Trump Dumpster Fire north of the New Hampshire border


Continuing to ad lib his way through the pre-Cleveland daze of Summer, tehDonald tries to do something to make up for his teleprompter droning and in New Hampshire thinking that there were no Latinos in the audience…

Mexican Air Force F-5 Tiger flying over the Popocatepetl volcano.

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday pointed to a plane flying above his event and said it could be a Mexican plane preparing to attack.

"That could be a Mexican plane up there — they're getting ready to attack," Trump said as the plane flew overhead.



Donald Trump stopped talking about his views on free trade Thursday to surmise that a random plane flying overhead at his campaign rally was Mexico "getting ready to attack."

Trump, speaking at a rally in New Hampshire, pivoted his discussion to talking about Mexico and trading with the country.

"Mexico, and I respect Mexico, I respect their leaders, what they've done to us is incredible. Their leaders are so much smarter, so much sharper. And it's incredible," Trump said.

A plane just flew over Trump’s NH speech. He paused & pointed up. “That could be a Mexican plane up there. They’re getting ready to attack"

Here's the moment when Trump warns of an attack from a "Mexican plane":


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump points to an airplane passing overhead at a town hall-style campaign event at the former Osram Sylvania light bulb factory, Thursday, June 30, 2016, in Manchester, N.H. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
Mexican Armada!

He shut down plans to have him arrive in Cleveland by train, arguing that it’s been done before, and he decided against delivering his convention-closing speech at a larger, outdoor stadium over concerns that it would cost too much. He did tell the Times that he was tempted by the outdoor stadium though, because it would have afforded him the chance to arrive via helicopter.


So Tr(i)ump(h) of the Will Donald screws with the LIV audience by warning of a Mexican Armada, much like the Molotov-Ribbentrop “Polish invasion of Germany” resembles Brexit’s Polish immigration to the UK. And even Godwin himself thinks there are moments where his “law” is appropriate.



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Donald Trump starts a trade war — with the Republican Party

The unusual battle between Donald Trump and much of the Republican establishment on international trade is rapidly escalating, as the presumptive GOP nominee rails against business groups and members of his own party while defenders of sweeping free-trade pacts rebuke him.

The rift deepened on Thursday when Trump called out the U.S. Chamber of Commerce by name for the second straight day and pilloried the North American Free Trade Agreement and the ­Trans-Pacific Partnership, two landmark trade agreements broadly supported by Republicans.

When the GOP complain that Trump is not a Republican — they they really mean that. Trump stole their political party.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post is crying out for Hillary Clinton to go after Trump and defend these two very important, patriotic, god fearing, "free trade" agreements.

Clinton should call Trump out on his trade tirades

Who better than Hillary, excepft President Obama, himself?

Sez the Post:

“Our politicians took away from the people their means of making a living and supporting their families,” Mr. Trump declared, through “a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas.” He repeated his wild notion that the North American Free Trade Agreement is responsible for widespread economic hardship, along with the bizarre idea that the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a grave threat.

Clearly Trump has gone too far, this time. He's finally finished. Right, Nate?

Mr. Trump topped it all off with a dangerous promise: that he will “bring our jobs back” by renegotiating or tearing up trade deals. This follows from the increasingly pervasive but simplistic claim that the economy is “rigged.”

It's time for Hillary to stop pretending to be something she's not, and strangle Donald Trump once and for all, says the Post:

Ms. Clinton knows better and is attempting not to let on. Pressed on trade by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) during the primaries, Ms. Clinton swung against the TPP, a trade agreement she helped strike. But she left herself some room to negotiate changes and reembrace the pact once in office.

For the sake of the country she might govern, not to mention her credibility, Ms. Clinton must resist the urge to surrender any further to rank populism.


It writes itself.

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He's old!

(I'm only two years his junior, so I can say that! But srsly, the gent's aged since his Electronic Freedom Foundation days!)


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