It's been a bad week at Goldman Sachs
It's not an easy job 'doing God's work', and this week was no exception.
First of all, GS finally settled a $1 Billion lawsuit over an investment known as “Timberwolf”.
Timberwolf became notorious after an e-mail by a former Goldman Sachs executive, Thomas Montag, describing it as “one shi--y deal” was released by U.S. lawmakers investigating the bank that year. In an April 2011 report, the U.S. Senate said Goldman Sachs tried to manipulate prices of derivatives linked to subprime home loans in May 2007 for their own benefit.
That was par for the course for GS. They are somewhat familiar with lawsuits.
However, the lawsuit that finally reached the open court this week is unusual even for GS.
A Goldman Sachs banker “procured” the services of two prostitutes as part of concerted efforts by him to cement close ties with officials at the Libyan sovereign wealth fund , as the US investment bank sought to win lucrative new business, the High Court has heard.
That sounds pretty bad, but trust me, the details are much, much worse.
A Goldman Sachs trader haggled with a prostitute in Dubai, it emerged at a trial centring on claims that the Wall Street bank took advantage of a Gaddafi-era Libyan wealth fund to fleece the country of millions.
Maybe someone could help me remember where in God's work a millionaire haggling a prostitute down in price in order to help fleece a sucker? As for the fleecing itself, well, that was epic.
The allegations came at the start of a legal claim by the Libyan Investment Authority for $1.2bn (£846m) from the investment bank. Lawyers for the LIA are claiming for losses on nine trades that Goldman Sachs executed for the fund between January and April 2008.
The LIA lost almost all its investment through the trades – one of which was the largest that the bank had undertaken in a single stock – while Goldman Sachs generated “eyewatering” profits of over more than $200m from the trades, Roger Masefield, a QC for LIA, said.
Once the losses emerged, Masefield said one Libyan official described Goldman as the “bank of mafiosa”.
The GS defense is basically "you should have known better than to trust us."
They've probably had quite a few laughs about Libya while manipulating the Treasury market.
A GS/Clinton scandal that doesn't involve $220,000 speeches, and almost slipped through the cracks involves Hillary and Bill Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, who married their only child, Chelsea, and the recently closed Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity Fund, after it had lost 90 percent of its value.
Mezvinsky ran Eaglevale with former-GS executive Bennett Grau. Here's where it gets interesting.
the Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity Fund imploded as a result of bullish bets on Greek bank stocks and Greek government debt. That’s raising even more eyebrows in investment circles since it was Goldman Sachs who secretly sold a complex and convoluted derivative deal to Greece in 2001 that hid the true state of its debt, then reworked the deal multiple times until Greece ended up owing Goldman a stunning 5.1 billion euros, almost twice Greece’s original obligation, thus making future bullish bets on Greece highly doubtful.
It turns out that Grau was working in the same GS division that managed to loot and bankrupt Greece.
What a coincidence.
None of this is anything GS can't handle. There's very little chance anyone at GS will go to jail...for this.
You see, there is a another scandal that the bankers at GS can't laugh off. This one involves Malaysia, and this week the New York State Department of Financial Services got involved.
They are only the latest agency to investigate. The FBI and Justice Department started looking into it last year. Just how guilty is GS is still being determined.
At issue is $3 billion Goldman raised via a bond issue for Malaysian state investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd., or 1MDB. Days after Goldman sent the proceeds into a Swiss bank account controlled by the fund, half of the money disappeared offshore, with some later ending up in the prime minister’s bank account, according to people familiar with the matter and bank-transfer information viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
The cash was supposed to fund a major real-estate project in the nation’s capital that was intended to boost the country’s economy.....
One red flag, they believe, is that Goldman wired the $3 billion in proceeds to a small Swiss private bank instead of to a large global bank, as would be typical for a transfer of that size, the people said.
Another is the timing of the bond sale and why it was rushed....
The 1MDB fund is the focus of probes into alleged corruption in at least seven countries. Investigators believe more than $6 billion of 1MDB’s money is unaccounted for. Mr. Najib and his family used hundreds of millions of dollars originating with the fund on the election campaign, to buy real estate, clothing and jewelry, as well as to help finance a Hollywood film, according to people familiar with the matter and bank-transfer information.
Malaysia’s attorney general, that was personally appointed by the Prime Minister, cleared the prime minister of any wrongdoing. So no harm, right? Besides, what's $6 Billion between friends?
On the other hand, maybe someone might be upset. Maybe a lot of people.

Goldman Sachs and Libya
who'd a thunk? Wait a minute. Libya - Clinton. Goldman Sachs - Libya.
Clinton - Goldman Sachs.
Who do you think will be Clinton's Treasury Secretary if she becomes President? Then again, who do you think will be Trump's?
Heads, they win. Tails, we lose.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Yes, the transitive property of mathematics also works well
with corruption.
As for HRC's treasury secretary, Larry Fink CEO of BlackRock, Inc.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
And Obama is sweeping her f'n server under the rug
Wonder if Blumenthal is in on this?
Now we know what we'll hear if she's elected:
"The GS defense is basically "you should have known better than to trust us."
Perfect. Wonder if they'll have it woven into the Oval Office rug?
Sickening. It's as if the O.I.G. report never happened. Goldman Sachs - think of all the people we'll get to know - as if Bob Rubin, Tim Geithner, Larry Summers weren't enough!
You gotta love it, in a perverse way
They set up the son in law to curry favor, then they bet against his every trade as he sinks.
They just can't help themselves.
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
They just made sure to place some smart
shorts, I'm sure Mark got part of those too. Can't have Chelsea suffer now.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
GS needs to be put out of business
This is a total criminal enterprise and as such its leaders should go to jail and the organization itself should be liquidated.
Of course if Hillary becomes President they will get an office in the west wing
This is the safe, quick, sure solution. The company needs
to be terminated and the managers forbidden to work in banking.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Revoke their charter and perp walk all the execs.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Perp walk them is right. They've caused world-wide misery,
loss. and suffering. They are economic terrorists.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Office in West Wing for GS
Actually, I think they'll just dust and freshen up the Lincoln Bedroom.
Meanwhile, the average person cannot open a modest line of credit without the entire transactional details being sent to the FBI - because, you know, terrorism.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
And never, ever, under any circumstances make
any transactions in excess of $10K because that automagically makes you a drug-dealing terrorist.
Oh, and no cash either. Cash is a criminal and as such is subject to automagic confiscation by any LEO that finds it.
And anything over $2k as a payment
to credit cards or installment loans is immediately reported to the IRS. Just FYI
Why would you use cash? What are you trying to hide?
G$ is only a symptom of the disease.
Thus the elimination of Bernie Sanders as a viable candidate is paramount.
They, indeed the entire industry, have absolutely nothing whatsoever to fear from either a Clinton or tRump administration.
They've had that oval one for so long that
you'd think it's way passed time for a facelift.
Great diary, as usual. n/t
Goldman Sachs
Has their slimy tentacles in every raw deal on Earth. So much wealth, and yet not one penny of positive social worth. Sell them for scrap.
Sorry Chelsea, no more two million dollar weddings for you!
Another great article. Thanks.
Maybe you should sent it to Naked Capitalism
I don't know about their policy of republishing articles but now that I am spending more time there, I am seeing lots of good stuff. Their main focus is finance and this article fits with that. They also cover a lot of politics as well.
This is just another
Hit job on Hillary. Nothing to see here.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
I can only hope
that it gets worse. Much, much worse.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
When you Worship Money
Well, no wonder GS thinks it's doing the Lord's work.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott