Apparently Hillary Needs Another Re-Re-Re-Re-Introduction to America's Voters
Once again, in my car this afternoon, I heard an NPR reporter talking about Hillary's plan to, once again, re-introduce herself to voters, which NPR will cover like the good Beltway Journalists they are, tomorrow morning, no doubt in great detail.
So, for fun, I went back to look at all the other times Hillary has needed a reboot to update the memeware about her that resides in the American Public's collective mind.
Here's a not so oldie, from last summer's NY Times article, Re-Re-Re-Reintorducing Hillary Clinton by Mark Leibovich, dated July 15, 2015. After the reporter told her he'd just seen a moose, well, I'll let him explain it:
We were meeting in an old conference room of the grand hotel, which is perhaps best known to history as the site of the Bretton Woods Conference, a gathering of delegates from 44 countries to regulate the international financial system after World War II. Clinton and I sat at the same table where the agreement that established the International Monetary Fund was signed in 1944. As a former first lady, senator and secretary of state, Clinton was of course no stranger to such heady sites of statecraft. But what we started talking about was the moose. She had seen a few in her day, she told me. ‘‘I’ve eaten moose, too,’’ she said. ‘‘I’ve had moose stew.’’
She then went on a long story about having worked in Alaska washing dishes at a resort. Who knew Hillary Clinton used to be a plebe like regular folks! Of course, this was a friendly article, almost gushing by a reporter who freely admitted he has interviewed Hillary "many times over the years, in various depths." he goes on and on about having read her college letters that a Clinton aide showed him in 2007 during her first run for the Presidency. Read this and feel all the warm fuzzies he has for her:
Though the letters were from long ago, I never viewed Clinton the same way after I read them. They were impressively self-aware for a college student, and in places even foreshadowed the public roles she would go on to play and the shifting identities they entailed. ‘‘Since Xmas vacation, I’ve gone through three and a half metamorphoses and am beginning to feel as though there is a smorgasbord of personalities spread before me,’’ Rodham wrote in April 1967. ‘‘So far, I’ve used alienated academic, involved pseudo-hippie, educational and social reformer and one-half of withdrawn simplicity.’’ For as much as Clinton or anyone has evolved over 50 years, the letters offer a reminder that, at the very least, there is someone markedly different inside and away from the sunlight.
As first lady, Clinton openly entertained fantasies of escaping her bubble and indulging in flings of anonymity. ‘‘On a recent trip to Arkansas, I had a sudden impulse to drive,’’ she wrote in a syndicated column from 1995. ‘‘I jumped behind the wheel of a car and, much to the discomfort of my Secret Service detail, drove myself around town. For several hours, I enjoyed a marvelous sensation of personal freedom.’’ She went on to describe the ‘‘odd duality’’ of her public life and lamented how ‘‘experiences that millions of Americans take for granted have become extraordinary for me.’’
Don't you just feel the love for poor Hillary, always misunderstood, always wronged by having to spend so much of her life in the public eye. Then again, she could have chosen to leave politics and the intense ]glare of the public spotlight when Bill left office, but we all know she chose to run for the open U.S. Senate in New York in 2000, while still First Lady. Not saying she should have chosen to abandon her ambitions, just that it strikes me a disingenuous to complain as she did that all the public attention she knew came with a political career dehumanized her.
At an appearance in April of last year in Portland, Ore., Clinton was asked what it was like to have lived most of her adult life under such scrutiny. She reminisced about her early days in Arkansas, back when she drove her own car and took Chelsea to ballet class. She betrayed an almost wistful longing for that time, contrasting her energy and freedom then with the exhaustions of her public life today — ‘‘the level of relentless scrutiny that now stalks not just people in politics but people in all kinds of public arenas,’’ in her phrase. ‘‘It gives you a sense of being kind of dehumanized, I guess.’’
Well, I that Times article is only one incident of a long history of doing this type of thing in the media. Just check out this video and try not to laugh too hard:
Here are just a few of what could be many more examples from her 2015-2016 campaign, in which she and/or her campaign's PR team have attempted to use the media to try to convince people to vote for the "New and Improved" Hillary, Version 2016.0:
Her first Campaign ads for the 2016 race, released in August 2015
Fusion article, April 11, 2016: "How Hillary Clinton has a fresh start with young voters"
It's such a constant theme of her career that even conservatives are willing to offer her free advice on how to best do it, such as this May 13, 2016 article article in The Week, entitled "How Hilllary Clinton Should redefine herself,"by Noah Millman.
[O]ne of Clinton's problems is that she's already well-known, and well-known for repeatedly — and unconvincingly — reinventing herself. So, supposedly, the public isn't going to be receptive to yet another attempt. [...]
If she isn't to squander a precious opportunity to reintroduce herself, yet again, to the American people, Clinton needs to ask herself a novel question: What is the version of myself that people want to listen to, and to vote for?
Not "what are people looking for" — that's too open-ended, too likely to lead her to pretend to be something she really isn't. Instead it's "what version of myself." What authentic side of me is the one that draws them to me, as opposed to pushing them away? And how do I get people to see that side of me?
And then he tells her she needs to tear up in a very public way to show she's a real human being with an authentic history of suffering and struggling. Yeah, I don't expect to see that happen either.
The thing I keep coming back to, however, is that Millman is right, in one sense. If you have a record of constantly trying to fake or pretend to be a person you think the voters want, eventually they catch onto your game. Which is why I expect this next re-introduction effort to be no more successful than all her Previous failures. Ultimately, most Americans have made up their minds about who Hillary is, and all her campaign's efforts to boost her favorables by showing the "real, authentic side of Hillary" aren't going to move those numbers much at all. Those who have swallowed the Clinton Kool-Aid don't need to be sold, and those who don't trust her and consider her a manufactured politician that only cares about money and power aren't going to buy one more sales effort, hard or soft.
No, her only hope is to go super-negative on Trump. Frankly, it's all she really knows how to do well when on the stump. It may work, or it may not. But it's too late in the day for anyone to be convinced that the real Hillary has been hidden from view all these years by a cruel and nasty media or some vast right-wing conspiracy. We know too much about her speeches, Bill's, the Clinton Foundation, her friendship with war criminal Henry Kissinger, her record as Secretary of State, her "new-found" support by ex-Bushies and neocons, and, last but not least, her "damn emails," to unlearn what we've learned.
Or to fall back on one of the "old sayings" that my daughter says I use too much, that bullshit ain't gonna fly. Well, it may old, but it's true.

I love these establishment marketing critiques
all of which have a simple request to Hillary: please lie to us better! Or perhaps, work with us so we can lie on your behalf!
This "re-introduction" business is just the MSM signalling to itself that it's time to coalesce around a new establishment marketing scheme. Hillary has a "precious opportunity to reintroduce herself" -- just think, someone was paid to write that.
Re: Please lie to us better
I still prefer...
I'm a little teapot...
Full of shit...
And end it RIGHT THERE.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
It's nice to see you here and posting comments that aren't snark!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Snark was my TOP defense mechanism.
I could NEVER say what I actually was thinking.
Here, if I get snarky, it's because I'm angry and don't want to be too much of a jerk, so I snark.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Snark is always the best offense and defense
Gives one an out.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I like your version very much.
Heard it too. Reminded me of BP after the oil spill.
Or Chipotle after customers got food poisoning. "Reintroducing" a product/candidate is not something PR/ad people do when things are going well.
Exactly. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
She needs to be retired
Not re-introduced.
from a reasonably stable genius.
reintroduces herself more often than a dementia sufferer.
Then there is the eternal recurrence of her "listening tours."
She eats moose stew, she keeps hot sauce in her bag, she's a dead-eye dick with a firearm, she can hit a moving target with a hurled lamp at 50 paces, she was once a nun in El Salvador, she won the Indy 500, she dodged sniper fire in Ferguson, she is Eleanor Roosevelt reborn, she bore MLK's love child. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The Americans were always getting "the New Nixon" too. But he, too, was always the same.
"she once was a nun in El Salvador" Wicked good writing!
Shaylors Provence
"she can hit a moving target with a hurled lamp at 50 paces"
$12.50 is what you owe me for the vodka tonic in my sinuses. we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.
Took Sniper Fire in Kosovo... nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Every time I read about her
I get nauseous. I think it may be a bad sign when someone causes bad physical reactions in a person when they're just reading about them.
When will they learn
that you can't polish a turd?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Mythbusters did a pretty good job of it.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
But it's still a turd...
This was proven by Homer Simpson.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I am not a crook
Two Quotes . . .
" I am not a crook"
" Hillary Clinton is much easier to Buy, then she is to Sell."
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~Benjamin Franklin
49 years
Of trying to find herself. It can be such a difficult task. But you know what? She will never find any part of herself which she can stomach within the political realm where she obviously finds comfort. A half century of finding herself through the definition of both how much money she gets anda the pretend opposite of the worst of her imagined political foes has left the country with its fakest potential president, since...I don't know.
I don't know why she has such a hard time finding herself
all she has to do is go to the corner of War Crimes Avenue and Greed Way.
That's where I always seem to find her...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I have not seen this elsewhere so
thought I would toss it in here as there are some groups/people that apparently don't feel a need to be reintroduced to HRC.
Evangelical leader says Trump is ‘un-Christian,' endorses Clinton
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Dumbya's Office of faith-based initiatives is still open
Obama said he would expand it and increase funding for it three days after he voted in favor of FISA '08 which he said he would not vote for.
[There are three more mentions of Hillary, but this gives an example of her hypocrisy. I think I read once years ago that she's gone on retreat with these people, but I no longer remember where I read it.]
Between the two organizations, they have a toe in the door to instituting a government-mandated religion in the US..., all contrary to the US Constitution.
The Office of Faith-Based Initiatives needs a countermanding executive order to shut the illegal and unconstitutional office which is run through the office of the president down, and eliminate funding (altho I think Congress could eliminate the funding, but they seem to be as spineless as jellyfish when it comes to demands made by the religious reichwingnuts).
IF she were "elected" (with rigged e-voting machines and voter disenfranchisement), I could well believe Hillary would give them everything they wanted, all contrary to the US Constitution which mandates separation of church and state.
This would be another area where Dumbya, who said he will be voting for her, will give her advice since he created the office to thank the religious reichwingnuts for helping him get elected. Gee, isn't it convenient that Bill & Dumbya are in business together with their charities...??? The dinner conversations must be soooo... cozy..., what with Dumbya having a direct link to not only the Bible Belters but Turdblossom who knows the people who can program e-voting machines to flip to fix a win for her....
Aren't you just... thrilled?!? /s
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Corporate slime are usually better...
about reselling the same product. Problem is that they usually are smart enough to WAIT a bit before trying again after a disastrous roll out. Or they just sell it in another country that hasn't heard how awful it is.
This is like Microsoft trying to sell the XBOX One after the disaster that was their announcement. You can't just regain trust with a new paint job and a slimmer design. (Hillary's new design appears to be, "I'm not as smart as I pretended to be!")
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I think a person of high, high intellect
that understands a life lived under scrutiny because of politics that dehumanizes them, is the person, of high, high intellect
that should not be running for prez, much less running twice.
A dehuman critter for prez?
a glutton for punishment?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm gonna go with crazy.
Classic Sociopathy.
No conscience, sees others as tools, complete lack of empathy.
Of course, being a politician is the only place those traits are an asset...
And I looked it up, just to be sure I was talking about the right disorder... Read this, and be amazed how well it fits BOTH of the Clintons.
Edited to back up my argument. I am no longer kidding about it. The woman and her husband are CRAZY.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Politicians & Serial Killers
Of course, in her case, it's a two-fer.
Remember the video of her cackling after watching Gaddafi being tortured (raped?), and killed?
Makes me wonder her reaction to the barrage of children dying after her sarin gas fun. She's a disgusting killer.
You're 100% right. They also lie when the truth sounds better, and need attention.
Third category
Politicians, serial killers and members of the 1% (three non-disjoint sets).
Nailed it!
Thanks for inclusion of DSM 5. Anybody who is unbiased should come around to the realization that Personality Disorders aptly describe both Hill and Bill. However, Bill was more modest in his amorality (not immorality because that assumes that he once did have a functioning moral code)--because he only fucked over this country, especially minorities, and at least 20 women. But Medusa has upped the ante: she has fucked up Iraq, Syria, Honduras, Libya, hundreds of thousands of people, cackling at the death of at least some of her victims (Ghadaffi).
There is a story that a world-famous Russian neurologist (sorry, can't remember the name right now) was discussing Joseph Stalin at dinner with another Russian neurologist, remarking that Comrade Stalin was paranoid (clinically, pathologically). Within 2 weeks that man of science died of poisoning.
Why does this sound familiar?
Oh yeah..."They are often the kinds of kids that are called 'superpredators.' No conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first we have to bring them to heel." --HRC, 1996
Relevant quote:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I thought her 'smorgasbord of personalities'
was stunningly revealing. She is still slipping into the persona most suited to her audience, which, in the YouTube-era, does not read as authenticity, but its opposite.
'I'm an oppressed woman, with the women, I'm a powerful world leader with donors and supplicants. I'm an environmentalist wth the hippies, but I've also been known to say frack baby frack for the customary fee.'
Is HRC trying to tell us...
... that she has Multiple Personality Disorder...?
Or only that she's trying out different personalities, depending on which audience she is playing to...? Well, that part we already knew....
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Add the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
The Personality Disorders are often found with two or more categories that apply.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Anybody else reminded of Sybil?
I don't think I have ever seen her dressed in leather. That college "letter" is actually creepy. Moose? Was she channeling SP before we heard too much about that moose-eater?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
My ex husband
Is a sociopath with malignant narcissistic tendencies according to his mother, a now deceased forensic psychologist. He's serving 99 years, thank the gods. It's the only way to keep law abiding folks safe. Though, I feel sorry for the guilty who cross his path as well. Killary needs to be locked up too.
Edit to correct subject/title
So, Madame Secretary, ...
At what point did the dehumanization actually take hold?
Hillary knows how to work the system
She is not breaking any glass ceiling, she was put above the glass ceiling by the "New Democrats"
She will say and do whatever she believes will keep her up there.
The political revolution continues
Injudicious choice of standard-bearer
Hillary is going to make women proud: as proud as Clarence Thomas made black folks.
Has anyone dared to ask a group of PoC
what they think of Clarence Thomas?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Thomas least favorite justice bin poll of AA community
"Men, women, Hispanics, whites, and voters in every age category agree on Thomas as their least favorite Justice but the group most emphatic in that sentiment is African Americans, 36% of whom give him that designation. The next closest is Scalia at 10%."
From the Light House.
Makes Trump look sincere
I'm convinced that the real Hillary has been hidden and exposing the inner Clinton is exactly the last thing the candidate and her campaign want to let happen—certainly what those with a little insight can see of her inner being are awful enough.
the one thing
i actually have some sympathy towards clinton for is her "secondary" existence in the public 10k.
surely it's driven her crazy that she's (arguably) more qualified than her penis-minded hubby when it comes to public office, inasmuch as fucking-shill lawyer types are qualified for public service.
it's too bad the american public isn't into fucking-shill lawyer types. fucking-shill lawyer types, or political dynasties. are the bush daughters next? is chelsea? unlikely.
ed: simple editing is good.
This is what she's starting to sound like...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
This is what she's starting to sound like...
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Just in time, too!
I was due for another re-re-re-re-rejection of the authentic Hillary.
She is clinically something fucked up --
‘‘Since Xmas vacation, I’ve gone through three and a half metamorphoses and am beginning to feel as though there is a smörgåsbord of personalities spread before me,’’ Rodham wrote in April 1967. ‘‘So far, I’ve used alienated academic, involved pseudo-hippie, educational and social reformer and one-half of withdrawn simplicity.’’
And now: Pretender to the Throne.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
One half?
The other half being what?
Obnoxious self-involvement?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I KNEW it!
Sanders is the third Blues Brother!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I figured she was withdrawn but not so simple. But it certainly
could be that she was simple, but not so withdrawn.
Withdrawn complexity? Outgoing simplicity?
Must be the first. The second is Trump.
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God, she's even tedious to
God, she's even tedious to read.
Yet another crime against humanity
I'm getting robocalls from her; can't hit the delete button fast enough when reviewing the messages. I need the Google voice-mail feature which transcribes phone messages to text; then I won't have to experience the nails-on-the-chalkboard feeling that her voice causes. I used to get that with Reagan and Bush-the-less-bright and a few other politicians but she's the first Dem politician to bring that out in me.
those letters aren't doing her any favors
You have an image that seems fake and politically calculated and the solution is to share college letters that talk about calculatedly using different personalities?
Honestly I don't care about Clinton's personality -- I care about her record (and I'm actually of the belief that she probably is perfectly kind on a personal level). But if this is the sort of stuff that her surrogates think will prove that she's a warm, normal human being, then they're torpedoing any public trust in their own judgements. I feel almost bad hitting such amateur mistake, meaningless, low hanging fruit, but if this is what Team Clinton thinks is important then I guess I have to.
Okay, this is getting creepy!
This will be the third time tonight that I've mentioned that Killary is a sociopath. But, an excerpt from her own journal? Bring on the Perry Mason music!
Ted Bundy used a fake cast. He faked needing help on numerous occasions - it worked. He played roles in order to lure his victims.
Detroitmechworks mentioned in another thread that sociopaths use people. They also do what she described in order to do it. Pretending to be whatever their victims need them to be in order to achieve their self-serving goals. They're human predators.
She makes my stomach churn.
I don't like to judge on things said in college, generally
I was a fairly pompous, know-it-all art student myself. I'm quite sure I said some cringe-worthy things. And I have some old diaries I would never let anyone see.
But it appears that she allowed these letters to be viewed? Is that the case?
Because if so, then it truly is creepy. And her inability to actually BE any of those things she listed for real, is disturbing. The idea, even as a college student, of putting on personalities as needed.... just creepy.
It's pretty much
what Ted Cruz admits to doing.
The establishment wanted a candidate with a long track record in American political life. You can't be reintroduced to anyone when you've been a key member of a zombie dynasty for the last 30 years. Every single time we thought we got rid of the Clintons, they keep finding a way to claw their way back into power.
Simply put, you can't fix this batch of damaged goods. People know who Hillary is and they don't like her. She can say that she's "New and Improved" Hillary or something ridiculous like that and it won't matter. The voters know that she's a political chameleon, a snake that's never to be trusted.
Chronic infection
The Bushes and Clintons are the foot fungi of American politics. It seems you can never get rid of them: the medicine makes the symptoms go away, but they always come back.
Aaaah ...
Hillary Who™?
It's funny how people calibrate their BS meters
Hi Steven, and thanks for this. The re-introductions continue; for reasons I can't quite explain, Elizebeth Warren is now doing try-outs for VP, and yes, she is good a ripping on Donald Trump. Hillary is, too, because that's going to be the campaign, along with incremental "white papers" on "moving the ball down the field" and "having the discussion". Sheesh. I'm still with Bernie, and I'd REALLY like him to go Green. That's all I got.
If Hillary wins, Elizabeth is our flotation device
Hillary is not well, anybody can see that. Should she be elected, and should Elizabeth be her VP, we would be in good hands if Hillary were to (expire).
I'm being rudely frank, but somebody should do it.
Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.
Warren could be fine as step-in
but would you calculate your vote on VP ascendancy? I would not. Hillary could be another like Cheney who keeps getting other's body parts.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm sorry.
I don't have the same feeling about Warren.
The snippets I've heard of her Monday speech could just as easily be applied to Hillary. so why is she out stumping for Hillary?
I was in the Comcast office returning equipment
(No more cable!) and saw the Warren speech on their big TV. With Hillary standing there smiling and clapping and generally trying to look human. I was just disgusted. I guess Warren has her reasons, but to me, she's just proved that she's not serious about any kind of progressive change. It's disappointing.
Warren is just being dangled to con the left
Twitter fights with Drumpf is a juvenile action by Warren
I was embarrassed the first time I heard/read about it. I thought Warren was classier than to be a guttersnipe exchanging words with Drumpf.
Then Liz endorsed Hillary. Warren is now on my shit list. She will never find her way back from being second banana to $Hillary who loves her some banks and Wall Street and military-industrial complexes.
All of that compromises Elizabeth Warren out of existence. She may as well retire now that the Rethuglicans know she can be bought, and the price is cheap: just a nod from $Hillary.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Another way to look at it
Is that Clinton and her Wall St. daddies actually want Warren as VP -- she can do less damage there than in the Senate, and she may lure some less self-aware voters into the fold.
The Wall St. Journal article was likely a plant.
I don't know how to explain Warren's complicity in this arrangement, though, so it's just a theory. Regardless, I'm still never voting for Hillary.
That's a reasonable assumption with precedent
The Republicans put Teddy Roosevelt on the ticket with McKinley to shut him out of power. They had fainting fits when McKinley was shot and Teddy actually became president and started giving the robber barons problems. Teddy's ascension to the presidency is one of the great ironies of history.
Twain Disciple
Tell me your dreams, so that I can pretend they're mine
HRC has to repackage herself every few months so that the shit doesn't show through. So let's build some dreams together--your's real; mine fake:[video:
LOL, these students got an introduction to HRC
College Students Truly Don’t Know Hilary Clinton
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
She wouldn't need to
She wouldn't need to reintroduce herself if she actually consistently stood for something.
Hmm... worked in Alaska, brags of eating moose....
Does Leibovich know the difference between Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Oh indictment, indictment...wherefore art thou, indictment?
Hi all, just on from a month in sad-land, great to be here. Can't go to all-hills-all-the-time at DK anymore, and can't look at the msn, where 'presumptive' means 'absolute,' despite the fact that the FBI's investigation is still quite ongoing. And Liz's behavior is so 'Et tu, Brute?' as to make me see her now in-toga-all-the-time. The re- re- re- invention of this Caterpillar of the Commonwealth, and the 'liberal' media falling all over her would be, again and still, comical if it wasn't pathetic. That no one challenges her on exactly why she wants the Big Chair, and why it's necessary to keep re-calibrating her persona-- urrrgh!!!! If you don't lie, if you won't say anything to achieve power, then you won't have to worry, prevaricate, confuse, obfuscate, fake-it, lie again, etc. 'Ye shall know them by their actions.' Do the right thing, as Bernie has, and you won't need to sell your nastiness to us again and again and again. But the 'liberal' media look at this and get all geeked out, oh, look what she's trying now! Let's cover it like it's important!
She's a fount of mendacious horror and a paragon of mediocrity. I still believe-- thanks to four years of Greek and a fondness for Greek Drama-- that the Fates are preparing a final act of catastrophe for this farce of Election 2016. Tragic character flaws and all that, e.g. overpowering hubris. But my question remains-- whose tragedy will it be? Ours or hers? What's new with the indictment thingy? Any rays of hope on the horizon?
Semper ubi sub ubi
Love this comment, did you see the chrysalis pic, Onion?
I would bet she is not larval, something else. I just had to rescue my dog from irritated crows, even puppy was feeling like her jig was up.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Anyone see this article from
The Intercept?
Here's a couple paragraphs:
As she's reintroducing herself, she might let us know that Bill might be appointed to run, said bank - or maybe her bff Jamie Dimon! Waiting with bated breath for this one!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Proving once again what a
Proving once again what a good little Repig she is.
Just like a Repig to always make sure that anything done 'for the public good', like education, health or crime 'reforms' will always mean that a handful of very rich friends will get their hands into the public till.
Add 'infrastructure profiteers' to the Clinton lexicon of greed and theft.
Are we seeing a repeat of the John Edwards - like fraud?
When John Edwards was willing to gamble the Democratic Party's election and the well being of the United States in order to pursue his obsession with becoming president despite the disqualifying affair he was hiding while his wife was dying of cancer, Democrats were outraged, most especially, those of us who were his supporters. He immediately withdrew in shame.
The bigger picture with regard to Hillary Clinton' email server is a vastly worse shame. Without regard to whatever else the FBI concludes, or whatever additional revelations we may get from Assange, intelligence committee damage reports, and others, the current evidence already proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she first said, "I never received, nor sent any classified information" from her private account. When two Inspector General testified in January that classified materials was discovered on her server,
She then changed her story to "nothing marked classified." But, then we discovered that both the Espionage Act and her signed NDA clearly state that whether classified material is marked or not is irrelevant as classification is based on content not markings, so at best this claim was yet another lawyer-like evasion.
But, then an email marked confidential was, found, then Top Secret - SAP emails about the drone program and North Korean nuclear missal sites. So she changed her story again saying, "nothing that she had the impression at the time that it might be classified.
Additionally, she claimed that the private basement server was authorized when the latest scathing IG report clearly establishes that she neither ask for, or received authorization, and had she asked it would have been denied.
She said see was cooperating and open to answering all questions from anyone, then we learn she refused to meet with the IG and hasn't held a press conference in 200 plus days.
Her fraudulent representations have been the basis of Democratic Primary voters voting and Super Delegates endorsement. She has not acknowledged her deceptions to her own supporters, nor shown any sign of remorse.
If she does not withdraw within the next month she will put the Super Delegates and even her own pledged delegates, who can change their vote for matters or conscious, in the awkward position of having to replace her or knowingly endorse this deception which will be a disaster for their own reputations, the Democratic Party, and the Nation.
What kind of a person would do this? Knowingly lying to her own supporters, voters, and delegates telling us we have nothing to worry about, when she has known all along what she has done.
So here we see two independent disqualifying issues - her character, and her judgement. Perhaps, also a third issue with regard to her complete incompetence at lying.
If she withdraws now, she still may be able to do so retaining some few shreds of grace and legacy. If she choose to bulldoze through with the apparent strategy of getting herself "locked-in" after the convention, on the assumption that Democrats will have to support her rather than risk a Trump presidency, she will guarantee that she goes down like Richard Nixon, in complete disgrace and breaking the hearts of young women and girls everywhere for whom she is a hero. But that idea that she can avoid this fate by getting herself "locked-in" at the convention is yet another example of a severe "judgement disorder."
The rapid escalation of revelations will only continue to a fate she must already know. Her most graceful exit would be to withdraw now so we have a chance to debate "Plan B." But, that choice would be a demonstration of "presidential level judgement," something we no know she does not have. So the Republicans must already be planning their impeachment committees.
Brilliant summation, HoundDog
The hubris, arrogance, entitlement, venality and incompetence have been staggering. But the lapdog media is afraid to touch it - for now.
She certainly appears to be bulldozing, and for it and so many other transgressions deserves the fate you lay out.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
WaPo has a negative article up.
CNN did yesterday, I believe. The dam is springing multiple leaks. Abedin's spouting the Fifth is/was today. Or her amnesia. House of cards meets not-so-gentle breeze?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.