Robert Reich Says It's Time For a Third Party
This is a post from Reich's facebook page.
Regardless of what Bernie decides to do over the next month, several of you have suggested that he establish a third party after the November election -- the New Progressive Party -- that would continue to build the movement to reclaim our democracy and economy from the moneyed interests. It would recruit and support Senate and House candidates for the 2018 midterms, and run a presidential candidate in 2020. It would be a membership organization based on small contributions -- and would continue to mobilize, organize, and energize the political revolution Bernie began. What do you think?
Then here's the money quote where Reich replies in the comments section with this.
Robert Reich
I'm sad to say America's two major parties have become little more than fundraising machines designed to attract big money. If we want to get big money out of our democracy and reclaim our economy, we may need a new party that reflects the will of the people rather than the pocketbooks of the wealthy.
I hope he takes this message beyond facebook and on to the talk show circuit. This is a discussion that needs to happen in America.
My Opinion:
After the DC primary there is little value in Bernie staying with the Dems. The Dems cheated and belittled him during the primary. The belittling has now gotten much worse in the news organizations, even in the fake progressive news orgs like Mother Jones et al. He owes nothing to the Dems. And according to the math of the rigged primary (which included vote theft), his path to the Dem nomination is a million to one. All this talk about him influencing the Dem mission statement at the convention is just tripe to get progressives to vote for neoliberal scum Hillary. Why waste a month waiting for this rigged convention. C'mon Bernie, It's time for Phase II Of The Revolution; Leave the Dems in Their Own Pig Wallow. #BernieOrGreen

Color me an optimist, but I think surprises are in store
before the convention. And Bernie has said he plans on going to the convention. Lawsuits about vote-rigging in tabulations, FBI investigation which seems to be enlarging, underground conversations, aboveground turns to set up a new party. All in play. A quidditch game!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah, I'm an optimist too
that's why I'm hoping a viable third party rises from the ashes of this two party system.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Why can't it arise after the convention? Let's play it out.
Determinedly push the Dems as far left as we can, then see where we are.
As I understand it, whatever needs to be done to place Bern on states ballots as an Indie is being done, so there's no rush.
If indictments are forthcoming, I want Bern ready to go. There are good people working on a progressive platform, let's not cut their work short.
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Ongoing efforts for Indie run??
Thanks for enlightening me on the note regarding efforts to get Sanders on State ballots. Do you have any links , or news to keep us up to date on the success, and foundation behind such efforts?? I'm curious.
I agree that after the convention would be a good launch date. It is important to assure that something as important as a space launch be pointed in the right direction as countdown commences
There's this new blog, caucus99, where I find all the important
news these days. Maybe you've heard of it. So sure, right here:
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That diary...
is based on a story that a commenter identified as a tea-bagger site, the link to which no longer works. Not exactly a credible source. When you offer up a statement like "As I understand it, whatever needs to be done to place Bern on states ballots as an Indie is being done...", you should be prepared to back it up with something a little more tangible.
inactive account
A commenter provides a link that does work, and pardon me for
not reading every comment of every article. What about "as I understand it" do you not understand? If you're going to be hostile and condescending, then eff you and your shoulds.
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Molon Labe Media
When I tried the link earlier it didn't work, but it seems that was a temporary glitch. My bad on that. Regarding the story from Molon Labe Media - well, first of all, "molon labe" is a Greek expression meaning "come and take them", a favorite slogan of fanatical gun nuts. No doubt they have some great sources inside the Bernie campaign. And here's another wonderful story from the same site:
University of Graz Study Finds Vegetarians Are Unhealthy And Mentally Disturbed
You uncritically accept a bullshit article from some loony tunes teabagger site and then have the effrontery to tell me to fuck off? Really? Yeah, the moderator was right - this site really is turning into a zoo. Hope you can get some help with your anger management issues.
inactive account
Also, there's this essay...
in which we learn that the AZ filing may have been messed up but that the other states seem to have been arranged for the Green party:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I'm not buying Hellery's sudden left head fake
"Determinedly push the Dems as far left as we can"
I'm in the camp that doesn't believe that the Dems are moving to the left. It's all a smokescreen after Hellery saw the success Bernie has had with his positions. She's just lying to scoop up voters. Just as Obama did before her.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
You may be right. OTOH, I fear the self-fulfilling prophecy.
If nobody tries to push them to the left, they certainly will not move to the left.
Did Obama do the good he did do because he believes in it or because he was pushed?
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They only way it moves left is with Bernie at the helm
short of that, all bets are off, I believe.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Hillary is an original neo-liberal
She and Bill founded the DLC which was the neo-liberal wing of the Democratic party and now IS the Democratic party. There is no way in hell she can be pushed to the left. In fact, the Democratic party is a lost cause, in my opinion. The only way the Democratic party can be taken over and pushed to the left is to buy it because the neo-liberal ideology is so deeply embedded throughout the power structure of the Democratic party. And the neo-liberals are the ones with all the money. And they are the ones who bought the Democratic party and its leadership. So the only truly viable political option for the people is a third party.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Without a third party
to construct some degree of fair representation and alternative ground, nothing much will change. The two party, first past the post system is peerless in creating the divisive polarity that exists. Until big money is removed from political campaigning there is little possibility of reform. Even then, the odds are still stacked by the pervasiveness of warped media. Hope for meaningful change is challenging, to say the least. But the time is certainly ripe.
It bears repeating:
"First past the post" is, IMO, inherently anti-democratic, and supports the continuation of the D/R duopoly.
Only in the US
First past the post voting has to go. However, only three other countries besides the US have first past the post voting: Canada, UK, and India. The UK has three viable parties, Canada has three to four viable parties (depending on the fortunes of Bloc Quebecois), and India has several viable parties system (particularly on a region to region basis)..
The US with its two party system is an anomaly even among countries with first past the post voting systems.
Yes !
The existing Democratic Party has rejected its roots and is openly corrupt. I hope Brand New Congress makes a point to back a third party in their work.
Bernie destroyed the idea
... that PACs and big monied interests are requirements of running for office. Since Bernie had proved that, we must ask every candidate why they continue to ally with them.
This is the inarguable message of Bernie's campaign and we must not let anyone forget--if a candidate takes corporate/PAC funding they are a candidate of the oligarchy.
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
Yes, and Establishment Dems are furious at him
for doing that. Until Bernie ran and raised so much money from small donors, Dems had their voters convinced that they had no choice but to take corporate money to defeat Republicans. They can't make that claim anymore and will have to find a new excuse.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
I can't support the democratic party...
any more. They are republicans ...promoting fracking, arms sales, endless wars, pro-bankster and CEOs, corporate hacks,....
Like riverlover, I'm hopeful that something breaks btwn now and the convention. If not I'll go green.
We don't have party registration in my state, but I liked the idea that was floated here for all states that do have party registration - to all leave the party the day after the convention if Bernie isn't the nominee (FL excepted due to their late primary).
Even FOX fraudcasting seems to have given up on a Clinton indictment (6 min) after Obomba's endorsement
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wouldn't believe Jeanine Pirro if she told me the sky was blue
She will accept anything to make Dems look bad. Reality is not her issue.
[video: width:500]
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I don't buy Faux news...
and I posted with the warning. My point was even they think the deal is in and there will be no indictment.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I realize that and I like the term fraudcasting!
But I tend to think if they think the fix is in, that means it is not! They don't just ignore news, they actively make up any nonsense they think will play to their viewers.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
We're all in a quandary
I think we all realize that we have no idea what is happening nor what will happen between now and the convention (and beyond). That maybe the issue with the snarky comments of late here on c99. We are all in limbo and that creates angst.
Here I am going to my most hated news source trying to get an idea of what might happen (it was googles youtube algorithm that sent the link to me). Anyway no offense meant nor taken. I think you are wise to doubt any news from the faux fraudcasters!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
New Progressive Party (NPP)
Don't mean to brag, but somehow Reich heard of my (in previous comments here) suggested name for a third party (New Progressive Party) or came up with it on his own. I like it because it informs voters that it is new, progressive, and a political party. Succinct, easy to remember, and descriptive. In advertising, that would be a win. Should Bernie, our current hot/known/effective/funded leader, decide to start a third party, NPP might be a good name to go with. That's because it removes the taint of "socialism" that scares some voters, which media pundits mention at the drop of a hat to scaremonger their readers. Whadda ya think?
I would politely disagree
"Progressive" has all the meaning of "liberal" now, which is, essentially, none as far as left politics and, more importantly policy stances. Also too, it wouldn't hurt to be more inclusive, and bring class-based alliance into the messaging-after all we are ALL mostly 99%ers, no? I thought "Working Families" was a brilliant label, myself, so something along that line?
I agree so much, JuliaW
We need to be careful not to alienate half the country right out of the gate, when our policies would benefit them.
Using any kind of name that automatically turns off all the voters currently aligned with the right is a mistake. They are not going to take the time to look past the label. But if the label is generic enough, they might approach the platform with unbiased eyes. And that's what we need. We need to move past the right/left antipathy created by the PTB to keep their power.
There is already a WFP
Working Families Party.
They have some real sway in NY (at times)
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Reich says "After the November Election"
He has been saying "not now" for months now. "Wait until after this election". Whose Labor Secretary was he? Oh, yeah, Bill Clinton's.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Ok, that's a good point
I didn't pick up on that nuance.
But at least he's finally admitting that Dems are no better than Repubs when it comes to be representatives of the monied interests.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Thanks for pointing that out
Not good enough for me. The only real time to build a viable national third party is during a presidential year. Mid-term elections do not draw enough attention, unfortunately. This would mean waiting until the 2020 presidential year. No can do. This needs to happen now, in whatever form, and then be sustained.
I'm also in agreement that it is better to work with existing parties than start from scratch. That leads us into a maze of paralyzing choices. I think the Greens are the best choice. If they've had problems, well, let's just fix them.
re-inventing the wheel again
with the talk of a new 3rd party?
You'll never invent a party that everyone will like. Working with existing 3rd parties is more practical IMHO.
I know it's not possible to change the corporate-controlled partiesl. DNC is a watered-down version of the RNC.
The convention will be mostly talk and reassurances. Hillary has a track record that is dubious and secretive in nature. That is the only thing consistent for her public policies, which eventually show up as more death, destruction and overthrowing of foreign governments.
Trump will do what the oligarchy wants, same as Hillary. The only question is who will defraud the electoral process sufficiently to claim a victory.
In the late 1950's, Ford tried to build a car, the Edsel, in which he added as many popular and innovative features on the model as possible. Instead of being everything to everyone, it was overhyped, a product of marketing polls mainly targeted for the 'yuppies' of that era.
I don't care which it is, but unless Bernie runs on the Green
ticket, good luck getting most of the movement into the Green party. Bernie would have to either run on the ticket or at least enthusiastically endorse it. Without that, no reason people will know that the Green party is a Berniecrat sort of place to be. No reason they'll even hear of it--which has been the Green party's problem for a long time.
If he neither runs on nor endorses Green ticket, we need a party with a name that immediately makes the connection to the Sanders campaign and incorporates as much of its imagery as possible.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
What about the Greens?
I glanced at their platform, and whatever their other problems, I can enthusiastically support the ideas embodied there.
I just don't want to see what Bernie has ignited, sputter out in a new iteration of the "Reform Party". I don't know how we accomplish it, but we can't succeed with a party that depends on him. We need to depend on ourselves, and bring Bernie along for the ride.
I like the Green's platform statement
and unlike the Dems, I think the Green's would genuinely try to follow through on it.
The problem with the Greens is they are not on the ballot in a about 30 states. If Bernie's gonna jump ship to the Greens, then the sooner the better to put Bernie's army on the task of ballot access.
Ballot Access by State- Green Party.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
and they were on the ballot in Arizona
until last week, when they missed an important filing deadline. I hate to see them moving backward on the ballot access...especially in my own state.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Green Party has an uneven history
They've been known to ally with and take money from Republicans. I'm sure they thought they had a good reason, but I've never trusted them for that reason. Not sure what drives them. Sometimes they're good, sometimes not.
"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."
Did Bernie ask about the affiliations of HIS donors?
And did any R money make any policy/platform/candidates change in the Greens? (Not to mention, these are rare events, and occasionally understandable):
Jill is pushing ideas past the Bernie sound barrier
such as quantitative easement of student loan debt.
She rejects the political dichotomy of Hillary/Trump.
It's not possible to see a Pres. Stein this time, it's just going to send some kind of message that might reverberate in the long run.
Kshama Sawant of Socialist Alternative has started a which suggests either voting Bernie thru Green Party or some as yet unknown 3rd party. I'm following her lead on this idea.
Why wait a month?
Hillary could be indicted, there's an election fraud lawsuit in the works, super delegates may pull their heads out of their asses and see Hillary can't actually beat Trump for a dog catcher position, Hillary's health may deteriorate to the point that it can't be hidden any longer, or she could flat out die. There's probably a dozen other possibilities I haven't mentioned as well, but those are what come to mind.
And while I like the idea of forming a whole new party, that just sounds like keeping us progressives divided at this point. The Green party looks to be pretty much the kind of party we'd like to build anyway, so why make a competing party with them and divide our efforts? It'd be much more efficient to bolster the strength of an existing party like the Green party, and maybe get a few other parties to consolidate with them, than to create a completely new party from scratch that would just end up dividing our vote.
My 2 cents
I don't think Bernie will run as an independent or Green. He has repeatedly said that he would not. He has also repeatedly cited the difficulties in getting on the ballot in all 50 states as an independent. There is also some chance that the Clinton campaign will blow up (indictment, a scandal that the corporate media can not ignore?) and if Bernie goes independent before the convention, he would have no chance of being the Democratic candidate. I suggest that we work with Greens to get them on the ballot in as many states as we can. I agree with the policies of the Greens nearly all of the time. I would also encourage people to vote for the Green party candidate, who is likely to be Jill Stein. If you are in a swing state vote your conscience (pick your poison). If you are not in a swing state vote Green. If we can push the Green vote up to 5-10%, that would be a big help in establishing credibility for future elections. In terms of actually winning elections, I think Greens need to focus initially on local and state elections. There is a better chance to win and a better chance to actually do good things for people at that level.
Don't know if he'll run independent
Hope he doesn't either. As nice as it'd be to still have him in the arena should he fail to get the Dem nomination, as has been pointed out, he won't likely get on the ballot in all 50 states. I'd much rather see him put his efforts into supporting the Green party, maybe even becoming a full member himself, or getting to be a VP pick for Jill.
Thankfully I'm not in a swing state at all, so I can freely undermine the Dems all I want with my pesky votes.
Another idea
I wonder if the Greens could put Bernie on their ticket as VP without his explicit consent. As VP candidate he wouldn't be blocked in states with "sore loser" laws. Thoughts?
Yes, downballot is important
Greens are appearing on downballot slots hear in Illinois, such as Metropolitan Water reclamation District. Instead of voting for entranched Dems, vote Green to build up Party visibility and give candidates experience. I hope I have a Green Congressional candidate because the (R) is a brain dead idiot and the (D) is a DWS protege. I'd hate to have to vote for the brain dead idiot.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I always liked him.
And being fired by the Clintons is a badge of honor.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
What do I think???
Well, for starters I am thinking he is copy/pasting my (and several others) posts on C99P!
Seriously though, for him to be repeating almost exactly what so many here have been saying is a great sign, it means many, many others are having parallel thinking on this which can only help with our goal.
A party needs at least some semblance of unity, and the fact that we are already unified in belief on how badly this is needed is going to make our work a lot less difficult....
While NPP was my first initial thought for a name as well a discussion on here in another essay led me to believe that it would be a great idea from a marketing/branding perspective to work American in the title somehow, American Progressive party, something to that effect (Although to be honest my personal preference hasn't changed, I still like NPP better but to cede to the argument that marketing your "Product" to appeal to the largest group possible makes a lot of sense from a purely strategic perspective.)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
How many US third parties do
How many US third parties do we need?
In addition to the ones listed in wikipedia, the United Progressive Party was formed recently.
Good point.
There is effectively only one "third party"; whichever party being discussed that's not the Democratic or Republican Party. And that will continue for as long as we allow plurality victories, and the subsidizing of party primaries through tax dollars.
Imagine ranked-choice voting. Imagine all parties losing their power.
Robert Reich is all over the place.
First he told us we should vote for Pillory, now he wants to be part of building a third party? The message is valid, the messenger may be an issue for some.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
This was my thought too
Reich is telling us to vote the status quo while at the same time telling us to form a third party. The first part belies the second.
I suppose that what Reich is saying is that we must be pragmatic in 2016 but dream for the future. I think there are a lot of us, myself included, that believe the pragmatic now will destroy any hope for the future. Time is short and neither Clinton nor Trump is the right choice to save the future.
Well, screw that. I am in a swing state and I intend to vote Green because neither Clinton nor Trump offers anything worth my vote.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Research on the Green Party
I collected the number of electoral votes for each state where the Green Party is on the ballot, leaving out Arizona but including DC.
It takes 270 electoral votes to win a presidential election.
If the Greens won every state where they've gained ballot access, they would garner 281 electoral votes.
The Greens are more viable than I thought!
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Green Party in 2012
If you look at the Wikipedia page that deals with the 2012 presidential election, you will see that the Green Party was on the ballot of 36 states plus the District of Columbia, and that the GP candidate was visible to over 83% of all voters.
One big problem that affects all minor parties is the onerous requirement in many states that you have to pass some minimum support threshold, such as 3 or 5% of the election vote total, otherwise you lose ballot access and have to go through the whole signature collection and petition process all over again. This is why, at present, the Green Party qualifies for the ballot in only 21 states. Needless to say, the D's and R's are both equally committed to making it very difficult to challenge their duopoly.
inactive account
Getting write ins counted also requires paperwork
Just not nearly as much. It doesn't increase awareness, but it at least allows people to get counted.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Green Party has been consistent
and I now feel comfortable to predict 3 million votes for Stein in 2016, that will be substantially more than the 450,000 votes from her last run(2012).
Green's previous high water mark was 3 million votes with Nader in 2000.
In comparison the Libertarian Party is like some pesky mosquito that keeps coming back again and again to bite you. In every POTUS election it has never hit the 3 million mark. Even on its best runs, it was barely 1 million votes.
Ross Perot was the 1-hit wonderboy under Independent(1992) and Reform(1996). They're both a shell of their former selves in the political arena now.
The historical evidence is clear to me that, based on past performance, Green is not going to dwindle and fade away any time soon. This may end up being the one breakout year with Jill Stein. How Bernie can leverage the potential Green votes is the big unknown for 2016. Sneaking Bernie's name under a Green VP slot would be interesting.
I can't foresee any 3rd party beating Perot's run( 19% of vote, 20 million total) back in 1992.
Green is polling at 4%
which according to Jill, would currently translate to 5 million votes in the GE if it were held today.
As CO2 continues to rise, a nice spike is showing up at almost 410ppm for June 2016 (msm is blaming the most recent spike on El Niño), we still will get more storms, flooding, rising global mean temperatures, ect. Even if the curve begins to decline, which it won't.
The Green Party has been the most active in calling for action to reduce the emissions.
As Chris Hedges once said, in his Chatauqua lecture of 2013, quoting Ralph Nader and his POTUS run in 2000: "If we can get 5, 10, 15 million people as a counterweight, we can begin to frighten the power elite."
So based on current trends, my original estimate of 3 million votes for Green 2016 is far too conservative, Is it too brash to say Green will match Ross Perot's historic run of 20 million votes in 1992 as Independent? In six months, the numbers are sure to rise, so I'm thinking 10 million by Nov. 2016.
BTW the Chautaqua Institution held Hedges' 1 hour lecture back in 2013, well worth listening to again. He starts out with a strong defense of the LGBT community(that's 3 years before Orlando shootings), but the equally-more serious issues come up after that.
Memorable quotes:
"Capitalists should never be allowed anywhere near a health care system."
"The Occupy Movement was destroyed [by Obama]."
"The formal mechanisms will not help us...if we wait for the practical, we are doomed...we can't go back to where we were."
It occurred to me that you might like to check my sources
for the conclusions about the Green Party.
Arizona doesn't count but DC does, wtih 3 electoral votes.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I couldn't see Arizona going Green OR Democratic anyway
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I suspect there's a lot of hopping mad people in AZ about now
that "election" they held was outrageous. And I bet it wasn't only people on the left who were outraged.
In a Clinton-Bernie-Trump contest, I think Clinton doesn't win AZ--unless Bernie & Trump split the "I'm really GODDAMNED PISSED" vote--but even if they do, don't think there's enough people in AZ who love Clinton to push her past Bernie or Trump.
I know it's weird to talk about ruby-red AZ that way, but things are getting bad enough that it's not just about left vs right anymore.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I don't think Hillary could win Arizona running against Hitler
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The Greens are actively going for ballot access
in the states where they don't have it but because they Koch Bros are competing with them for petition gatherers in some places, they're in a bind. If Bernie joined forces, then there'd be more resources to get more states. Waiting for another 4 years is not acceptable--this election cycle has the most detested candidates in modern history and the populace is more energized than anything I remember seeing since 1968. The Dems have blown it with a pretty good sized chunk of the eligible voters. I hope Bernie goes to the convention and exits with an announcement that it's not over.
sign me up!
I've have it with the fake progressives One-percenters of the DNC.
Greens Polling at four%
If Bernie joins the Greens this year, they'd be polling at 45%, Trump at 31%, Hill at 24%. Just a feeling, but I'll bet that would be a close approximation.
I'm still just stunned that the establishment abandoned
the Biden/Warren possibility and tripled down in its support for Hillary. Shockingly hidebound.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver