If you think you're gonna teach the DNC a lesson, think again
Since this primary season started, people have complained that the DNC hasn’t given Bernie a fair shot at the Democratic nomination. Now that we’ve witnessed it unfold, some are claiming financial damages and a rigged process. And of course there’s the Bernie or Bust movement, which is actually nothing new.
I have news for the Bernie or Bust movement. You will not teach the DNC a lesson by not voting for Hillary because Bernie isn’t on the ticket.
The DNC wants to retain the power is wields. Some of that power comes about from having a Democrat in the White House, and some of that power comes from having a Democratic majority in the Senate.
But most of their power comes from being aligned with big money interests. Everyone hates the political corruption in America, the lobbyists, the SuperPAC money. Everyone, that is, except for the pigs who feed from the trough.
Before the primaries began, Cenk Uygur interviewed Jill Stein who illustrated a startling reality. The Democratic party has a history of “torpedoing” progressive candidates. Jackson, Kucinich, Dean, and others have been pushed aside by the Democratic establishment, and we could expect them to do the same to Bernie.
The Democratic establishment doesn’t always side with the populist candidate. They consistently side with the one who will maintain the status quo. Bernie Sanders definitely promised to upset the status quo.
I’m a hardcore Sanders supporter. I’m not going to tell anyone whether they should vote for Hillary for president, or not. Vote your conscience. But if you think allowing the Republican to win will teach the DNC et al a lesson, you’re dead wrong. They have opted for the Republican over the progressive before, and they will do it again.
Could Howard Dean have become president in 2004? I’ll bet he’d have fared better than John “treebeard” Kerry. I’m no fan of Jesse Jackson, but compared to Walter Mondale or Michael Dukakis?
The DNC would rather lose to the Republican than allow Bernie Sanders to become President.
So if you think you will teach them a lesson by allowing Trump to win, it’s already baked into the recipe. The Democrats like to pretend publicly that they can expect the same results with Hillary as they could with Bernie. That’s bullshit. They are just maintaining this self-delusion so it will spread to the masses, but they know better. Losing the election is a risk they are willing to take.
With only a binary choice, the Democratic establishment thinks our participation will fall into only two areas — support or non-support. Either we’ll vote for Hillary, or we won’t vote for her. The third choice is inconceivable to them: That we’ll vote for someone else.
If you want to teach the DNC a lesson, then vote for Jill Stein, or form a new party. Abstaining from the vote is apathy, it is not power. The only way to fight the power is to exert your own!
[video:https://www.youtube.com/embed/WTqwof5VvbA width:560 height:315]

Can you please, please, please
qualify such statements with the word "some." I am a Boomer, and in no way did I become a Yuppie. My sister five years my junior on the other hand.... My parents voted for Reagan. I did not. Why create a divide where none exists?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
And yet members of these groups continue to accept crumbs
As if it was manna from heaven
Take for example, the CHEERING and (media pushed) love for HRC because she marched in yesterday's NYC pride parade. Hurrah!! Right?
Um NO.
If one digs a little one will learn that she has marched in this iconic parade a total of 3 times... The first time in 2000 when she was running to be the NY senator... She was then absent from the march until 2006" when she was running for re-election in NY... Then absent yet again UNTIL yesterday.... And she was there yesterday because she is running for elected office again... kind of offensive to claim she marches in the pride parade because of her long time support for gay rights.. Especially since she marched a total of 4 blocks yesterday ... The 4 blocks where all the press congregated.. The 4 blocks she was guarentee THE most photo ops ... The stonewall in blocks. Once she passed the stonewall in SHE LEFT.
where was she when there weren't a million people in the streets cheering on the pride marches? She wasn't marching back then.
Everything we read about this election is pre-scripted bullchit aka the political horse and pony show.
Orwell was an optimist
She just nauseates me with these contrived "photo ops"
You know she's there because she has to be there, not because she particularly wants to be.
I do t blame her for seeking out the photo op
I blame all the people who turn a blind eye to her LACK of support for the LGBT community and for cheering her for seeking the photo op.
On another note... Is it just me or did Her and EW look like step ford twins when they jointly campaigned today. I tried to pay attention to what they were saying but all I could concentrate on was just how much they looked alike.. Even wearing matching blue jackets.
EW was giving a scripted attack trump speech and HER was standing next to EW doing her (extremely annoying) bobble-head nod.
It was beyond weird.
Orwell was an optimist
If it were me
I'd have to go into Stepford Mode to put up with campaigning for that hideous crook.
and remember.....
And, don't forget, as soon as she has her votes, all those wonderful progressive stances she does take (like pro-LGBT) will evaporate like smoke. She'll actually govern as a social conservative as well as a fiscal austerian, because that's what her evangelical Protestant Christian base and her Wall Street bosses want her to do.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
So freaking fake
#neverHillary #neverTrump
Beware the bullshit factories.
The Democratic party is morally bankrupt
A nice piece about the party at commondreams
bolding is mine.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think there is a grave misunderstanding here
based upon what I have read from other posters at this site. Nearly all of us could not care less about teaching the DNC a lesson. The DNC is the Clintons. Greed and corruption exhibited by that body and the Clintons themselves can not be untaught. There is no lesson to teach those who have been so corrupted by money that they would sacrifice democracy itself for it and the power behind it. The lesson here that most of us here have learned is that the DNC and the Clintons are simply unredeemble
I personally want the Clintons gone from public life period. The amount of damage they have done will take a generation to repair, if ever.
edited for grammar...
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"could not care less," gulfgal.
Hope you don't mind a tiny correction. It is a good one to know.
Thumbs up on your comment!
I'm with you gg
I'm still hoping for a Bernie miracle, but I know it's not likely. I'm done with the DNC they are beyond redemption I'm afraid. One only has to look at the platform struggle to see the hopelessness of supporting them.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well said.
Especially this part:
The DNC is the Clintons. Greed and corruption exhibited by that body and the Clintons themselves can not be untaught.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Seems it would really benefit
anyone who thinks they're going to talk this site into changing its mind about Hillary Clinton and/or the DNC--for any reason--to reconsider that SOP. Folks here are pretty locked in to their choice, and if it's not her now, it's not going to be her in November.
I don't mind them--traffic is traffic and I can't speak for every single person here, of course. But the prevailing "favorite" here has been Sanders, by a country mile, followed closely by "anybody but Hillary". So to me, they'd be doing themselves a huge favor and save some time and effort they might could use elsewhere to try and convince people who might want to be convinced.
man, I really have to learn to click on REPLY
that was supposed to be a reply to Gulfgal
I've wanted to say this all day
The morning shows (I wanted a weather report) touted a "poll" or "polls" showing Hillary up by 20. Hillary? Went from dead heat to +20 in a week? Hillary? I'm not saying Trump deserves better, but Hillary? Frankly, I knew that polls could be nothing but lies since the ACA went from -5 to +30 in 1 day - the day before the vote. (Friday before the vote?) But I didn't think then that it was so bipartisan.
The fix is in friends; the only question is if it's for Hillary or Paul Ryan. Do Republican Secretaries of State flip red state Trump votes for Hillary or does the R Party claim that with the "polls" so heavily anti Trump they have to deny him the nomination?
On to Biden since 1973
Polls are propaganda
and people are finally getting wise to that. So they won't depend solely on polls.
Paul Ryan is a serious threat
We assume the GOP candidate will be Trump at our own peril. There are several signs it WON'T be Trump, first and foremost the fact that no-one wants to give him money, not the private sector and not the GOP. I've always maintained that he's just in it to salvage some value out of his brand which is his single most valuable asset.
Even if Trump is the nominee, the GOP can steal this election in a heartbeat by fielding a 3rd party candidate like Paul Ryan. All Ryan has to do is win one state that is not his home state and prevent the other two from achieving 270 electoral votes. Sanders could have won Utah, and it would be ripe for Ryan because they won't vote for Trump or Hillary. Then it goes to the U.S. House for a vote by the state delegations, which split 33-17 for the GOP.
It could happen so easily it's frightening.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Well, that explains some trends
…in past votes:
But, looking at the primaries and the person who did so in some states, there was no partisan connection For example, in Arizona, the woman who did impacted Democratic primary votes was a Republican. That was pointless.
No, it wasn't.
Partisan divides are not nearly so strong as they claim to be.
Bill Kristol, Bob Kagan, Richard Perle--even Dick Cheney likes Hillary.
Have a look at this:
Even if you don't like inthesetimes.com, some of the links in the article are good, and show that far-right neocons support Hillary over the Republican candidates.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I believe the MSM is
attributing her rise in polling against The Orange One to another poll... the one loudly proclaiming that, "81% of Sanders supporters have already thrown their support behind HRH".
Eighty-one percent? Wouldn't that be something like, uh, all the Millenials? Sorry, not buying it.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
have already?
That's quite a claim. Not sure how that could be substantiated?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Exactly why
it was brought up--it's not verifiable at all.
i.e. that is a lie, total propaganda
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The only spoiled votes
are the ones that are not cast. For goodness sake, go out and cast your vote, even if it's for a third-party candidate, rather than staying home and not voting at all.
Love is my religion.