Email from Elizabeth Beck RE: DNC Fraud Class-Action
Another cross post from your friends at KfS. ~ Thumb
Dear fellow citizen:
Thank you for contacting us.
What is This Case About?
This is a fraud lawsuit.
On June 15, 2016, an anonymous hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 released documents purportedly hacked from the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the formal governing body of the Democratic party, and the coordinator of the 2016 Democratic Presidential primary race.
The hacked documents strongly suggest that the DNC colluded with Sec. Hillary Clinton's campaign to perpetrate a great fraud on the public.
This class action lawsuit is against the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and any affiliated persons and entities.
The Paperwork to Get Started
Thank you for reaching out to us. As attorneys, we are truly energized by the outpouring of support for this class action lawsuit. Class actions are, and should be, client-driven lawsuits, where a group of people represent everyone in the Class, and act with everyone's interests in mind.
Please review the attached attorney-client letter, and sign page 2 on the bottom to formally hire our law firm and sign up to be a class representative. It does not cost you anything to join.
If you have donated directly to the DNC since Bernie entered the race, please sign up! You have the strongest standing. You may have donated to the DNC through your membership, their website at, via direct mail solicitations, or via Act Blue.
However, even if you have only donated to Bernie Sanders, you can also sign up. There is no minimum donation amount. If you donated, you were harmed.
In addition, please take a moment to fill out the client questionnaire (attached as both a word document and PDF). The questionnaire allows us to contact you, and it also has necessary facts about your donations that the court requires.
Please also review Exhibits A & B, which describe your rights and responsibilities.
You can return the signed attorney-client letter, and the completed questionnaire with any supporting documentation, to me via e-mail, or by fax at 786-664-3334.
Time is of the essence, so your prompt attention is greatly appreciated!
Once you have signed up and are a plaintiff, we will send out regular client-only updates via email. You can also contact me or our offices directly with any questions or concerns, as a client. As a class representative, you will have the responsibility and honor of being the custodians of not only your rights, but everyone's in the class. We look forward to working with you to reach justice in this case, for everyone involved.
For the general community, we have started a Facebook page to update the public on progress. >
If you have any questions, you can contact me, or Kimberly Diaz at my office at Our office number is 305-234-2060.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Lee Beck, Esq. Attorney
ELIZABETH LEE BECK, ESQ. | Beck & Lee Trial Lawyers Corporate Park at Kendall 12485 SW 137th Ave., Suite 205 Miami, Florida 33186
305-234-2060 Office | 305-968-3426 Cell | 786-206-2447 Direct Fax |
They are asking for anyone who has donated to either the DNC or Bernie to contact them to have your name added (they are not asking for any money) - When you email they will email all the info and paperwork to you. Do note that per their FB page they received over 1,000 requests their first day. So be patient. It could take two days to receive sign-up info.
Good discussion on this with more Q&A at

Richard Clinton, or is it Hillary Nixon the $64,000 Question
A bit off topic, but couldn't find an email thread...
Yes... I can see how those who donated their time or money to what is supposed to be a fair primary would have standing for damages. An anology? Lets suppose you go on the $64,000 Question and do all the work and find out after you earn a washing machine and not the $64,000, that it was rigged from the beginning. And came up with the documents to prove it.
From the Light House.
Imagine what Nixon would have to say about Hillary
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I'm going to wait
and see if my information is given to the DNC should Bernie fold. Why? If Bernie gives his donation and mailing information to the Clinton campaign, it will only further my belief that the whole system is corrupt and a class action will accomplish nothing. It would be quashed by the powers that be.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I don't think it really matters if Bernie gives his list or not
It is not as if Bernie supporters have never heard of Hillary Clinton and the DNC before and with this list, Hillary will reach a whole lot of new people who have never heard of Her before but, once they do, will support her.
Most of Bernie's supporters, while they may be likely to vote for Clinton, will not see any benefit in giving her $27 when Wall Street is giving her millions. People donated to Bernie because his platform and message was unique. The list isn't magical.
Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll
Thanks for your concern
I am eager to here where and when you expect to receive this information that is so critical to your decision to seek justice.
Thanks Thumb for posting this. I'll definitely sign up. I maxed
out to Bernie not realizing early on that the fix was in.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I never maxed out
but I gave more than I have ever given any candidate, ever.
I'm so in on this. Even if it gets tossed, the effort is what matters. For some things, it's important to try, even if or when it looks "hopeless" and even you're pretty sure it will lead nowhere.
PS. I echo your thanks to Thumb--I wouldn't have seen this otherwise, so it is much appreciated
I've never given even close to max before, but Bernie is
special. Even if this lawsuit goes nowhere, it'll have been worth it to help get the issues out there. The young people now know that there is a better way. And I think everyone knows that if Bernie had gotten half the support from the establishment that Obama got in '08, he would have wiped the floor with Hillary long ago. A lot of peoples eyes have been opened to how corrupt the DNC is, much in the same way eyes were opened to how much racism there is in this country with the election of Obama. It's sad. There is only one party, the Corporate Party of America. Regular folk need not apply. #BernieOrBust
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Emailed for the material.
I stopped giving to the local D's too, except for a couple of Bernie supporters. Haven't stopped telling them why I stopped, though.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Neither link worked.
Tried emailing to
and to
using aol. Received email undeliverable message from both addresses.
I emailed to both yesterday and both went through. Maybe they're overloaded?
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Hillary & Nixon - an ironic connection
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member