
Behold, I come quickly.

Revelation 22:12

Mike Huckleberry has abandoned presidential-campaign commitments in Iowa and New Hampshire to jet off to Israel. Huckleberry says he absolutely Needs people there to know that no one—not even Jesus—is more fervent a foamer for the Israelites, than he.

Huckleberry cited to Two Signs, that required him to immediately eschew his prior plans, and become as one with the Western Wall.

First, said, Huckleberry, a black kitten was espied, gobbling like a turkey, there in a UK animal shelter.


Huckleberry says that his reading of Scripture sez that this cat-gobbling, it is one of the Seven Signs, of Revelation, wherein the End Times shall be presaged, by demonic Satan-controlled black animals, speaking in Wrong Voices.

I live with a black kitten. Becoming a cat. He doesn't speak at all. Because all voices were beaten out of him. By the people who came before. Instead, he has wide, unbelieving eyes. Like a pieta. They speak more. Than any sounds. Ever shall sound.

The second Huckleberry Sign, was a video of birds, flying over NYC, birds forming an image of the visage of Vladimir Putin.


"The Antichrist, he is Invading," Huckleberry proclaimed. "Clearly, it is the End Times. We must secure, awaiting the Final Battle, the Plains of Armageddon."

Huckleberry, he could have seen, instead, the wonder of birds.


But no. He'd prefer to writhe in the dark.

I live with birds. They know more. Than I will ever know.

While Huckleberry was preparing to wing off to the Land of Nod, the presidential aspirations of Scott Walker, they were suddenly extinguished, by the public release of clear and present audio/video NSA intercepts, that revealed the man to be a conscienceless impotent wanking creature of Wall Street.


And then Clinton II, she was required to hide her face, and all her other body parts, in shame, when, overnight, the collective consciousness suddenly shifted—just as it had in re the slavery diaper, in the days after the intertubes-robot Dylann Stormfront Roof ceased the beings of Charleston—as the people, regarding anew the long-available video evidence of Clinton II getting her war on for George II's Iraq War II, and her joyful chortling at the death of Muammar Gaddafi, decided she was just icky, Wrong, anathema, nothing they would ever want to be associated with.

And so she was sent into exile. Never to be borne by the people again.




As the twin Ozymandias idols of Scut Walker and Clinton II were falling down all around him, The Hairball was all out in every tube and TV-stream, gibbering about The Wall.

He is going to put up The Wall, vows The Hairball, all along the Mexican border. And, thereby, no brown people, will be able to come upon His Land.

The knuckledragging human Platonic form of The Wall is the Great Wall of China. Which to this day may be perceived from the moon. But the thing was an utter failure. For 2000 years, great legions of you-and-I nobodies had the shit whipped out of us, to build the thing. But when, for instance, the Mongols decided to Come, they Came. Over, through, around, The Wall. Because they Wanted to. And so, they Came.

A wall is separation, and thus against Being.

Being is togetherness; here, on this planet, togetherness is incarnated in aloneness: here, we are dispatched to strive to experience togetherness, in aloneness form.

That is what this planet is for.

And that is what the philosopher John Lennon meant in:

i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

In this, a wall is anathema.

And this is why, in reality, in practicality, all walls built, contain within them the seeds of their own destruction. They are over, even as they are built. The "Berlin Wall," as case in exact point. It seemed so permanent, that wall, during its time. But that time, as it developed, was just 28 years.

It did allow, though, during its time, people on both sides, to get, for a time, comfortably numb. As walls always will do. Sad, downed, things.


There are no walls. And there is no separateness. There are just the barriers erected by ourselves, because we are togetherness creatures, who arrived alone and abandoned, in this aloneness world.

Which results in such howlingly nonsensical nonsense as foaming feverishly over "politics."

When, for instance, in truth:

there aren't any russians
and there ain't no yanks
just corporate criminals
playing with tanks


And my little kicked-to-shit kitten. After ten months or so with me. During which I remained ever patient. In the beginning, he was so afraid of my eyes. Because eyes had razed hotly upon him, when the abuse rained down. But, today, he walks right into my eyes. To touch with me noses. He has elected to trust again. An aloneness creature, abandoned on this planet, from a togetherness place. But, in my eyes, he has decided. To trust. That he knows me. And in his eyes, I know him. And both of us are bound, together, and know from whence we came. And we know the great wide open. Into which we shall fly. Together: again. In our eyes.


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hecate's picture

this is some of what's going on in my universe.

What's going on in yours? ; )

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Good morning Hecate. I'm just sitting here watching stormy weather move in across Lake Huron. It is very dark. Hope it isn't an omen. On Wednesday, my daughter goes in for additional testing as a follow up to results from a mammogram. Staying positive. Send good juju our way.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

your daughter. May good karma be with you both. *angel*

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

and all good energies, for you and she.

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lotlizard's picture

Israel's wall, which dwarfs its Berlin equivalent, is now how old?

Since the U.S. (and, de facto, Europe) are fine with it and subsidize it, want to bet Israel's wall outlasts even the Berlin wall's 28 years?

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hecate's picture

plans to heal that wall, with loaves and fish.

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mimi's picture

meet yours... beautifully expressed. Thanks.

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enhydra lutris's picture

boundary walls. They too don't love a wall and want them down, and wish you and your kitten well. Being local, they just ignored, as did we, their servants, a nearby 4.1 that gave us something to talk about an hour ago. Earth doesn't like walls either, though a 4.1 in this part of the country won't harm any that have lasted this long.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

hecate's picture

black cats! Good for you. There are two here, too, but one of them has a small little white star on his chest. It is like a Sneetch star upon thar.

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the bird flock video and that is definitely pootie poot's face and I do believe you are correct that it's a sign of impending Armageddon. So when does the Rapture start and is it bi-directional, because I'm pretty worried about which Dantean level I'll be occupying.

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hecate's picture

when it starts. I'll have to study deeper the text, to determine where and when the birdly Poot Apparition fits into the scheme of things.

A fun thing about Revelation is it's so whacked you can get just about anything you want out of it. One theory is that the author wrote it under the influence of hashish.

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