UPDATE:"Indict Hillary" Petition up a White House.gov; 2nd petition "Charge Hillary.."

Please spread this link to the WH petition everywhere: fb/twitter, etc. tx


Petition created: 7/5 Date: 7/6 Time: 9:06AM/est Signees: 121
Time: 9:48Am/EST Signees: 132

Edit Insert TWO:

Follks, per GreyWolf h/t, another petition up for you to sign:

"Charge Hillary Rodham Clinton pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 641, 793, 794, 798, 952, and 1924"

This one has almost 30k sigs...


(update insert: folks there does seem to be something wrong with this counter… Let us keep our eyes on it… I can’t imagine that the Obama Administration would not register and report our actual votes on this petition, can you?)

Well, this may be a way that we can express our outrage at the blatant way that the 'fix' has been, is and will always be in for the Clinton Crime Family. If the numbers are high enough, then we will have taken a quick vote of how many people in this country think this decision by Comey is outrageous.

Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail, yet not Too Big to Bail.... The plutocracy's 'get out of jail free' card, in their Ayn Rand creed of "Privatizing the Gains, and Socializing the Losses."


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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

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Sea Turtle

Placing this high, in case this isn't only my problem. My signature of the first petition failed to go through, got this:

An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally.

Debugging information follows:


Status test: error

Response text:


I got a notice just then of my internet being suddenly limited???, so it may have been that - but it was only temporary and gone soon after moving back off of the petition site. Probably only a coincidence, and I expect that somebody will easily identify it as such? In any event, crawling off to bed in search of some sleep - good night/morning, all!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Lenzabi's picture

signed it

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

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Sea Turtle

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and retweeted.

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Lookout's picture

I guess I'm 133rd. I'll promote this.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

GreyWolf's picture

Everybody on this page could say "I'm 133"

EDIT: So it did move, it's now 157

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Also signed a bunch more. Thanks for the link!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

GreyWolf's picture

Article (by David French, an author from the National Review) at the International NYT:
By Not Charging Clinton, Comey Isn’t Following the Law

Article at the National Review (by Andrew McCarthy):
FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

reddit notice of this petition:
We the People Petition: Indict Hillary Clinton

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sojourns's picture

Thanks to whomever started it.
Now, I'm going to petition the FBI to investigate the Clinton's involvement in trafficking babies. I put nothing past them.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

GreyWolf's picture

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Mark from Queens's picture

These lame-assed bastards, have been sending tripe like this, non-stop lately (the latest is a Hills/Lizzy barf-o-rama):

"Right now, the Republican Party is falling apart.

Inner party fighting has intensified to the point where many prominent Republicans have publicly refused to even attend the GOP Convention and support their nominee. And we can’t really blame them.

In contrast, Democrats from around the country will be coming together in Philadelphia in just a few weeks to unite as we head into the general election.

But although the race is over, Bernie Sanders has yet to endorse the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Bernie supporters everywhere are waiting for his cue. We need to know if you would like to see Bernie take the first step to unite our party by endorsing Hillary:

Should Bernie Endorse Hillary Before the Convention?

well, that boiled my already simmering hot blood in this infernal NYC heatwave:

Are you kidding?
Bernie Sander is the probably the most trusted, genuine and authentic candidate (according to the polls) to have even run for President. He regularly attracted rallies of tens of thousands of folks. They showed up across the country because he is a searing truth-teller about how corrupt our political system is and how rigged it is in providing a revolving door to lobbyists in DC.
Endorse an inveterate liar, who the American public distrusts and doesn't like very high (alarming) numbers? You people are living in the Beltway Bubble too much. Get out of your offices and private parties more and meet everyday folks. There's a deep feeling of anger and distrust about the chronic dysfunction of our government.
She was exposed yesterday by a feeble FBI that had all the evidence in the world to indict here, but because of her political power felt it couldn't. One more mark against this fraud of a democracy and justice system. The mask has been ripped off.
Seen this yet?
81k views in one day.
If the DNC nominates this liar, criminal, horrific candidate who is so deeply loather for good reason (her arrogance, entitlement and hubris are a start) you're looking at a massive exodus from the party, even with all the Trump Fear Mongering (which is all you've got, besides the equally inspiring "It's The Woman's Turn Next."
2016 is the year when crystal clear evidence started the American people in the face that theirs is a sham democracy (without even getting into the rigged debate schedule, media blackout, DNC insider henchmen attacking Sanders and voter fraud/suppression all over the country).
We're staring into the abyss if it's Hillary vs. Trump.

Hope this Indict petition gets some legs.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

I unsubscribed from all of these, but a few still trickle in. Got a similar one, yesterday I think it was, asking if I'm still with Bernie or have changed my mind. They really are out of touch. After the "exoneration" of Her Royal Shill, the despicable treatment of Bernie and his supporters from the colluded DNC and media, they really think we're NOW going to come flocking to her side? Fucking amazing.

Great response you sent, though!

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

there is another petition there to charge hrc and reverse FBI decision that has 30k signers,so I signed that as well.

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Sea Turtle

that's the one thanks for adding it.

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Grey Area's picture

Thanks for the link.

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I'm not saying we shouldn't sign these petitions and others like them. We should let our grievances be known, even if we're ignored. But there's the problem: As demonstrated through past non-responsive "responses" to WH petitions -- particularly those having to do with election fraud or government corruption -- it's starting to look like petitioning the WH is rather like inmates petitioning the prison warden. The president's first act after Comey's announcement, after all, was to hop on his plane with Her campaigning. There were, I think, 200,000 signatures for prosecuting the senate republicans who wrote that letter to the leaders of Iran. Not only was nothing done, but I can't even find that petition anymore. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place. But in any case, though the cause is just, the energy behind it needs to be directed effectively, to the right people. Whenever possible, anyway. Besides, no doubt the first thing Her Highness will do after she's installed will be to do away with that silly petition thingy for the little people. After our contact information is gathered and "analyzed", of course.

Sorry, got lost in the tin foil for a sec there.

If we're going to bother with petitions, I think we ought to focus those efforts toward outside entities when such a path is available. There's a petition to the UN on change.org to investigate and monitor our elections. Right now it has about 30,000 signatures. It needs a ten million times that, and not just from U.S. citizens. Our response to the NWO "global economy" of corruption needs to be a unified global outcry rejecting it.

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Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Socialprogressive's picture

These petitions mean nothing to the White House. The only voice that will get their attention will be the voice of millions of angry people in the streets.

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We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

Reminds me of Richard Nixon's "enemies list". If the Obama administration is so thoroughly corrupted as to force FBI and Justice to exonerate HRC, rig the election for her via media; boards of election purges; and voting machine hacks, allow HRC to destroy public records, allow HRC to recklessly thwart security laws yet still keep her top security clearance, engage in public corruption schemes under RICO statutes with enemy governments, AND STILL campaign with and for her, don't you think that signing these petitions will put your name on an enemies list somewhere? Plus, according to computer security expert, Michael Trimm on YouTube, the FBI would have been able to recover 100% of the emails on the hard drives Clinton's IT people wiped clean during her SOC tenure, due to the hard drive technology at the time. So, even straight-shooter Comey was lying about not having enough evidence to indict.

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GreyWolf's picture

"... don't you think that signing these petitions will put your name on an enemies list somewhere?"

I am confident, I am proud, I am on an 'enemies list'.

(maybe I should actually start an 'enemies list' and mail it to the White House, and sign prominently ... We the undersigned free people are the enemies of the neo-liberal policies of multi-national corporate exploitation, of aggressive, imperialistic, regime changing drone wars ... we consider supporters of the aforementioned to be an occupying force within our borders.) [OK, I'm no T-Jeff.]

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RejectingThe3rdWay's picture

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When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!

riverlover's picture

I am not worried about Enemies Lists. They are the enemies.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Mark from Queens's picture

Looks like another similar petition, this one, already exceeded over 100k signatures - in 24 hrs!

The WH website says it has 30 days to get that required amount in order to get an official response back.

At the rate it just blew by the minimum requirement it could break a million by then.

I hope this is a sign there's a full scale insurrection against a rigged system. In reality though, it will take millions of us in the streets.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut