Wanna bet and help C99p? - Fundraiser effort

So, everybody thinks it is a big deal, if the Brexit happens. Others say it's not. It's all beyond my paygrade. I have read so many contradictory opinions about what will happen, when they leave and why it's not that bad or why it's the big collapse. I don't care anymore.


Please comment on your bet. Donate five bucks. I match the five bucks up to 50 bucks (sorry, can't afford more), if your prediction turns out to be the right one (you say they leave and they actully will have decided to do so, I match your five bucks).

So, if you lose, your five bucks go to C99p. If you win, your five bucks and my matching five bucks go to C99p. That's almost as much choice as you have voting in the US, just that the lesser/more (whatever you see fancy) evil option is the more beneficial for the C99p. (oh, gosh, my English, I am so tired of that shit, it shows)

Here we go:
EU referendum result: counting begins in poll to decide Britain's future – live
I think the first results come in around 7:30 EST

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Pricknick's picture

If the British government wants it to fail, it will happen. Way too much money for the monied interest to lose this. Hope I'm wrong and the brits give their government the finger.
I donated so you don't have to match.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

SS deposit today so I was able to make a donation!

I'm lousy at making predictions. I was so sure that Scotland would vote for its independence. It's been 13 years since I lived in England. Who knows what those crazy Brits are thinking.

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mimi's picture

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Bollox Ref's picture

It's going to be close by all accounts.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

hecate's picture

exactly are we betting on? Whether the British vote "yes," or vote "no"?

If so, I will make a Schrodinger's bet. I will bet they vote yes and no. No way to know. Until you open the box.

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mimi's picture

hecate thought she/he (forgot again what she/he is) could outsmart you, Mr. Schroedinger, not going to happen here at C99p. 15 bucks and that's final.

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I just found that kharma and el are hes too.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

they're telling the truth?

; )

Maybe I'm actually a bored 11-year-old girl, but I play an old fart man on the intertubes.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

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mimi's picture

hecate was always a he to me, because why would a she call herself a hecate. el I always knew he was a he. kharma ... well, I check, if he has a he kharma. But I trust you, you are a she.
I think I get myself some beer now and get sleepy and drunk, it will bring me into the "it" mood.

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Shockwave's picture

And checked monthly donation.

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The political revolution continues

mimi's picture

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CaptainPoptart's picture

Thanks for the reminder. Don't have an opinion on this, and don't like to bet anyway.

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I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings

mimi's picture

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martianexpatriate's picture

I'm not certain anybody wants to hear this but... I really wish you wouldn't do this.

I understand that this all looks very arcane to you, and far away. And I understand that there are plenty of opinions on both sides, there are always are.

Unfortunately, a lot of the things that led us to this position are similarly hard to understand. When people are flip and uncaring about them, and commit to one side or another, even as a joke, it usually means they've stopped trying to understand what is happening.

A lot of people want to exit for the wrong reason. They bring up far right nonsense similar to Trump, blaming the EU for immigration. It's the idiot's reason but there is a better one.

The better one is that reasons once made by democratically elected representatives are now made by bureacrats who frequently originally works for banks. Austerity policies are in place that have become effectively unstoppable, because the EU has effectively replaced laws put in place to let people have some say in these things.

Consider this. Germany, the dominant country in the EU, chose how to handle Greece when they couldn't handle their debts. Their decisions have closed schools, hospitals, and driven the country back nearly to the stone age. Starvation is now happening, and education is so devastated that they will have a hard time finding people for many modern professions in the next twenty years.

Now, that being the case, do you suppose that will lead to more poverty? Is shuttering schools and institutionalizing poverty for decades going to lead to something good for anybody in the EU at any point? Seriously, when does closing down all those institutions lead to things getting better?

It was a horrible decision for the EU as a whole. But the bankers who have done well by all this are making out great.

Please don't make bets on things like this. Just don't. I understand you don't feel there is harm in it, but it sets a bad precedent.

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You are free to express them, but you are not free to ask others not to express themselves because you disagree with them and/or it upsets you. I am not citicizing you or taking you to task. I assume your intentions are every bit as good as mimi's intent to fund raise for c99 in this way. My guess is that your comment has now put her and her fund raiser in a bit of a box. Please know that restricting speech, as long as it is civil, is not what c99 is about. Thank you for your understanding.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

martianexpatriate's picture

to c99 without making a bet about this election.

If what I said was wrong, then what you just said about my comment was equally wrong. I don't think you underwhat what restricting speech is.

What she did was exercise her right to speech. I did the same thing.

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mimi's picture

right? No? Ok, I reimburse you the five bucks, you haven't donated. I hope that makes you feel a little better. If you have a paypal account, message me the info. Thanks.

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You didn't stop at expressing how it made you feel. You went all the way over to "don't do it because I object to it". If you need more information on the rules, please visit welcome new users.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mimi's picture

When people are flip and uncaring about them, and commit to one side or another, even as a joke, it usually means they've stopped trying to understand what is happening.

I am actually not flip about it, nor have I committed to one side or the other, neither jokingly or seriously, but the rest of what you say is true, I have stopped trying to understand what is happening. Some Germans say the Brexit will cost them a lot, others say no, it doesn't. How am I supposed to understand who is right and who is wrong. I am just a German housewife and try to fill JtC's piggybank. Sigh.

Would be nice if some of those, who do understand it, would write about it.

I am completely open to any opinion, but I have to understand why someone has an opinion and often I don't.

I just had the idea for a fundraiser, while trying to find out what the guardian reports about the vote and was hoping to find the little cute men on their ladder painting the results from various British polling places.

Sorry, friend, I am not going to go nuts over this.

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martianexpatriate's picture

And that's fine. The world feels pretty far beyond us all now. I'd just rather do fundraisers about something else.

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mimi's picture

better fundraiser ideas. No problem, just was a little surprised. I am a German expat in the US for over 30 years. Read some German print articles today and it left me confused. That's why I had this lax wording in my fundraiser. I didn't think somebody would be offended by it. Sorry for misjudging.

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Shahryar's picture

can't do monthly because we never know when we're going to have enough to get by, so when we see we've got a little bit of a "surplus" (because really it's only temporary) we send what we can.

As for brexit, I agree with those who say the British government won't allow it. If Hills and the DNC can rig elections here you can bet that the Brits will hire those professional election riggers

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martianexpatriate's picture

is definitely opposing the exit. The whole situation has become incredibly confused, very deliberately I think.

I think confusion is one of the major tools that big money has today. They use it so frequently that it results in everyone being separated from the process.

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mimi's picture

they are so sweet, one can't take them more often than once. Smile


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dance you monster's picture

But the early returns are pointing otherwise.

Tomorrow morning, if the Leave forces win, the Remain forces will loudly intone "Where did all these racists come from in the UK?" It's an easy framing, which too many in the Leave faction fueled, but this feels different.

Remaining in the EU would almost certainly ensure a more active economic interchange with the Continent, and that's what the Remain forces are invoking, but those economic advantages benefit the few at the top and not so much the many at the bottom of British society. This vote is feeling like a cry of anguish, because no other outlet has been available to them, to try to get the folks at the top of the heap to begin to acknowledge that what has benefited them has been confined to them, and that that is fundamentally unfair.

If, in Britain as in Spain and in the US and elsewhere, it takes damaging the edifice of the economy to get the PTB's attention, then maybe it's time to shake the very foundations. Vigorously. Unmistakably.

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I think gulfgal put up a request for monthly contributions, and I belatedly signed up. I'm usually a single donation guy, but figured this place (and JtC) could use a little bit of steady income stream.

Thanks to all for donating, for whatever reason you do so. And thanks, mimi, for putting up a novel fundraising diary.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

mimi's picture

money grabber... I think I need to rethink that approach. Smile

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Just made a donation. So glad you all are here.

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mimi's picture

and you heard my prayer. Thank you for your kind donation and for YOUR presence here. Give rose

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Alligator Ed's picture

What drives austerity? The banks. Why? Money. What else? More money. When countries make financial mistakes, in the modern era they do so propped up by "loans" from international banking at rates they never should have agreed to. Just like the housing bubble, governments over-invest in things without strong internal supports--just like buying bundled bad loans. You think you're getting a good deal--but you (or your country) have just made a deal with the devil. Apparently these loans are structured so that payback becomes impossible, the worse your country's financial debacle has become. It's like private consumers going to payday lenders. End result: the general populace suffers in order to enrich the bankers who make such loans. I do not mean to excuse bad financial mistakes writ large (countrywide)--but malfeasance and misfeasance by national governments in making these disastrous financial decisions should take their fair share of blame. Just like the Wall Street Banksters almost obliterated this country on an enormous scale, so too do international financiers in collusion with senior governmental persons orchestrate their own greed-driven tragedy. Look at Greece. Look at Spain. If the TPP passes, then look at us.

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