My Email to RoseAnn DeMoro of National Nurses United, re: Why I Want Her to Speak at The People's Convention
RoseAnn Demoro is the Director of National Nurses United(NNU) , a Sanders' supporter and surrogate, and a fierce advocate for Universal Healthcare for all Americans. I formally extended an invitation, via an email to the NNU dated June 22nd, for her to come to Philadelphia and speak at The People's Convention.
After Bernie's speech in New York last night, however, I realized that my earlier invitation to Ms. DeMoro was inadequate. Why? Because it did not explain to her my very personal reason for why I strongly support The People's Revolution and the The People's Convention they are organizing.
So, today, I sent another email to her, via NNU, to tell her my story as to why I support this event, and why I want a better healthcare system in our country, one that covers everyone, and one which takes the decision as to the proper course of medical treatment out of the hands of private insurance company "claims adjusters," and returns that power to patients, their doctors and their other health care providers.
I don't know if she will ever see my letter, however, as I have no direct email address for her, and I cannot know if the people who screen emails will in fact pass it on to her. So, that is why I am publicly posting my letter to her here at caucus99percent. Here is is in full:
Dear Ms. RoseAnn DeMoro,
My name is Steve Searls, and I personally extended to you an invitation to speak at The People’s Convention, the first big grassroots event scheduled in Philadelphia on July 23rd, just prior to the commencement of the Democratic Party Convention. Link: The People's Convention - Philadelphia
But what I didn't tell to you is why I support this event and why I want you to be there on July 23rd in Philadelphia with me. It's very damn personal for me.
In 2006, my wife, Clara, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She survived but the chemotherapy severely damaged her brain. You can read about her story here, if you wish: Clara’s Miracle
Clara was lucky in one sense in that her claim for social security disability benefits was not denied, unlike so many others. Her claim was accepted, not because of her brain injury, but because she had pancreatic cancer, and was expected to die. Yet she lives and is now covered under Medicare.
Regrettably, the only treatments approved by Medicare are expensive drugs, and when the price of one of them, Modafinil, increased significantly last year, Medicare refused to authorize it, thus costing us several several thousands of dollars out of our pocket, money we could ill afford, until they finally relented and reauthorized it for her. As you know, Medicare is prohibited from negotiating with drug companies over drug prices.
However, the most effective treatment that we've found for Clara is Music and Dance therapy in Rochester, NY where we live. Since she began non-drug treatment with Maria Battista-Hancock, the Expressive Arts Department Chair of the Hochstein School of Music and Dance in 2013, Clara has made great strides, to the extent that she can once again play the piano and was able to give a speech before hundreds of donors at a fundraiser for Hochstein, something that would have been impossible just three years ago.
Unfortunately, like many non-drug treatments, music therapy is not covered by Medicare, so we rely on tuition assistance from Hochstein to lessen the cost of the most effective treatment Clara receives for her neurotoxic brain injury. This is ridiculous and wrong, and is why I support Universal Healthcare coverage for all that covers the costs of all treatment options approved by a patient's physician and other healthcare providers.
The platform that The People's Convention ratifies will include Universal Healthcare. It will be presented on the floor of the DNC by pledged delegates who are working with us.
So, I hope you will stand with me on July 23rd at the Arch Street Meeting House in Philadelphia to witness real participatory democracy in action as people from all walks of life will have the right vote for each proposed plank.
Thank you for your time,
Steve Searls
Outreach Working Group
The People's Convention
If any of you would share this on Facebook, Twitter or other social media, I would be most grateful.

Tweeted it, Steven D.
Hope you'll keep us posted if you get a reply. Your wife's story is very touching.
"As long as there is a lower class, I am in it.
"As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it.
"As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free." Eugene V. Debs
Thanks Hollyanna. We probably all have stories
as to why universal healthcare would mean a great deal to all of us.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Wow, Steve
You guys have been through more than one ringer - as have I.
My grandmother passed from pancreatic cancer, so I know what that looks like. My brain damage came from complications of repeated heart valve surgeries and then many years of a bacterial infection flaring in my brain undiagnosed. I already had dopamine pathway issues before all this, but it's become quite cumbersome on a daily basis for me. Neurology sounds so impressive and in reality is not much more advanced than infancy.
I was not elected to go to Philly, so I'm trying to find what feels right for me to do from home. I'm not strong (or wealthy) enough to go to protest.
So glad your wife has found ways to thrive through all she's been through. And that she has you to love and advocate for her. That's an enormous blessing.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
My friend works with DeMoro
I know she's on board, and was a keynote speaker at People's Summit in Chicago last week. Sending you a private message now
Responded to your message.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I just read an ominous article
Truthout has an article about security preparations for the Convention. One of the things they're doing is reopening a prison with an infamous past - "to potentially hold spillovers of protesters arrested during the convention."
In Case, yeah, right.
Please be careful out there folks. I have a queasy feeling about this one.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup
DeMoro just fronted the DNC platform committee and called BS
"It’s not good enough to blame Republican
governors or the Supreme Court for the 28 million
people who remain uninsured. Guaranteed
healthcare for all must be a uniform, national
obligation that the Democratic Party makes a
priority, not a vague concept dependent on the
vagaries of which states will pass Medicaid
Tens of millions more remain under- insured –
unable to get the care they need even if they have
health insurance. Insurance is not care, and
useless if you can’t get medical treatment when
you get sick or face bankruptcy or the terrible
choice of paying for care or paying for your housing
costs or food for your family."
And, BTW, one of the attackers just gave us a preview of what
the Clinton WH would look like, and it is really really ugly. Full of lies, petty and vicious vindictiveness and covered with the general stench of corruption:
More on the possible future Chief of Staff: