For nearly a half century – since late in the Vietnam War – the Democrats have been the less warlike of the two parties, but understand that has now flipped completely around with the selection of Neocon Hillary Clinton. I'm confident that this readership (here) is knowledgeable enough to know not to ever vote for and empower Hillary Clinton under any circumstances.
But in case there is any doubt that remains, or in case there is the possibly that people would be fooled should she pick (and also neutralize) Elizabeth Warren as her VP --- here is a quick little refresher of the Worldwide disaster that is guaranteed to happen if Hillary Clinton is put in command of the U.S. Military and CIA.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpVXDGH6rTA width:450]
And while many people now worry over the hypothetical threat of Donald Trump doing something stupid or dangerous in Foreign Policy, Hillary Clinton is no hypothetical threat at all -- she is a proven (worst-case) threat, and a serial, repeated, unrepentant wrecking ball upon the entire World, and on the American people (whose own economic and physical well being is stolen away in order pay these tremendous costs which bankrupt our Country).
Clinton has made it clear that she is eager to use military force (murder) to achieve illegal “regime change” in all countries that "get in the way" of U.S & Global Corporate, Banking, and Oil Cartels. And among a long, preselected list of other planned upcoming War Atrocities, Hillary Clinton also intends to take this Country into direct Military confrontations with Russia itself, with grave consequences awaiting us all.
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4LKAt1t_8M width:450]
With the selection of Hillary Clinton as the head of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party has now reinvented itself, and supplanted the GOP as the most aggressive Party of unrestrained Global Warfare and War Crimes.
Clinton has already declared that as President she would order the U.S. military to invade Syria. “Yes, I do still support a no-fly zone,” she said during the April 14 debate. She also wants a “safe zone” that would require seizing territory inside Syria.
Perhaps even scarier is what a President Clinton would do regarding Iran and Ukraine, two countries where belligerent U.S. behavior could start much bigger wars. For instance, President Hillary Clinton has stated she will push the Iranians so hard – in line with what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu favors – that they would have to renounce the nuclear deal which would then give Clinton the excuse needed to start bombing Iran (which may also draw in Russia). In Ukraine, Clinton wants to escalate U.S. military support for the post-coup anti-Russian Ukrainian government, encouraging its forces to annihilate the ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. Once again Russia will have no choice but to be drawn in.
The mainline neocons are already lining up to endorse Clinton and her Warfare agenda, especially given Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party and his disdain for many of the neocon strategies that he (correctly) views as simply spreading chaos around the globe. For example, Robert Kagan, co-founder of the neocon Project for the new American Century, has already formally endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Until the criminal regimes of Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama, our past American presidents from John F. Kennedy forward worked to reduce tensions with the Soviets. Kennedy worked with Khrushchev directly to reduce tensions caused by US missiles in Turkey and Soviet missiles in Cuba. President Nixon negotiated SALT I (the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. President Carter negotiated SALT II, which was never ratified by the US Senate but was observed by the executive branch. Even Ronald Reagan negotiated with Soviet leader Gorbachev at the end of the Cold War.
All of these achievements have been thrown away by the Neoconized Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes, each an aggressive criminal regime on par with Nazi Germany - and with the blood of millions of dead bodies left on its hands.
Simply put: Hillary Clinton can never be U.S. President. Unlike Trump, who is a bit of a loose cannon, Hillary Clinton is a scripted, deliberate, cold, calculating, psychopathic menace upon the World stage that represents the same evil, crooked agenda that Dick Cheney and W. Bush does -- only with even much wider global scope, and far-reaching treachery upcoming.

Yes, actions matter more than words. But the great driveler
may only have no actions for us to point to because he has not yet been in charge of anything. We are going to have to weigh his words without a record. All those things Hecate reminds us of, he has said or indicated, I recall them. Has he rolled them back? Will he in the future?
If someone has a record of some speech he made in the past regarding either the importance of peace or the necessity of pols to talk a violent game without meaning it, I would be happy to see that. In the absence of such a record, though, I tend to believe he means what he says in this context. He is a bully.
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so tiresome
This is like the lefties who, when Obama said while campaigning in 2008 that he would "surge" in Afghanistan, averred that he didn't really mean it. How did that work out?
Or the lefties who in 1980 claimed Reagan could not be worse than Carter, because Carter in Africa and Central America demonstrably had blood on his hands, while Reagan was just a goof with a mouth. And how did that work out?
Clinton will set the progressive movement backwards ...
whereas Trump will not.
Recall how the large Anti-War movement of 2005-2008 just rolled over went to sleep once Obama got elected. A Republican "Democrat" is always worst for the progressive movement than a normal Republican.
That's how the Banking Industry became so deregulated (Clinton), and Welfare ended, and The Democratic Party completely stopped the opposition of the Global Wars (Clinton-Obama).
With Trump...the progressive movement will be stimulated more!!!
Some people on c99 will vote for HRC and they are welcome here
This isn't an anti-Hillary site any more than it was a pro-Bernie site. We don't tell people what to think or how to vote. We are all about solutions for the 99%. Trolls are not welcome, but we do not exclude HRC voters, Berners, Steiners, Gary Johnson or Trump voters. Some will not vote, and that is also a valid choice. This site is not the Blue equivalent of the GOS. It does not shut down discussion of issues and viewpoints, we are not the blue thought police. Again, trolls are not welcome, but the definition of a troll is not someone who has a differing viewpoint.
I personally will vote Stein, if Bernie is not on the Dem ticket. It is time to send a firm message to the Dem establishment that their move to the right is not healthy for the future of this country. But since I believe they will continue to move right, I am also supporting the development of a new progressive/people's party. However, I refuse to alienate and castigate my friends and family who are voting for HRC or Trump or Johnson --- or not voting. That is not the path to building consensus and support on the issues that are important to the 99%.
Edited: fixed typo.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc
Thanks, I'm still thinking about it
and hoping some logjam will break up so we can get Bernie.
Count me in.
Very slim hope, but....
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Believe me, I have the same hope
I am crossing my fingers, toes, knees and elbows for Bernie to be one of the choices come November... it's a wonder I can still walk.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc
Many of us have his back
and it's hardball time. If he bails on us, there is enough coalescence of people and almost enough discussion to shove this movement forward, right now. The mixed-signal week may work in our favor. Time to hold the card. The next weeks may be quite interesting.
Worst case: economy is declared in recession. That should bum out everyone, and scare the pants off Americans nearing retirement who see their savings, if any, floating away.
An attack. Orlano might count, there will be more now. Random. Turn them on Trump, if that does not cement people to H.
Indictment. Oops, candidate gone, Warren rises to task. I don't like that play-out at all, unless Sanders leads.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
How does one define "recession"?
By one standard, that of the 1%, the U.S. economy is doing fine. For the rest of us there is stagnation. Is that "doing well" or "doing poorly"?
One thing about Little Orange Footballs that occurs to me: do the loudest "rah rah team blue no matter what" yellow dog posters even know anybody in real life off of the internet? I have lots of friends and family, and their political views run the gamut (the exception being that I do not have any hard line evangelical friends or family). The thing is: none of us are going to condemn any of the others for their political views. When we disagree, we agree to disagree and go on with our lives.
Yet the insistence on political purity and obedience on LOF precludes that possibility. (It reminds me of one of those creepy churches where everyone has a painted on smile and never says anything that doesn't sound like something they were told to say.) One time I mentioned that I have friends that support Trump and some dolt named "Chitown Kev" suggested that I should get some new friends. I can't tell if full interpersonal relationships are not these guys strength or if this is one of those internet things where one can be loud anonymously because there are little if any consequences. Either way, I haven't been there in a week or so and won't be going back.
My family and friends are all in for Bernie. I realize I am
probably fortunate that way, and/or some of them are not political and don't follow the news, so follow where I lead.
Kev is black so no doubt has a particular hatred for Trump-style racism. 80% of blacks are Democrats, so much less variation in his real-life world, most likely. And of those 11% of blacks who are Republican, probably virtually zero back Trump.
I would be interested in hearing how your friends justify supporting Trump with his racism and sexism.
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Probably because they think Hill is gonna get us into WWIII.
And she might, too.
Me, I can't vote for Trump for two reasons:
2)I think he's just playing a game anyway. This is pro wrestling and he's supposed to put Hillary over.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You may be right. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to
evaluate that. The warmonger versus the would-be warmonger.
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Agreed, although I didn't feel like the poster was trying to cut
off discussion, but providing lots and lots of reasons why Hill is a known warmonger and will be terrible in office. Those are assertions I appreciate. I want to learn more about her, and if I want Hill cheerleading I can always drop in on TOP. The title could have been phrased better, but I hope to see a lot more factual information on the looming disaster before I need to make my choice.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
If you vote for Hillary, the
If you vote for Hillary, the choice of the lesser of two evils is the best we will ever get. Power will never concede an inch of power not forced from their grubby hands. Until we say no to Hillary, because we are being told she will do less harm than Trump (which I don't believe), The PNAC will continue to destroy the lives of all living beings and the earth that is our home. So, sure, you are free to vote for Hillary. I cannot understand it. I will never do it. Bernie or Jill for me. This time I can't let it be in my name.
Can I ask about Jewish power in the US?
The thread above proves people are very sensitive to Jewish racism. I'm intolerant of intolerance too. But, I want to know why we have blind support of Israel in the US. Is it the influence of banks, media, or both? Is it guilt about the US refusal to take in Jewish refugees after WWII? May be it is the toe hold in the middle east?
It is a big deal when Bernie states the obvious that Palestinians must be treated a people too? For years I've watched kids throw rocks at tanks and get shot. How do we as a nation support those in the tanks?
I don't want any group treated badly because of their beliefs...actions are another story.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
IMHO it's all of the above, with guilt a large part of it
And it wasn't just "after" the war, oh no. It was before, during, and after. "We" (as in the US generally and TPTB in particular) didn't want any more "dirty Them" coming over and "polluting" "our" gene pool. And "We" turned our backs and blindfolded our eyes and plugged our ears while the "dirty Them" were systematically slaughtered.
We have so much to feel guilty about on that score that it's leading to new injustices based on stupid and wrong-headed attempts to make up for the old injustices.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
My guess is part guilt, part sympathy - my God, the horrible
things that were done in the German concentration camps! We probably went into WWII for wrong reasons, but once we found out what was going on we realized it was good we went in and stopped Hitler and his cronies. IIRC, the Allies then set up Israel as the Jewish homeland, so we have a responsibility.
Then part money, yes, particularly we need a place to blow stuff up so we can let the MIC suck more money out of our wallets and make more stuff to blow up. And Israel provides us an excuse for continuing to target the Middle East. Which has proven a fairly safe place for us to blow stuff up. The amount of terrorism we've received in pushback is nothing like what would happen if we were to blow stuff up in Russian or Chinese territory. Pardon my cynicism.
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There seem to have been historical sympathy swings.
So the US probably kicked natives off land to found Liberia so that we could shove out former slaves, because?
So may instances of some sudden guilt that caused land seizure to let those people move away someplace else, nevermind the ones who historically occupied.
They only make islands(unccupied by default) in China and UAE (?) now, and those are only for 1%ers or military outposts.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Just what are you asking tho? Be clear, please.
And the US never does anything out of sympathy for anyone, anywhere..
You'll get plenty of answers here: https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-US-support-Israel-What-benefit-does-t...
Including from some Israelis
Don't believe everything you think.
Sorry thought I was clear
Your link provided some interesting comments. I thought the cold war analysis had some accuracy.
Seems to support the toe hold theory.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The blind support of Israel is just among our "leaders"
Most American Jews, as I read the surveys, don't support Israel's rightwing government policies or its treatment of the Palestinians (see J Street, etc.), but the rightwing Israeli lobbying groups are more aggressive, and doubtless donate more in the right places.
The neocons find it useful, because Bibi is one of them - military world conquest!
a lot of it has to do with biblical religious bullshit besides Israel is very important strategically from a military stand point just because of its location.
Sounds like Weimar Germans in the mid nineteen twenties
ok, I can't even read through all the comments, nor do I like to get the letters and videos in the diary shoved in oversize in my face.
It's just a lost cause to get into anti-semitic and hate for the rich Jews in your discussions. And that's apparently what happened in the comment thread, if I understand it correctly. And if I understand it even a little bit more correctly, it's manipulated.
You are losing it. Big time. It's not religion that drives this kind of talk, it's the disgust of the have-nots against the haves, uh, oh, and look those richer ones have some times an affiliation to a certain religion, who would have thought? And one of those poorer have-nots have a sometimes an affiliation to certain ethnicities, now who on earth would have thought of THAT? /s/ end of bitter snark.
You are losing it. Get a grip.
Do you really want to become like Germans in the Weimar Republic?
I logged in to add a comment.
I would never vote for the Rump, if that is what the poster is suggesting. Perhaps this needs a snark tag?
Bold lettered headlines remind me of Red State, always guaranteed to get a rise out of me. I stand in support of those who found the language similar to those who believe the Illuminati conspiracy theories.
The user name Free(fill in the blanks) is widely used by Libertarians. I know because I attended a Libertarian Western Conference by invitation from one of their campaign managers. Learned all I need to know, yup, pure Ayn Randians. So, the Libertarians also will never get my vote, many of them run as repugs in Arizona and elsewhere.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Jill Stein
We have to make her President. We can't wait that much longer for Bernie. Trump may be President by default but my conscience will only allow me to vote for the candidate who has no hate. Jill Stein is Jewish and is completely against the Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians as is Bernie and a majority of American Jews. Adelmen and AIPAC and all the right winger Israelis seem to be in cahoots with our own oligarchy (Kochs, Waltons and mostly non-Jewish people....the Kochs having ties to Hitler and Stalin). This is about economic disparity that cuts across all ethnicities and religions and about oligarchy. This is when, in history, the TPTB use scapegoats to distract from themselves.
Beware the bullshit factories.
If I may digress for a moment, why are your videos so YUGE?
Please in the future perhaps specify 500 width? I would like to be able to read the right-hand column. Thanks!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Clinton can never be prez
Hey, FreeSociety. Not commenting on your essay but the size of your images. They're so big they're bleeding into the comments section on the right side, making them impossible to read. Not meaning to single you out, but many not aware this is an issue. I think there is a tool on this site (below in blue) about sizing images. Thanks.
This is an excellent blog
but too much space was wasted on various 'Jewish' arguments, which are red herrings that take the main focus of the essay.
I'm in full agreement on the original point of the blog. Never vote for Hillary, under any circumstances.
The Trump boogie-man argument is not a feasible scare tactic in the first place, because the election fraud is systemic. Whoever is pulling the strings, ultimately it's the US oligarchy, this can be leveraged into an outcome for getting their man or woman in as POTUS. Nonetheless I will vote as if my vote might possibly count, and I'm hoping to help out with ElectionJusticeUSA.org for improving the openness and removing the opaque nature of our corrupted elections.
The Socialist Alternative seems to be leading the way on a long term political approach, with Seattle councilwoman Kshama Sawant championing the http://movement4bernie.org/
Over 100k signatures so far. If Bernie does not run as an Independent and throws all his support to Hillary, the game is really over for me and I'm off to Green Party pastures.
This thread was jacked and ruined RIGHT AT THE START
by someone who couldn't wait to face-plant right on their family jewels.
Next time, people, think twice before you post once. (Always good advice....)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.