Matter. Please don't do it. Thank You!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I used that term loosely, those that revolt against
current conditions. I did not mean to slur. Given the "facts" now, we are told it was one (black) ex-military who will be shown to have had sniper training or something. I take all reports with about a bag of salt for salt potatoes. I'm burned out.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Say What?
I do not think this word anarchist means what you think it means. You are waaaaay off.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Some reading:
An excerpt:
Cooperation and competition
In 1902 Kropotkin published his book Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution, which provided an alternative view of animal and human survival, beyond the claims of interpersonal competition and natural hierarchy proffered at the time by some "social Darwinists" such as Francis Galton. He argued that "it was an evolutionary emphasis on cooperation instead of competition in the Darwinian sense that made for the success of species, including the human". Kropotkin explored the widespread use of cooperation as a survival mechanism in human societies - through their many stages - and amongst animals. He used many real-life examples in an attempt to show that the main factor in facilitating evolution is cooperation between individuals in free-associated societies and groups, without central control, authority, or compulsion. He did so in order to counteract the concept of fierce competition as the core of evolution, which concept provided a rationalization for the dominant political, economic, and social theories[which?] of the time and for the prevalent interpretations of Darwinism.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Ooooh, Peter Kropotkin, yum yum!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Per NYT, Obama just said the usual.
And background reporting says "nearly a dozen" killed/injured. Eleven does not need to be vaguely rounded up to nearly a dozen. Why don't they say more than a half-score?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Dip shit on morning news said 11 dead
Samika just had a baby, and it's saying a great deal if Tom Cook is correcting anyone. Producers probably told him to do it. ABC in Houston. Congratulations Samika, but hurry back.
After my exchange last night, I wonder if a certain person here is jumping for joy now that BLM will be blamed for this. MLK is rolling in his grave.
"A CERTAIN PERSON HERE"? Please, don't retain refuse from other
comment threads at c99 to deposit where you will; we can't afford a full-time garbage collector yet. It is indubitable (and agreed to by civilized folks) that ascribing even the possibility of vicious behavior [jumping for joy that innocents will be accused of murder] without evidence, is verbal garbage. It would be stomach-churning to read such a speculation about Republicans. To see it here, thrown at a fellow user of the site because of that user's attitude toward you in another thread, is flat out disgusting.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
Well, he said it
I asked him to delete or edit saying all cops, lawyers, and judges should die. Apparently it was being hashed out here, as people in Dallas, who one moment were peacefully marching, were running for their lives the next.
I stopped responding, as I don't need to prove myself with a pissing contest, nor will my white ass attempt to explain white privilege to someone who sounded like he was incapable of seeing the difference between his run-ins with law enforcement, and being watched, followed, harassed, and at times killed because of a race other than his or mine.
I'll never condone people saying others should die. Not last night. Not today. Not ever. Yet, who looks bad after this incident? Someone who thinks like him took action and now the peaceful protesters are being blamed. Redneck idiots and talking heads will and already have blamed the innocents.
The two threads are completely related.
Gonna be a long hot summer
Cops refusal to weed out the sociopaths in their own ranks and prosecute them for murderous behavior -- that's what caused all this. Now cops are sitting on a powder keg of their own making. I'm actually surprised it took this long to blow. Really awful shit.
Case in point, all cops were cleared in this execution of a mentally ill man holding a letter opener. The man never got closer than 15 feet from the cops. They executed him with 45 rounds.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Widespread problem
Having made some serious studies on the issue of workplace sociopathy/psychopathy I can tell you this is common for almost any organization, sociopaths are expert at climbing the hierarchy, skilled at identifying early anyone who might recognize them and/or call them out and eliminating or marginalizing them, and surrounding themselves with supporters who see what happens when anyone points out that there might be a problem. They know how to play the victim and rally those around them regardless of the damage they might [do] cause.
Because of this, weeding them out is an almost impossible task until the damage they cause is overwhelming. And even then.
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Yeah look at politics
The presumptive candidates of both parties are pretty high on the sociopathic scale.
Dallas cop shooting video - Sounds like a war zone
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Only verified followers can view the link.
May want to youtube embed it?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Weird. I am not a follower of the Tweeter
Took a quick look on Youtube and didn't see the video.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Yeah, it seems to work now, not sure why it gave me that error
Thanks for sharing it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I do not trust the cops to investigate Dallas
The Feds need to step in ASAP before they set the meme that it was all black lives matters fault.
End of Empire.
After the last week of Hillary investigations, it is clear to most that lessers will always be blamed, it will be called terrorism (meaningless noun now). And that government officials will be protected at all costs. Paid by the tax-payers.
Do more than me see time speeding up?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
If the snipers
are caught and arrested, for their defense they should say they saw the cops had guns and were afraid for their lives. That works when the cops say it (whether there is a gun or not).
That said, of course this turn of events is horrible and wrong.
If police find the snipers
they will not be taken alive. It is unlikely we will ever hear anything from them. I give it about 40% chance it is white supremacists starting their race war, 3% they are working for the FBI.
Sadly, I had that very thought.
A few days ago, I was thinking about drawing an editorial cartoon of a man standing over a dead cop, with the caption "I had no choice. He had a gun".
What Olinda said.
They were afraid for their lives.
This was inevitable.
Didn't know BLM was being blamed - hope to see that STOPPED and counteracted!
Watching a press conference now
Authority (Police chief?) said the one sniper who is now dead said that he acted alone and was not part of any group.
Just confirming it was police chief at presser.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown.
Long as we remember to talk about our corrupt government
while all this is going on--because policies put forth by the Clinton administration of the 90s have contributed mightily to the bigger problem we face with all these killings. We can't ease any bad symptoms--be they minor or major--until we get a handle on the overall disease.
Robot with a bomb.
The police rolled a robot carrying a bomb into the area where the suspect was and detonated it, killing the suspect. Never heard of that before.
If true, new example of taxpayer dollars at work?
Blow up a human and a robot. Sounds so Robo-Cop. Except for the probable destruction of the robot.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Militarization of police
Military needs TAXPAYERS money to buy more toys, so they give the police their used toys, and police use them to kill us.
Just look at how the police in the USA are strutting their WEAPONS - now it's robots? Maybe we should be making sure, if we are at protests, we're wearing bullet proof vests, helmets, and what ever gear we can still (legally) buy. I'm serious, especially for those going to Philadelphia.
This will be an EXCUSE to crack down in Philadelphia as we can't even begin to yet imagine.
A subject for research: What % of police who are killing
unarmed people are ex-military?
I know military veterans used to get preferential treatment in being hired into the federal civil service and certain states, like Massachusetts, used to give preference. Do they still? Years ago, some police departments did not want ex-military because they had to be de-trained before they could be trained for civilian police work.
May be nothing here but I'd like to see research into this.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
We need to find out what the hell is up with these people.
On DemocracyNow this morning there was an NAACP official saying we need to look at training manuals and procedures. Who in hell has decided, for example, that officers should always shoot to kill. Hiring procedures are definitely suspect and ex-military may be a big problem. Another problem that I rarely hear addressed is the under-reported problem of steroid use among police. Police often use steroids to beef up and a lot of these incidents look like steroid rage to me.
You bring up two critical subjects.
The use of anabolic steroids has been reliably documented among a minority of police officers and such use has been documented for users to quickly switch into rage mode. Not what's needed or desired among a municipal police force when clear-headedness in emergency situations is what's needed.
Shoot to kill is usually presented as fire two rounds into a suspects' body mass for both stopping and shocking effect. It's really the same thing as shoot to kill. The rationale is that an officer confronting an armed suspect is a rare event in an officer's career and the officer should use the largest possible target, the torso.
I'll mention this: The over reliance of SWAT. If you remember the slaughter at Virginia Tech, a lone gun man was killing everyone he came in contact with while campus police, and backup officers from other departments, were being briefed on the ongoing massacre. This was an example where a cop needs to say, "People are being murdered, and I was hired to stop this if I could not prevent it." The SWAT mentality kept campus police from going to the gunfire so they could be organized into units of some kind even though killing was going on within earshot.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
A friend of mine from the LEO community is actually visiting me
and she and I were discussing this very thing (We both worked in the same town but for different departments):
We both agreed that we need to do more evaluations and training PARTICULARLY when it comes to former military as when you are in an SHTF situation you really do go on autopilot and do what you were trained to do the most. (I was a Field Training Officer for my Department so have a bit of knowledge about this issue in particular.)
The Military obviously gets a LOT more training on offensive tactics and engagement than a normal police officer does, which regular police still focus on too much in both our opinions, to the neglect of peaceful conflict resolution techniques. It's only natural that they will revert to that training since it was the more comprehensive one both in scope and time spent.
I too would love to see a graph/chart illustrating the number of former military hires with another layer showing the number of fatal unarmed or "Under-armed" shootings.
I suspect we already know what that chart will look like though.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
And with the veterans, you hire them out
to police departments and don't worry about treating any lingering PTSD they might have as a result of that war, no, just turn them loose on the civilian population and hope for the best. Saves funds for the VA, right? Don't fix the problem, pass it on and let it just grow and grow. A recycling program not only for the weapons, but for the mentally fucked up guys those weapons produce!
snark if it isn't evident
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yes I think I know what research will reveal but I'm not
saying anything until some credible source does the work.
Should it reveal that ex-military officers are involved in these blatant shootings, there will be the problem of actually doing anything because entrench interests would not want to be involved with a fix if it appeared to discriminate against veterans. I guess if we can throw enough money at the problem that would calm things.
Municipal officers, and rural deputy sheriffs, get very little training in offensive tactics compared with the "killology" given to soldiers. As mentioned above, there is a need for better screenouts of police recruits.
I would like sources like the U of Michigan and the International Association of Chiefs of Police to tackle this issue with a lot of community input along with the background record checks.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
From some FB feed this morning, at least 4
of the 5 dead in Dallas were ex-military (all ME rotations?). 5th there was no picture or information. And those men were unarmed or lightly armed.
N is too small, but 4 dead all with military training (not that it mattered) may indicate that former military presence in current police forces may be very high. Maybe a conversation starter with a cop?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
They will be breaking out the drones next.
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Doctor Who would be horrified
at what has been done with his beloved K-9, now converted to a trundle-drone.
Tear Gas
Guess bomb holding robots are considered "cooler" toys when dealing with a "suspect."
Tear gas? Nope - bomb holding robots.
May 4, 1970 Kent State 4 students killed by National Guard
Remember when we used to be surprised?
America is becoming Afghanistan.
People are armed to the teeth with high power military style weapons.
Anyone can buy guns just about anywhere.
No restrictions on ammunition purchases.
Armor piercing ammo is readily available.
Many states now have both open carry and conceal carry and many of those do not require a permit or any training.
Law enforcement is terrified of the pubic.
The public is terrified of law enforcement.
The government through police brutality openly oppresses certain minorities.
Politicians have lost respect for law enforcement when they don't get a politically desired conviction.
We have state sanctioned dungeons called prisons that are busting at the seams from overcrowding.
We do nothing to counter massive inequality and hopelessness which breeds contempt and lack of respect for government.
We are on the verge of electing a demagogue for president who knows nothing but talks tough and rails against everything.
His opponent ignores legal requirements of office for convenience.
Congress is completely dysfunctional, accomplishes nothing and thinks its job is to gum up the works so no problems can be addressed. This is done in opposition to the duly elected leader whom whey have no respect for.
Mass shootings have become commonplace.
About the only hurdle left are roadside IEDs and suicide car bombs.
All because of politics, fanatic ideology, corruption in the form of campaign financing and lobbyists, and a misinterpreted 2nd amendment.
And then we have this rightwing twat
stoking the fires even further.
There will, of course, be no repercussions for him... "An eye for an eye" merely leaves everyone blind.
Before others express their joy
over Micah Xavier Johnson's death; remember his hate was in response to actions of hate and fear ~ see the circle?
People who call him Micah X. Johnson, instead of Micah Xavier Johnson, know exactly what they're doing.
Words matter ~ Be responsible.
Stirring Up Hate is the Constant.
The "all cops are evil" drumbeat is just as bad as the #BLM is a bunch of thugs rap. I have a good cop friend that is distraught by the fact that recently yet another young black man robbed a convenience store killing the guy behind the counter. How cliché can it get? Every damn time this happens he points out how this just makes it just that much harder to patrol that part of the city, because the reality is the local population knows who did it but they won't talk to him.
So, even here on caucus99percent we have people that will say my friend is part of the problem, sigh.
Hopefully your friend is able to look at it like I do...
I know when most people bitch about all cops being evil shits they deep down know it's not true, I have heard close friends say similar in outrage to the state of things, and they know I was one and I am positive they don't mean me.
There are a lot of bad actors, and people in their anguish catch those of us that are not dicks in the crossfire, but most of us that are not dicks also understand why.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Let me get this straight: You have a friend who is a cop, and he
gets upset because local residents who might be able to assist his investigations won't talk. You conclude by stating that some of us members will say your friend is part of the problem. Well.. talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy! You didn't leave us any choice but to find him part of the problem.
You didn't specify the policeman's own race but it doesn't matter: If he is
blacknon-white he already knows why, and knew why before he took the oath. If he is white he should have asked a trusted black colleague the reasons why the residents won't share info, and both act on and publicize those reasons. That is precisely what successful white detectives have done in minority neighborhoods, nor is it a new idea of policing.*So either he knows or should have known why the residents stand mute, and failed to communicate that to you, or to anyone in your hearing, or he is ignorant of the actual reason and is content to remain that way. That makes him part of the problem --if your portrayal of him is accurate, and if it is, help him. Since he is a good person he will enjoy following this bit of advice about his job.
Tell him that the reticence in minority neighborhoods doesn't make it "just that much harder to patrol that part of the city;" it just makes detecting more complex. It requires that the policeman make himself the kind of person a grandmother in "that part" or any part "of the city" might invite to family dinner. Of course, that requires him feeling toward her the way he feels toward his own grandmother, and there is no way to fake that. Such cops are told things faster in the 'hood than they're told in suburbia.
*I've been both a victim and an instructor of police.
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
I am a shitty writer . . .
. . . to have lead you to write this comment about my friend. So, I will post an article describing some of our last night's conversation.
Neutralized - NEUTRALIZED
W. T. F.
Police use a ROBOT to KILL a suspect - and the news is reporting
Police are NEUTRALIZING suspects with robots carrying bombs. SUSPECT. SUSPECT. SUSPECT.
Did "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" get removed from our legal system? I do not care what the individual/suspect said, or how the Chief of Police evaluated what the SUSPECT said - this is phuqued!
About the time some started calling folk suspects, and
got much worse when people of interest, whatev, became Not-human subjects. Othering to extreme.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
What we do overseas ALWAYS comes back home
to bite us in the ass.
And we never, EVER learn.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
If a robot can get close enough to kill the person
via an explosive device, then a robot could have deployed a non-lethal gas or somesuch and the suspect taken alive for trial.
Innocent until proven guilty used to be the law of the land.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Good point!
I hadn't thought of that.
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
"Gee, I never thought of that".
.... every police force in the nation.
More likely, though, is that it was considered, and rejected. The attraction of "let's blow shit up" was too strong.
Thank you
I'd posted that above before I read your comment.
Exactly. Tear Gas.
Innocent until proven guilty, trials, I weep for all of us.
You're welcome. The militarization of the police function is
the antithesis of sound community-based law enforcement. I think the problem, and problem is much too mild a word, starts with the recruitment and hiring of police personnel. I don't think the cops being hired, in large part, are capable of acquiring the protect and serve mindset and are comfortable with police as an occupying armed force.
One problem in training is that recruits are constantly told how dangerous their jobs-to-be are when in fact police work is less dangerous than the occupations of ocean fishing; hard rock mining; and a couple of construction jobs. (And this is not factoring in the occupational injuries and diseases that farm workers, for one example, are subject to.) This leads to an "us vs them" mentality and divorces them from the taxpayers who fund their departments.
These are just two of the issues that have put LE out of whack with their traditional mission.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Our police force today is
judge, jury, and executioner. Beware. Period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Black Lives Matter & Protesters are to Blame -- CNN
LATEST: Snipers in Dallas kill 5 officers at protest against shootings
Suspect killed by bomb
Blah blah blah "Black Lives Matter" blah blah blah "Black Lives Matter".
CNN has made it clear that Black Lives Matter protesters are to blame for "executing" Dallas police officers. Philandro Castile and Alton Sterling are buried as non-news (well Page 7 belowe "Europe's best-kept foodie secret". #SymoneMarshall who died in police custody Tuesday in the same jail as Sandra Bland hasn't even been mentioned.
And as dessert CNN says, 'After Dallas, tone it down'
(Well hidden note from elsewhere: 'Protesters helped capture the snipers' and 'Robot bomb was sent in by police'.). Way down on the no-read list are NATO discussing Russian "Threat" and more missles pointed at North Korea.
From the Light House.
Because black people are responsible
for the degradation of America. Not our politicians, not the corporations, not the 1%. It is the complete responsibility of black people. Period.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Fuck Cheney News Network
And guilt by association or guilt by proximity. That's the kind of bullshit that makes the problem of homicide by cop worse.
I am looking forward to hearing the same bs from Chief Bratton and Mayor Guilliani.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Series on Police Brutality
Beginning in late December 2015, I did a series on police brutality. I am linking the posts for those who may want to check out the data and links I used in the series.
On a personal note, no one should be surprised that blow back is now occurring. The police have been allowed to execute people, mostly minorities, with impunity for far too long. People in this country are hurting, particularly minorities by an unequal education, justice, and social system that represses them even more. Those who are in power are responsible for the conditions that a significant number of our citizens have been subjected and need to take heed to change the culture and systems in this country that treat so many people as second class citizens. They have had warning for years and they refuse to do anything about it except lip service. It is time for a massive sweeping change and the powers that be have a choice. They can either make those needed changes themselves or the people will do it for them.
When the system creates a situation in which far too many people are barely existing and have nothing left to lose, then the system is ripe for violence. I do not think any of us wish this to happen, and it is entirely preventable. The onus is on those in power to change the system.
Week 1 - Police Killings
Week 2 - Police Brutality
Week 3 - Police Hiring Issues
Week 4 - Militarization of Police
Week 5 - Effects of Militarization On Police Culture
Week 6 - Government Programs and Actions
Week 7 - Where Do We Go From Here?
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Back in the '70's
when I was just a kid and the airline hijackings were happening, my dad turned to me and commented 'if you take away my home, my ability to provide for my family, and then take my family from me, I'll be the gov't's worse nightmare as a terrorist.'
This is what is happening, and has been happening for a long time. Dallas is not the canary in the coal mine, Dallas is the lit fuse right next to the dynamite fixin' to blow.
This will only get worse as the police double down on repression, the gov't doubles down on militarization of the police, and the media doubles down on the propaganda wars.
This will Not end well.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Thank you gulfgal98
I've bookmarked your links to read later. this may sound silly, or cowardly, but can't do it now. Have lived for most of my 71 years with clinical depression, controlled well by medication, and right now I can't stop crying, for all of us.
It's what's happening, at the same time realizing how desperately defeated I feel about not being able to have Bernie Sanders be our nominee. In all the years, since the death of RFK, I've never felt as hopeful, as I did listening to every word Bernie was saying. His humanity, his heart.
Expect most are too young to remember RFK, and what he lived and learned in his very short life. Always giving thanks to Marion Wright ( before she married Peter Edelman, who was on Senator RFK's staff) for showing him how black children were living then. She was such an important mentor to RFK.
Will also read Larry Tye's new book. No longer think we'll see a person with this humanity, heart, in my lifetime. He certainly wasn't "a saint" and he had faults as all do, but what a heart, what a heart.
Hang in there
I too struggle with a little clinical depression and I'm tearing up a bit today too.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
terrible news to wake up to
but my first thought was..."it has begun". One man killed taking his wallet from his pocket, one killed while sprawled on the ground. How long did they expect before the flame to got to the fuse? The militarization of the police forces around the country is the opening of Pandora's box. As much as I despise the NRA, and their interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, this is the reason the framers of the Constitution allowed for the ownership of arms... to resist tyranny by the ruling class. The sad part is that the ruling class have the truly horrible arms of warfare that have been sold by our corps, ( and Sec. Of State) around the world, and they are not afraid to use them... collateral damage be damned
It was only a matter of time. It is a good time to not be a cop, unless you want to be at war in your own community
The elephant in the room
Meanwhile at TOP
More murder is not the response to murder. It has to stop.
To thine own self be true.