FBI Interviews Hillary Clinton for more than 3 hours this morning
I tried to get on all day to post this but the site was having some difficulties.
The FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton Saturday morning in connection with the ongoing investigation into her use of a private email server as secretary of state, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's campaign said.
"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary," spokesman Nick Merrill said.
"Voluntary" as in "I volunteer to answer your questions so you don't have to come back with a subpoena..." Man these guys can spin.
He added: "She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview."
LOL! Yeah, I am sure she was so pleased she was passing out Short Bread and Mint Juleps to the agents. And I am sure "Respect" is why she won't comment on it, because we all know what a tremendous amount of respect she has for the law.
I really cannot believe that the DNC is pushing so hard to make someone with this much negative baggage hanging over their head as their person to beat a candidate like Trump.
He is going to completely destroy her in the debates because unlike Bernie, he will not be at all respectful and will have zero problem with bringing up all this crap and there is absolutely nothing she can say to counter it because it all happened.
I have been saying since before either candidate declared that the only way the Democrats would lose in November is if they nominate Clinton and they are doing their damnedest to prove me right.
Literally ANY other candidate that the democrats could possibly field would be a stronger contender against Donald than Hillary.
But it's her turn, so the nation can go screw itself...

WooHoo! It only took 5 attempts and one rewrite
(Because I forgot to Copy it before submitting) to get it posted.
Note to all, when C99P is having issues like this make sure to always highlight and Ctrl-C your post/essays before hitting submit, particularly if they are long ones.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Oh that's weird, I just noticed you can like Essays but not
comments currently?
Site going all wonky again JTC?
I am going back out to finish the yard, I expect this stuff to be corrected by the time I get done. Excuses will not be tolerated and will only be met with snorts of derision.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Still can't thumbs up comments, so
I'll just Snort.
Me too, no comment ratings. Poor JtC.
Site pooped itself on his vacation, and again (?) on a holiday weekend.
I read a really boring lot of the emails from what's his face regarding Libya, but no smoking gun while the site was down. Interesting missing ones. So boring, otherwise. Blumenthal? Was that his name? Brain-dead now. Actually caused me to fall asleep and a little snort of a snore woke me up lol.
Yay! Thumbs up for comment ratings being back! n/t
I'm glad to see my Decree got implemented in a timely manner....
I am a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class as long as I am King.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
She was accompanied by 5 or more lawyers.
I think Guccifer has given the fbi enough to indict her. After today, we get to talk about her cover-up.
Trump will be able to destroy her with this, even if they do not indict.
I also think that if the Democratic administration is so determined to give her a pass, I sincerely believe some Dems will change damn parties.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hopefully it will be to the New American Progressive Party when
we finally get one formed.
I am really hopeful that this movement goes forward to create a new party that truly represents the majority of Americans beliefs as far as progressive policy goes.
Currently we have one far right and one center right party, we desperately need both a moderate left and a far left party so we can build a collation without all the infighting over prioritization of issues and break this bullshit 2 party system, it needs to go the way of the Dinosaurs.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
5 lawyers sure is an awful lot
Five lawyers went into a "security briefing" and ...
A lot for a posse? Sure Kim K. has a bigger entourage. Hill better $hill for more.
Lawyers??? For a voluntary "INTERVIEW"
I get a kick out of the spin....I have never before heard an interrogation by the FBI called an "interview". And 5 lawyers??? For a voluntary meeting, that she is pleased to have been a part of???
If this "interview" brings anything to a conclusion, it will be Justice that is destroyed. It has become painfully obvious the Clintons are above the law
Pessimistic "insiders" are saying no indictment
I am saying that if there are parallel tracks of Law for the Rich and the Rest, it's pitchfork time. This week has been disgusting displays of noblesse oblige.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Nouveau riche.
i think noblesse oblige ended with FDR.
Anything short of an indictment
is cause for the most massive peaceful protests we have ever seen in the USA
I'm down for that, but I am starting to doubt that peaceful
is gonna equal useful anymore.
They own the voting machines so our votes don't matter.
They own the Media, so any peaceful protest will at best get a 5 second mention and maybe make it to page 8 or so in the papers.
They don't care about a damn thing we do if it isn't an actual direct threat to them, and given their obvious change in approach, I.E. they are not even trying to really hide what they are doing anymore, it's pretty plain that our peaceful protests nor our votes are of any concern.
Peaceful is rapidly losing it's viability as an approach in the minds of a large portion of Americans.
I am thinking they may have fucked up. They have been successfully playing two "Teams" off of each other for so long they lost track of what they were doing and who was supposed to be the bad guy this decade and ended up having that be both of them...
There will be change or there will be blood.
One or the other is inevitable.
I am rooting for change, but I am bracing for the latter.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
That's a fact
I just posted elsewhere--when McClatchy is trying to spin it into "this will be a shadow cast on her as she accepts her Party's nomination", you are goddamn right it's pitchfork time. This is ridiculous.
This is not my idea of fun.
long string of computer issues and the problem the site is having is only adding to my confusion. 1. We have sattlelight internet. Cloud cover this am was discovered as the problem only when my husbands computer couldn't get in too. 2. Get this flash message about not being able to sign into MS. Have no clue when it means. Apparently, I changed users to something generic. Now I'm me again. 3. Clouds left and tried to get into internet. Chrome won't launch. open IE and google, google and the only fix I could understand that had enough agreement was to delete a MS security update. Did that and now chrome works. God I hate taking care of technology.
I am not screwing with any more computer aggrevation today, that's for sure.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You should get yourself one
You should get yourself one of those Private Servers. I hear they're great for so many things including no need for security updates!
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Tech troubles
I hear an excellent IT guy named Bryan Pagliano will be needing a job in the very near future. Can be had for a donation to the Clinton Family Foundation, formerly the Clinton Initiative Foundation.
I would not hire him, he has a terrible memory
I would be worried he would forget my name or which desk is his.
You should be worry free now
I have it on good authority from our State Department It staff that deleting/disabling security features is always the best solution for these matters.
The way we treat people
in this country who are not rich is fucking awful. They get reminded every fucking day that the benefits of being an American are to be enjoyed exclusively by the wealthy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Suppose she just
refuses to debate him on the grounds that he's a sexist and racist whacko?
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Trump would likely view it as cowardice.
And so would I.
One thing I dislike about Clinton is that she is dismissive of people. There is just nobody out there her equal.
She does not need to outright dismiss Trump.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I view it as cowardice of Her & Him for not debating Bernie
Of course, I believe Hairball did what he was told, because Bernie would've mopped the floor with that hair.
As far as Her Highness? She's the one who told Hairball not to (She owns his balls after all), and her backing out prior to Cali, showed her cowardice.
Funny, though, Bernie had already said he was tired of her damn emails. She's a chicken shit. I adore Bernie's tenacity, even though I disagree with his dismissal of the emails.
The Empty Chair Debate
A very nifty and shaming debate which is a sure-fire winner. Works best if televised. Recipe: two chairs. One occupant Mix well, let simmer reaching a high degree of heat. Turn on bright lights. Occupant is free to stand up, point, chastise, lambast at the poor helpless empty chair.
For dessert: the other erstwhile chair occupant attempts a watery mousse garnished with hazelnuts--but the audience has already left the venue to get some real food.
I seem to have an allergy to hazelnuts.
Not life-threatening, but I avoid when I can see them. And now I could put in a racist or classist comment, but that is not me.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
All my friends in this part of Texas are reporting really
internet problems. I am the owner of the slowest computers ever. ?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
2nd try: Irony or coincidence in Tx (hoping for video embed)
Since I don't have a song in mind for the latter: (VID DOESN'T SHOW IN PREVIEW)
I am definitely having antenna TV issues that have been going on since about spring. Roof top unit can't get channels it always got for like 5 years, but cheap rabbit ear type in my room does when it didn't for years.
The kind of women who become world leaders,
…and there have been plenty of them, do not show up on the world stage dragging a broken wing and whining about women-haters and misogyny. "Boo hoo, the male world leaders don't respect me because I am female. They aren't afraid of me. I'll show them." ::: background sobbing :::
The presidency is not an affirmative action program. It's a meritocracy of the extraordinary. To paraphrase Camille Paglia: "Get the hell out of the kitchen if you can't deal with flames."
In fairness to Hillary, I don't see her as the weak sister that her supporters. Not at all. I think she is just as much a sociopath as Albright or Thatcher or a leader of any gender. On the contrary, it is her supporters who are infused with weakness, fear, and defensiveness. Many don't have the inner-resolve to defend her cruelly visible sociopathy, so they pretend she is being attacked by a conspiracy of bad attitude. Hillary doesn't have the gift of being a mensch, a default integrity and trustworthy quality, that President Obama and many world leaders have. Anyone who has ever been bullied will tell you Hillary exudes a barely controlled meanness. It's in her eyes and voice. True or not, it's there and it's unfortunate.
The preamble above is off topic, but it is there because I actually want to express a wish I've had about the Bernie supporters here.
1. I wish Bernie supporters had never focused on Hillary's email issues, obsessing over it with hope, as if it were their only salvation. It embarrasses me. I believe it embarrasses Sanders, as well.
It is the business of the FBI and DOJ, and until something concrete manifests, it has nothing to do with this campaign. The presumed self-destruction of your opponent does not prove your principles victorious. Hoping for a win by forfeiture diminishes and taints what you stand for, as if it couldn't win any other way, and you knew it.
2. This is the United States of America and this is happening at the Federal level, which is the private domain of powerful US corporations and the US Chamber of Commerce. You do not possess one metric of social and economic development that suggests otherwise, unless it's a social freebie like gay marriage. Where the rubber meets the road in the people's well-being, you know the outcome already. Where the monied stakeholders at the top are concerned, you know the outcome already.
So why all the pretending and denial about reality? Why aren't you five steps ahead of the process? You've had fifty years of post-Nixon, Petrodollar experience. Why doesn't it propel this group beyond the swamp onto dry ground, where they can develop strategies with traction?
I regret that my words may offend some. I also know that some are right here with me. Did I need to say all this? I have always needed to say it, but I have become adept at censoring myself. I say it now because I've grown to trust all of you.
Brilliant summation and context on the moment and HRC, Pluto.
Hillary's meanness and entitlement are utterly transparent and make her so off-putting to I think the majority of voters. Her hubris and arrogance are shining white hot with the email revelations. This is not to mention the capricious Wall St speeches and outright money laundering of the Clinton Foundation. She is an awful, awful candidate who is highly disliked and not trusted for all of this and more. The feminist angle is nauseating. Your description of her posturing and that of her brainwashed cheerleaders is dead on accurate.
Could be the most bizarre and unpredictable election season of any. It should also be the straw that broke the camel's back of the American electorate and their fealty to this experiment in democracy. The two very worst, most loathed candidates, now have to be sold by the venal MSM lapdogs and the two major political parties as the best we have, with a straight face. The evidence in the polling is consistent that very few haven't caught onto the ruse (the video clip from the Real News below is about a recent poll which says "71% say the economy is rigged in favor of certain groups" and that "69% think Wall St hurts Americans.") The Princeton Study, as we all saw a few years ago, showed over a 30 year period that the U.S. gov't is run by an oligarchy who get their wishes in legislation over the populace almost 100% of the time.
Sanders has been the only pres. candidate in decades who has dared to call out just how deeply beholden elected Congressmen are to their donors. And for it he's going to go down triumphantly in the history books as the candidate who both masterfully talked very clearly about the root cause being Campaign Finance and exposed it by mostly accepting only small individual donations, disproving the whole bullshit lie that you can't get elected without dirty Wall St and corporate money.
It is kind of sad that we are sitting here at this juncture hoping the email investigation by the FBI is the only path we have (as Cenk from TYT has said over and over), and perhaps in a way ultimately dishonors one of the most noble and dignified and literally revolutionary campaigns ever.
There's just so much fucked up in this election season, it's head-spinning. The flagrant voter suppression and fraud, the rigging of the debates, the manipulation of the caucuses, the media blackout, the Dem party henchmen ganging up to smear the "socialist" pipe dream candidate with lies that he "doesn't appeal to older folks and minorities."
You ask some heavy existential questions about where we stand at this moment, in light of it all. So does Chris Hedges' latest book, "The Wages of Rebellion: the Moral Imperative of Revolt," which I'm reading now. Just finished the 3rd chapter "The Invisible Revolution," which traces the history of such movements and their unpredictability but inevitability. Ends with this quote:
Neoliberalism will be added to the refuse pile of evil, just as the divine right of kings, of slavery and serfdom have. Hedges believes it is incorrect to think political ferment is dormant. It could be reaching its tipping point right beneath our feet at this moment.
As Berkman concluded about these moments in history:
(good to be back at our great place, I was going through withdrawals!)
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
top comment and thanks for the Hedges quotes /nt
Actually, both block quotes are from Alexander Berkman, who
Hedges quotes in that chapter.
He was a leading anarchist and Emma Goldman's one-time boyfriend/lifelong friend/compatriot who "made an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate businessman Henry Clay Frick, for which he served 14 years in prison."
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Totally disagree with the following:
I think it has EVERYTHING to do with the campaign, i.e., the candidate that is running. Again and again and again, Hillary has shown poor judgment, some borderlines on illegal or actually is illegal.
She was stupid, stupid, stupid by having a private server as SoS. Not one other Obama cabinet secretary did that.
Plus, I just learned from Huma's dep that Hillary didn't even use a senate.gov email address.
Her judgment is bad, and I think she tries to skirt the law as much as she can that will favor her.
This IS all about her as a candidate. If she hides her emails from the country until forced to turn some over for public consumption, there is no way she can be trusted to be president because she's already proven she will try to hide whatever she can.
She can't even be honest about this investigation. Just yesterday, her spokesperson still called it a security review, not investigation.
I completely agree with you
This campaign has been a sham and a fraud. Enough mud and feces was, and still is, being hurled by the Hillbots as to cast a pall on this pseudo election process. If Bernie (and us) are to prevail, the filth that is Clinton must be called out. I hope Bernie goes after her hard before the convention about the vote rigging. And email scandal, if it pulls Medusa down, is something we must embrace, not ignore.
Pure idealists never win their battles--though subsequent disciples may, because pure idealists are not people willing to meet force with force--even if that force is only rhetorical.
This country cannot be more shamed than it is right now: two of the most loathsome people in serious contention for the Presidency!
But, as an aside, the media has held a laser focus on the emails. I believe that is to keep the abject corruption of the influence peddling while she was SoS, and the money she was able to funnel into the Clinton Foundation, out of peoples' minds.
I read an article yesterday on NPR entitled "65 ways this Election Cycle is Exceptional" (Or something to that effect) Bernie was mentioned once. I mention that because of the total manipulation, and control the Clinton campaign has had of the media.The full time coverage of Trump is not coincidental, but a very effective effort to deny Sanders, or any other voices of dissent from within the Democratic Party to be heard. The email issue is another example of distraction by the media to avoid any attention to the corruption in this election cycle by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
I don't disagree with your premise, but do give us a bit of a break for being hopeful that something, Anything, could cast further doubt on HRC's veracity.
Pluto, I think some of Bernie's supporters
Were hanging their hats on the email server and the FBI indicting her because they know that the election was stolen from us.
The email server issue for me isn't just that it was in her house. I think that she set it up that way so that people from her foundation could also get access to it.
We know that Bluementhal was sending her information from Libya about possible business deals and people who wanted in on them would go through the foundation.
The guy from Canada that donated and then Bill would introduce him to other country's government officials to get the contracts.
This is what happened in Haiti after the earthquake. People had to go through both the foundation and Hillary's state department.
And this also happened in Honduras.
That's what I want the FBI to focus on.
People in the government knew for years that she was using a private server instead of the government's because of the email address. I don't know if it makes a difference if it was in her house or not.
But no one said anything about it until they found out that her foundation was making money off the deals that the state department was doing with foreign governments. I saw one article about how the republicans were questioning if what she was doing was legal. But obviously nothing came from it.
And both congress and Obama told her to keep the foundation out of the state department's business. And she agreed that she would. Then did it anyway.
The FBI is looking into Rico charges against the foundation.
And excellent points in the beginning of your comment.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is right on the money
But we also hang our hats on it because she is an un-indicted felon. The seriousness of what she did is laid out in this letter to Obama by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), that was written back in May. (hat tip to eve at TPW) It is the most scathing indictment I have seen to date of Clinton and needs to be disseminated to all of the Superdelegates. It may change some minds in and of itself. I urge all to read it.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings
Great article, CP
Gates talked about how Obama let Petrayous off with a slap on the wrist when he gave classified information to his mistress. That upset a lot of people in the intelligence community. A $100 thousand dollar fine and he got to keep both his pension and his rank which affects his pension. Disgusting that he let them sentence Chelsea to prison for 35 years, Rise, who wasn't allowed to testify, 3 1/2 years and made other people's lives living hell.
If he lets Clinton off, what's left of his legacy will be shot.
This is a great statement, but the whole article is worth reading.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Clinton Will Face No Consequences For Her Actions!
It's all a fucking facade. There is no justice among the powers that be. Just like every other questionable thing that the Clintons have been involved with, nothing will come of this, quote, investigation.
I'm afraid I've had my fill of this shit. My attitude is bitter. It's sad, and I'm sad. I thank you for allowing me to vent. I have lost hope in our country. I really don't care any more. I care about people, but I don't care about our government. I know it's not a good place to be, but I am in a state of ambivalence and disillusionment. Our government is lost, and she has lost me. I fear she has lost me forever!
I have lost hope in my country too
I've been feeling the same way you are. Therapists have a name for it: learned helplessness. After being on the receiving end of abuse over time, a patient learns that nothing will change because those that have the power to change things for the better don't. Government officials, whether elected or appointed, are failing to do what they promise to do when they are sworn in or appointed. The president is doing everything in his power to inflict an organized crime family on the citizens of the United States; a family that would have been shot for treason two hundred years ago. Joe Biden, the presumptive Clinton replacement waiting in the wings, said yesterday that he's known Hillary for forty years and she wouldn't hide her emails on purpose. Agency employees don't fulfill their watchdog roles to protect the public and many don't even do their jobs competently. The Supreme Court has been deciding fewer and fewer cases, and those they have taken, like Citizens United, have had chilling effects on our democracy. Congress is only concerned with vacations and obstruction, until enough influence has been gained to enter the gravy train of lobbying or consulting work. The rot travels from the head to the bottom, and, like the Roman Empire just before its fall, nobody wants to fight anymore.
learned helplessness
And part and parcel of this pattern of abuse, perpetrated by American power against American society, is the "blame the victim" game: keep hammering away that the victims have the power to change things for the better, and since the change isn't happening, they must want things to stay as they are. In fact, our power to change things is both limited at best and dwindling. Oligarchs have the ability to make sure no genuine advocate of real change ever gets anywhere near the levers of power, as Bernie Sanders and his supporters are learning to their hurt. The old saw that "we are the government", with all the trappings that attend therewith, is pure crap. Our supposed "choices" are pre-selected for us.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I have lost hope in my country too
I've been feeling the same way you are. Therapists have a name for it: learned helplessness. After being on the receiving end of abuse over time, a patient learns that nothing will change because those that have the power to change things for the better don't. Government officials, whether elected or appointed, are failing to do what they promise to do when they are sworn in or appointed. The president is doing everything in his power to inflict an organized crime family on the citizens of the United States; a family that would have been shot for treason two hundred years ago. Joe Biden, the presumptive Clinton replacement waiting in the wings, said yesterday that he's known Hillary for forty years and she wouldn't hide her emails on purpose. Agency employees don't fulfill their watchdog roles to protect the public and many don't even do their jobs competently. The Supreme Court has been deciding fewer and fewer cases, and those they have taken, like Citizens United, have had chilling effects on our democracy. Congress is only concerned with vacations and obstruction, until enough influence has been gained to enter the gravy train of lobbying or consulting work. The rot travels from the head to the bottom, and, like the Roman Empire just before its fall, nobody wants to fight anymore.
The indictments were much an easier, quicker
kick start to a revolution than otherwise, a flukey battle tactic that if it worked, it saved lives otherwise lost to battle..
It was a hope we breached a wall without a siege. It was a hope we saw a white flag.
It takes nothing away from Bernie, or from his supporters.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
HRC's 5 lawyers probably helped her keep things from
getting worse yesterday. Lying to the FBI would have been fatal. Comey has been after her ass since Whitewater & the Marc Rich pardon.
There's no question that she mishandled classified documents. The real question IMO is what she tried to hide (and failed) in the deleted emails. Comey is looking to build a Public Corruption case along with destruction of evidence, perjury, obstruction of justice,...
Given his background, I have confidence that Comey will ask for indictments if he can present a solid case. And at this point, I'd have to guess that Lynch won't try to block him.
Timing is now the interesting question.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
i'd like to note
that this fbi interview was at the top of the front page of bbc news>world for nearly 48 hours.
most "liberal" sites here in the us? blackout.
(ed. 2 days is 48hrs =P)
So many here still asleep. Some gave up long ago.
But if they hear about all of this, more may get angry that we have been duped about democracy here, and rules of law. I try to spread the word, face to face.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Face to face is important. People still rely on MSM for most of
their news, not realizing these are old habits that need to be broken. I remind my friends/people of this trap all the time. Some are just too busy, working, trying to stay afloat, abreast of their growing kids' lives, and just get the broadstrokes of the news. And we know what that means: carefully crafted misinforming headlines, people just scrolling down their "news" feed, with hardly anyone reading full articles anymore, not to mention questioning the sources/author's inclinations/the news agency's owners, etc.
Saw a college buddy yesterday who somehow has become a Conservative, more Libertarian (equally loathsome), who is a paradoxically the nicest, most giving guy. We debate/argue all the time, with surprisingly plenty of common ground.
Anyway, when we were leaving he made a remark about how the HRC's email scandal didn't bother him. This is a guy who has no love lost for Democrats, is always criticizing Obama, etc. I stopped him and explained what was going on there, that indeed there was a lot to be read into regarding her arrogance, hubris and entitlement, not to mention legally what it meant as the SOS. In the same light Bernie just "wants to give away free stuff, but how is he going to pay for it." Simple-minded, media dumbing-down propaganda.
You're exactly right. We tend to think because we're so intently following stuff and well-versed in the issues and up on what's really happening we assume that most people have the general gist. They don't. It's vitally important that we at least give them the truth, even if it's in broadstrokes for that moment, until we can really sit down and get into it.
Yes, stop to talk to everyone. Wear buttons and political shirts, bumperstickers on the car, etc. These conversations cut through the fog of interference being run but the massive and relentless propaganda machine.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
National Prosecution Standards Third Edition
A comment you made was hidden by the community for being outside of site rules. The text was: Crosspost ---
Its a complete waste of time writing anything on KOS except on BNR. It either gets hidden or ignored. So, I semi-wasted my time trying to post a factual basis of why Bill's visit victimized Loretta Lynch.
I have lived in dictatorships during civil war where censorship was as stupidly sensitive as KOS and their fucked up Democrats. Is this what we are looking forward to, any criticism of the royal family (the elected dictator dynasty) being blacked out until you irritate their system enough to be turned into a skull?
From the Light House.
I think the "Vile" black eye one was mine. :)
Glad to see I made the craziest and most vile list for a snarky comment, that takes talent.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
U caught my snarky TOP commentary plus "Clinton landslide" LOL.
I remember reading your comment, yes. I verified it from the report on the black eye and vase that was in the first pages of that new SS scandal book Crisis in Confidence which I acquired yesterday, and also listened to and tend to agree with TYT... while I believe its true, the fact of setting up Loretta is much more important.
That being said, my first diary at TOP was evidence of Ted Cruz being a child abuser... it was flagged into oblivion.
From the Light House.
Interviewed Sat. morning of a three day summer weekend?
July 4 weekend, to be specific?
And you thought it could not possibly get more obscure than the Friday news dump!
Wonder who asked for this timing?