Tuesday Open Thread 02-10-15
Good Morning 99percenters!
Some news and blues harp virtuoso Rod Piazza.
John Kiriakou: Blowing Whistle on Bush-Era Torture 'Was Worth It'
Whistleblower, who's now serving remainder of 30-month sentence at home, told Democracy Now! that 'entire torture program was approved by the president himself.'Former CIA agent John Kiriakou said Monday that the Bush-era torture program "was approved by the president himself" and that the two years he spent behind bars for blowing the whistle on that program was worth it.
Kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2013 after pleading guilty to releasing the name of an officer implicated in a CIA torture program to the media and violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. He was released from federal prison last week and is serving out the remainder of his sentence at home.
He is the only government employee who has gone to jail in connection with the torture program—a fact attorney Jesselyn Radack has called "a miscarriage of justice" and which Kiriakou said makes him feel like he's "in the Twilight Zone sometimes."
In an interview with Democracy Now!, Kirikou said he was convinced about the reason for his imprisonment: "My case was about blowing the whistle on torture."
It’s the lessons the U.S. didn’t learn from Vietnam that make its loss there the real tragedy
The U.S. has become a serial invader and destroyer of other nations, especially Muslim ones. What happened?Last month was the 47th anniversary of the start of the Tet Offensive. Tet was the tipping point of the Vietnam War, the battle that exposed the lie of “light at the end of the tunnel.” It is worth remembering to see if we can salvage any lessons from it.
On Jan. 30, 1968, the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army launched a series of assaults aimed at breaking the back of the U.S. occupation of Vietnam. It included attacks on more than 100 hamlets, towns and cities and dozens of military bases. It was named “Tet” for the traditional Vietnamese Lunar New Year, which was when it was launched. It reversed the course of the war, causing the U.S. to begin planning its withdrawal.
The attacks themselves were repulsed but their psychological effect was devastating. For the prior six months, the Johnson administration had waged a “Success Offensive” in the U.S., claiming that the U.S. was winning the war. Robert McNamara, U.S. secretary of defense and the original technocrat, had claimed “all available measures are showing progress.” The myth of imminent American victory was brutally exploded by the surprise, the breadth, the ferocity and the tenacity of the fighting.
But Tet was only the realization of an inevitability. The U.S. defeat in Vietnam was ordained from the beginning. Understanding why is key to learning any lessons from the war.
Ho Chi Minh had approached Harry Truman in 1946 asking if the U.S. would help the Vietnamese evict the French colonial occupiers, much as the Americans had evicted the British colonial occupiers in their Revolutionary War almost 200 years before. Fatefully, Truman sided with the French. That was the “original sin” that doomed American prospects in Vietnam.
Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers - Ain't Nothing Shakin'
Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers - I'm A Love You
The Mighty Flyers - Tell Me Mama (1984)

When the top leaders in a government...
are not held accountable to the law, there is no longer a government by the people. We are living in the shit-stain that used to be the USA. History will not judge our fall from grace nicely.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Morning folks...
Click the "Comments" link in the Navigation Menu for a comprehensive list of all comments. Added a "Contact Us" link in the header if the need to contact an admin arises. Going to call our web host today to have the domains switched, as it is now the forum is the primary on the caucus99percent domain and the web site is a subdomain only because the forum was created first, we'll then have the web site as the primary. I'm very close to having program in place that will allow each user to view their content, diaries and comments. I believe I fixed the problem with the user dashboard, so if you were experiencing problems, try it now and give me some feedback. Added a Drupal Wall to everyone's "My Account", check it out and give me some feedback.
Morning Johnny
You've really put something special together here. Thanks for all your hard work. Peace.
for the kind words cw, it's for a good cause.
The little elves have been at it again.
My dashboard is working great. I finally figured out how it works. The reader is great for diaries, and dashboard is great for comments on my phone.
Love the contact me. How nice to wake up to Tasini. Great job, Johnny and CStS. I really appreciate your hard work and perseverance.
So, if I tell you what in my mind, what happens to it? Where does it post? Can it be deleted? The drop down says image/video. Perhaps a little introduction to this feature when you have time. Thanks guys.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Morning dk
glad you got your dashboard working. The Drupal Wall is the latest attempt in my quest to get every user access to their content, including diaries and comments. I think I'm very close to getting that accomplished and if it pans out like i think it will the Drupal Wall wont be needed, unless folks like it then we can keep it. Right now it's kind of experimental and I'm not ready to keep it as a full time feature, especially if I can create us a full blown user control panel. If/when we keep the Drupal Wall I'll explain it's features, but you can go ahead and play with it now, give it a workout.
Thank you Johnny
Every day I come here, there is some new whistle or bell that makes the experience richer and better. I am amazed at how quickly and professionally this all came together. This site is just amazing. One feature that I am just starting to use and find great is the news aggregator.
Now if I could figure out html codes. I still cannot embed a link successfully. I have followed the directions, but it does not show up as embedded in the previews. On the plus side, I finally got the blockquote down. I was missing the / at the end. Duh!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
when i get the time, I'll write a FAQ explaining how to use HTML code. Until then here's the code for embedding a text link:
Type that code as it's shown and then put the url to the site you want to link to between the quotation marks ("url here") and then type the text you want to show between the brackets (>text here<) and it will look like this, I linked to the front page: causus99percent front page.
Maybe this is where I went wrong
I did exactly as shown, except I do not think I put a space between
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Try again...
there should be no spaces, a space will break the code.
It worked!!!!!!!!!!! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I take that back...
there should be a space between the "a" and "href".
Once I put the space in there, it worked.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
When you're...
writing a diary or a comment and you want to post a text link just inject that code inline and put the corresponding text between the bracket, don't forget to leave a space before and after the code so your word spacing is correct. Experiment with it and you'll quickly get the hang of it.
Another tip is: write the mostly used HTML code into a text file (Notepad or something similar) and save the file on your desktop, then when you need some code you can just open the text file and copy/paste the code from it, that makes it quick and easy. The most commonly used codes are blockquote, text link and image embed.

Text link: url goes between the quotes ("url"), text goes between the brackets (>text<)

Embed an image: Image url goes between the quotes.("url to image")

guess you could call this "News"
from The Book of Duh... Occupy Houston has had an eye on this sitch since we were made aware of it via Ryan Shapiro and Jason Leopold some months back. Ryan filed FOIA's in hopes of obtaining more or better details on this so called "assassination plot" (against Occupiers by Suspects Unknown). The first doc he saw (got) via FOIA was mostly redacted, so he was pushing to get them to un-redact more. FBI of course said NO and so it looks like the Judge has now ruled in favor of the FBI, so... what that means is... the privacy of the FBI's "sources" trumps the need or desire of the Occupiers to know just who was plotting to kill us.
Here's the current article in the local rag about it:
What a load of hooey.
That's awful.
If you are being threatened, don't they have an obligation to protect you? Can you demand a restraining order against the plotter? What a fucked up country we live in. Hope Scalia chokes on a peanut, and the FBI is all about domestic terrorism. Terrorists - exactly like WMDs.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
it was three years ago
this so called Plot was supposedly going on back in 2011, in the heyday of OWS. Ryan stumbled on to some remarks about it (in a totally unrelated FOIA'd doc he'd gotten). I think he discovered it in 2013, way after the fact, and it made some News. So the threat was long past before anyone ever even heard of it. Theres some older articles out there about it if you google it. I think they said they coordinated with local PD to determine IF there was cause for concern and HPD and FBI decided to either continue to monitor the perps or decided it was Nothing To Worry About, I forget, but yeah, nice huh.
Meanwhile, you can imagine the aftermath effects of this News back in 2013, locally. OH was long disbanded but theres a core of folks who still do various things, and maintain the FB Page. All of a sudden a couple key people decided to go all Hair On Fire and they suspected Everyone of being The Informant and it just blew the whole thing up. Hence, my feeling that there never was any Plot to begin with, lol, and I go all CT from there. Just the hint of such sent people into a panic and whatever Trust had been there previously, among occupiers-allies, pretty much disappeared. Its like COINTELPRO 2.0 if you ask me. We're (meaning The Left in general) not really all that hard to disrupt when you think about it.
No exception to the rule.
omg (as the kids say), this explains all about Obama
From an article at Huffpo
I had to stop and gaze in awe at the entire first paragraph...
I mean....I'm flabbergasted, not that he likes them but that people who like Obama will read this and still think that the Prez is liberal.
Brian Williams 'Suspended' For Six Months. Proof that
'only the Little People' are held accountable for their actions.
Or deserve 'a second chance.'
OTOH, at lease one distraction has been eliminated.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.