Actual Investigative Journalism Re: Clinton
Disney owned ABC comes up with this evidence of Hillary shoehorning a donor to the Clinton Foundation, a skeevy Chicago securities trader, onto a highly sensitive government intelligence advisory board alongside members with top security clearances. Video and text at link:
Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department’s professional staff.
The hits just keep on coming regarding release of her State Department emails and somehow this stuff just doesn't seem to matter, though one can hope that by the time of the DNC convention it miraculously will and the party will bow to Bernie.
My paranoid suspicious self regarding the timing of this after she's supposedly "secured the nomination" keeps wondering if Obama and Biden found a way to let the powerful Clintons have their fun primary season and nomination without going again them and then let her own arrogance and abuse of power take her down so Biden can humbly step in and save the day in her place as nominee? Far fetched, but some real-ass Kabuki theater shit...

Not so far fetched.
I DO think that is the unelected nominee.
Hopefully, someone will track down what top secret discussions or materials were made available to the Clinton plant.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Add my name to that list.
I think that's what they are trying to do.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Behind the scenes in the newsroom:
"Can we run it?"
"No, not yet"
Can we run it now?"
"No, not yet"
Can we run it now?"
"No, not yet"
[Hillary declared presumptive nominee]
Can we run it now?"
"RUN IT!!"
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I can't say I agree with your speculation. Obama is a neoliberal, and he wants to hand the keys to another one. He'll be set for life.
The ABC report is easily understood. The MSM wait until the progressive challenge is defeated, and then turn on Hillary (a) to keep her in line, and (b) to create plausible deniability when they are rightly accused of being amoral corporate hacks and propagandists who disgrace the name of journalism. "But see, we reported some bad news on Hillary!"
But I don't really understand this, DarkMatter
No matter who succeeds Obama, he's STILL set for life. They all are. They can all get huge speaking fees and cushy positions, they are ex-Presidents. He's a lawyer, he can take a high-paying corporate job, or just do a few speaking gigs ever couple months. It doesn't really matter who gets elected after them, does it?
To be remembered in the history books, you probably have to
do some significant things that continue as your legacy. Otherwise most people won't remember your name. Even as the first black President, once we routinely have black Presidents schoolchildren might say, "Obama who?" especially if Bernie and his progressive Congress change things significantly. Remember the names of the previous Presidents who accomplished little because of Congressional gridlock? Yeah, me neither. Who was in charge before FDR? No idea. Before JFK? Umm....
But if Obamacare becomes Obamacare Plus instead of Medicare for All, well it's not good for the American people, but his legacy lasts a little longer.
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Sigh - that's true
I agree with your reading, hk. And then there's the guaranteed $200k + security + health + office that all ex-presidents receive:
Just that alone would be more than enough for most people. It certainly would be transformative for me!
But yet, if the secret Siegfried-and-Roy substitute Biden trick
is not planned/not happening, and the Obama support is to be taken at face value, then we have to explain it. Possibilities:
1. How we define "set for life" is not his definition. He wants to be a major player in global politics/influence, etc.
2. He actually wants Hillary to win, supports her agenda, supports her
3. The support now is part of a deal for something, but not sure what
4. There's some sort of threat/blackmail that keeps him in the Clinton machine's grip (the email controversy...who knows)
5. Combination of some/all of above.
Every indication of Obama's presidency is that he is not a progressive at all; he is a neoliberal. The TPP is to me proof enough, but there is of course lots more.
I agree that the wind is up but there is a stench in the air
and much shuffling in dark corners. Are we entering a horror film? Blair Witch made me seasick with handycam. First time I had that effect was visiting a millionaire friend in SF and watching on the from-the-ceiling TV screen video onboard on one sailing vessel seeing his old sailing vessel ahead. Glurp.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Can see your point
regarding Obama, darkmatter, I've just always had this feeling (likely hopefully naive) that he did truly want to enact some policies that were beneficial to the 99% but the greedy old mucky mucks in Washington wouldn't allow a popular young man like him have the reins to control them and challenge their game. Am hoping there is a trace of righteous justice in him after his 8 years of being forced to bow to corporate political power - the president has been openly treated so rudely for so long.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
I love your optimism
but I think we were sold an illusion. I don't see any big switcheroo happening that would alter the basic coordinates of Obama's depressing legacy. Obviously, I would love to be wrong! But I personally don't believe in the Secret Progressive Obama anymore....
You should see the video on YouTube where he endorses HRC. Last I saw, it had 17k likes, 43k dislikes, and YouTube said comments "couldn't load." I'll bet they couldn't.
Subject: Actual Investigative Journalism Re: Clinton
6/12 Still feeling betrayed by Barack Obama, but not so happy with myself about this post, it is best removed.
Good points; and, I will be surprised if it's more than a
24 story and something "bigger and newsier" will soon follow.
If Obama wants to make $5000/minute for speechifying, or more maybe, then he'll play along and then get to golf and wine and dine with the 0.1% forever.
Pretty good for a guy who studied constitutional law looking for loopholes.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
He's going to cover for her, his DOJ is going to cover for her,
the DNC is and has been covering for her, and now Warren and the rest of the ethically challenged members of the 'Democratic' Party are going to hit the mattresses and join the Hillbillary for President war on Democracy.
People are bad-mouthing those who see Warren's endorsement as an indication that everything she's said and done up to now has been self-serving bullshit. I agree. She's endorsing the epitome of everything she's built her career on. So much for principles and honesty. They're always the first to go when lining one's own nest.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Agreed about Warren
Sure she says a lot of things about the banks and other financial institutions, but has her rantings gotten us anywhere yet? Any new bills that will help the middle and lower classes?
She says that she wants to give people an amount of money to make up for not getting a COLA raise this year, but is it going to happen?
She voted to confirm some questionable people for financial appointments that goes against what she says that she stands for.
Back to the topic of the diary, did Fernandez have security clearance to work on that committee? Did Obama know about his appointment and did he approve of it?
If he didn't, then why would he be invited to WH State Dinner?
I've seen the amount of people invited to it and the food menus and booze, and wonder how much that cost and who paid for it?
If we did, then I vehemently oppose them spending our money on it while there are millions of children in this country going to bed each night hungry.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
vl baker has a report on this too...
you can read more comments there. CNN has just reported on it. Some pundits are poo pooing it a bit (want more info) and others are saying there could be some there there. Sadly, it is a Friday and there will probably be no mention of it on Monday (but one can dream).
The truth will out
There has been plenty of mention of Biden stepping in, but I do think that Obama has always had to clothespin his nose in dealings with the powerful, dangerous Clinton machine and I think there has been a plan for this and possibly Biden's way of undoing Empress and Emperor Clinton. Goodness knows Obama is not ignorant of or awed by them.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Obama and Clinton are two of a kind. Go back and read about old
Barack and his history with the original banksters, the Pritzker family.
And then stop and think, who is Obama's Secretary of Commerce.
Obama's Secretary of Commerce
The first mistake people make is thinking Obama was an honest man who gave a damn about anything besides "moving forward".
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I agree
They are ALL of a kind. The deal was made a long time ago and he's run the con well for them. He was affable, a good actor, and he played the part well. One doesn't turn from a decent, honorable man to a swine like this. Sure, he honed his performance and couldn't wait to show his keepers just how good a "company" man he truly is. It's a grifters game and he plays it well.
He gets more $$$ from the Clinton Mob
because they can set him up as a spokesman for their "charity" and he can rake in the speaking fees while posturing as a "humanitarian".
Of the "To Serve Man" variety, but we're not supposed to know that.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Don't forget T-rump
I think he will be a fog horn of $hillary corruption (so no one will talk about his University, mafia ties, crooked dealing...)
Distort and distract...I think T-rump wins that game, but we'll see - the Clintons are talented at that game too. My understanding is he is planning an attack on Monday.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
One of the things
That I haven't figured out yet is exactly where Trump fits. Knowing what we do now, it's easy to see how they probably rigged the R primaries, too and got exactly the candidate they really wanted. He's a great diversion while the stuff that matter is out of sight. The R's have played with him like a cat with a mouse, rebuking him when he steps too far over the line. I think it's possible that if he is in on the scam, that could be dangerous. At some point, on one issue or another, he's going to explode and blab whatever he knows, walking off the stage. He's far less dangerous than Hillary, IMO; she is steel resolve, on with the mission! He's different every 5 minutes!
One thing is certain. He's not a Republican.
Just ask the GOP.
The masses of people voting for him are not the low-info, blue collar workers of America, either. They are an entirely different demographic, and are more educated that any other candidate's constituency.
Just ask Nate Silver.
Wow, that ABC article is amazing.
Everything she does is so shady.
But I think we have been going about this all wrong. For all the money we donated to Bernie Sanders, we could have just bought Hillary Clinton ourselves, and then she would be doing what WE wanted. For the millions we all donated to Bernie, apparently we could have completely owned her, if you can get a board position just for bundling 100K.
What were we thinking?
Another missed opportunity, ha!
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Do you think we could have afforded her? A quarter of a million or so is just pocket change to her.
Don't really understand this
I know, HaikuKitty, it doesn't make sense if you're normal, but if you're a psychopath or sociopath, as I suspect the Clintons and Obamas (including Michelle) are, there's never enough power, money, adulation to fill the void. Hill was a homely and lonely young girl, possibly abused by her father. Bill was abandoned by his father, and abused by his stepfather and mother's boyfriends, and possibly by his mother, if you believe Hillary in her latest book. Obama was abandoned by his father and was probably conflicted because he was biracial. That's the "wound theory". On top of that, the Clintons may both be psychopaths who've found each other. I suspect that Hill is, because she lies so brazenly even when evidence to the contrary exists, only a psychopath who thinks they are superior to everyone else and has no moral compass would attempt it. Boy are we screwed.
Naively, part of me wonders about Michelle
and her sell out willingness. But then again, I don't know much about the woman, and making sure her kids are set for life is probably a huge motivator. Not to mention maybe getting a little 'payback' for all those years of enduring the relentless racist and sexist attacks against her.
But Bill and Hill? Yeah, their psychopathy is sure as hell showing. I think you are spot on in that finding each other remark.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Michelle Obama
I read several years ago that Michelle was once a hospital administrator/CEO in Chicago who did some kind of dirty deal with federal grant money for patients but kept the money for herself/and or the hospital. It was fraudulant. Sorry, I don't have the source, but now I'm motivated to do some digging. Probably disappeared by now, if you know what I mean, or it could have been a right-wing hit job.
I am getting tired of the psychopath/sociopath toss
and we must come up with a better term. I do not have access to latest DSM or whatever the text governance agency is, but I propose
as anyone who assumes political office to accrue money and power for themselves.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I just formulated a comment voicing my discontent
with that kind of categorizations. Doesn't look to me like "investigative journalism". I cancelled my comment. It feels like I am at the wrong place and that's not worth to add a comment to this thread.
mimi, I think we are as usual in agreement.
I am dealing with puppy issues here, and had to experimentally drug her (with vet advice) to see if car rides would become more tolerable. A test drive was successful other than the destination was to have her greet mini-sheep, grazing down a pasture. The sheep were in a stand of sumacs, not next to the fence. Next time. But she did not get sick, even over-salivate, and is walking and eating and we are working on basic commands (not yet 100% for 4 command words). And I goofed earlier and tried to teach her to be bilingual! Later.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
lol, now I get it !!!!! /nt
Your discontent
is valid and welcome here, mimi.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Psychopath is the wrong word. It should be sociopath.
You are out of date
and well behind the times.
Most psych people - since the 90s - have recognized that what was called sociopathy is a psychopathy. Try to keep up.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Was just about to post this here
So glad it's already known.
I too find it difficult to believe what psychopaths they ALL are. Seriously, could the Clintons be so oblivious to reality, they thought all this shit could be hidden? Hold Cheryl Mills responsible for a lot of it, she has been SIC - Sycophant in Chief ( only the Clintons would have that category!) aided and abetted by Huma for years. The group grows, but Mills has held the "corner office" for decades. She's tough - and immoral, so the fit is perfect.
This stuff is gonna burst out now - it's just been dribbling before.
BTW - Nina Turner sent Elizabeth Warren to the "dog house" - can't find the link now, but it's good.
There are several links, but I like this one. As usual,
Hillbots to the "rescue".
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Thanks for the link.
I agree with Nina. Don't hold back on endorsing the most progressive candidate in my lifetime (and I'm 61 years old) and then claim to be a progressive in any way.
I have frankly been embarrassed at Warren's jabs at Trump, they come off sounding silly and unlike her. I believe the same will be the case with Hillary.
With Bernie's candidacy, the lines really have been drawn so clearly. Some people may not like that but I don't think it can honestly be denied. If you don't want to be a progressive, then don't - make your case for wherever you stand. But don't try to bullshit us that you are something you are not and have shown same by your own actions.
PS: I love Nina Turner - she is an amazing public speaker and has educated me in many ways during this campaign. I could name many more Bernie surrogates who I've been changed by, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Beat in the USA.
I kind of like Warren's takedown of Trump. Yes, it's a little
juvenile, but Trump is a juvenile man so she responds in kind. She doesn't back down in the face of his bullying, which is awesome.
I do think this is better coming from her than Clinton or Sanders, as it is a bit non-Presidential. She can be the attack dog this election cycle. Then if she makes her own run in 4 or more years, this will be long forgotten and she can appear more stateswoman-like.
It looks like her progressive values have never been as far left as Bern's. They are in the correct direction but do not rule out incrementalism:
So no surprise she's getting on the probable winning team. After all this time, if I were her I would not have endorsed at all, but I suppose she's looking for a quid pro quo.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I like her taking Trump down too
but too SarahPalinish for my liking.
I caught Warren on Maddow's show
and as she extolled the virtues of the Democratic party while sounding off Sanders's- not the party's- platform, I realized that the only way they could win over the Sanders voters is with integrity. Sadly, she displayed very little of it during that interview. Yes, I understand she was selling the D product, but she doesn't have to act like a used car salesman trying to unload a lemon.
Nice...used car salesman trying to unload a lemon!
orestes, Reid created a 'position' for Warren after the 2014
midterm shellacking.
IOW, Warren 'is' part of the Dem Party Leadership/Establishment--and her duty, as I understand it, is to bring and keep 'progressives' in the fold, and serve as a liaison between the Dem Party and the progressive Community.
Sounds a bit like Jane Hamsher's veal pen theory, to me.
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George S.
Anybody else notice the look on George S's face. Hysterical. Puke in the mouth, and trying not to show it. Doesn't say a word.
Expect James Carville, Rahm, George, and ( can't remember name of other jerk on their team) are all just watching this go down - if any of them had an ounce of morality, they would have come forward years ago.
As far as I am concerned,
if they try to slip Biden in, rebellion will come, at least from me, one Bernie supporter. I don't know what I can do alone, but I don't think I'll be alone. None of us should stand for it. None of us.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
In spite of
clinging to some hopeless optimism regarding Obama's original intentions, Bernie is the only candidate that would get my vote in our broken system. Am also with you and optimistic about rebellion coming, RA, (hopefully widespread) if Biden or any other professional politicat ends up as the nominee for the Damn-ocrats.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
Biden slipping in and pushing Bernie aside is bad optics, no matter the spin. I hope there'll be a riot on the convention floor and in the streets as well.
They are ready for a riot
There's a diary at the top of the page with a link stating how they have been working on the security since September.
People will be getting $100 dollar citations and they are building a huge fence around the arena.
Trust me, they will be ready for anything.
And they won't be holding back from arresting reporters again like they did during the last one where Amy Goodman was arrested after trying to tell the cops that they arrested her staff and other journalists.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
What a joke
i've been so many places today ...
... but i'm not sure that this red bull - 8 ball inspired rant has been posted here. Apologies if this is being discussed elsewhere.
FBI Director Comey is a real wildcard here, and could potentially put a couple of legacies on the line. I'm not normally into wild conspiracy theories, because the normal everyday ones are usually the ones that are right. But this could be a reason to lay in several years supply of popcorn before it disappears from store shelves.
They never quite seem to learn the Nixon lesson. The coverup is always worse than the crime.
It has been posted - but well worth posting again.
It's long but worth reading the entire thing.
Wow, Fred
An amazing read that though deeply disturbing, is entirely entertaining - thank you for posting the link.
ps. I hope Ethel is well.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
thanks ...
she is, but she seems perennially annoyed by me. can't explain it.
How is this?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I have a different take
I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until she cinched the nomination [sic] to release it, especially since it is now summer and fewer people are paying attention to the election. And they expect that cries of sexism and misogyny will drown out the criminal conduct, with, of course, a strong assist from the media is downplaying or burying the story (hi Rachel and the other sycophantic hacks at MSNBC). As we already know, the Clintons always go down swinging.
sure, they'd go down swinging ...
... but you know they'd go down.
Comey has nothing to lose: you can bet it would be milliseconds before he either resigned or would be tossed in a Clinton administration due to his work on Whitewater. He's looking for a new job regardless. I listened to him during the Apple/FBI hearings ... he's not a ratf*cker. He comes across as a guy with a deep respect for the law.
If there's a there there, and Obama refuses to prosecute, then he resigns and leaks the whole thing, and now Obama gets to pay for a Clinton legacy. You KNOW he won't take that path. You can talk about sexism and misogyny all you want, but the magic two words "national security" trumps that. A foreign hacker got into an unauthorized, unencrypted server and outed intelligence contacts? Good night Gracie.
That's before they get into the actual content of the emails. Pay to play with the Clinton Foundation? Now Bill gets looped in too.
Maybe, just maybe, this is why the all hands on deck push to solidify support around HRC, even from the likes of Warren. Maybe they think they could weather the storm if her popular support is high enough. Even if they could, the impeachment hearings would start Day 2.
Timing would probably have to be post convention at the earliest, so that the party could anoint someone (presumably Biden, but a slim chance of Bernie if there was enough squawk), I agree with you there.
If there's a there there ... and with every passing day that the FBI says nothing to see here ...
We may be in for some interesting times. Not that I'm cheering the result, because this is something that the republic should not have to endure.