Elizabeth Warren endorsement fantasy breaks through to corporate media
I wonder how much Sen Warren is being pressured to get on board. It started at top (which was the beginning of the end there for me) with bbb, then the owner hisself going on about how Sen Warren would be a dream vp. (I wrote a couple diaries there ridiculing them for it) It was always said, watch there for what the corp media will catch up to in a couple months... Well, "Warren moves closer to Clinton endorsement" showed up on the local tv channel's website with a cnn byline. (I don't want to link, but searching that title may get you there) It's always seemed funny to me that the hippie kickers look to her for endorsement, while rejecting Bernie and those of us who support him and his message, as if that will magically give hrc legitimacy with the "left", and in spite of the fact that the Senator leans toward Bernie's policies and would like to see hill's supporters in jail. (The article doesn't actually say Warren is endorsing, but that she's waiting to see what Bernie is going to do, and it implies that she's in kind of a spot. It also laments potentially delaying by a month or more the inevitable reuniting of the party) I assume this is a way of keeping the pressure on her, perhaps brought to us by the same people who told us about how hill had clinched the nomination the day before a big round of primaries. If she does ultimately endorse, we'll have to see how wholehearted it turns out to be, and whether it goes beyond something along the lines of "it's always better to vote for the Democrat"...
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Sen. Warren
I don't know that it puts pressure on her. Trying to put more pressure on Bernie, perhaps. No one, not even Elizabeth we learn, wants to wait until the convention.
I read it that it does say she will endorse, without using the word endorse, just when is the question.
Really, a leak that she is going to endorse is about the same as an endorsement. Seems she's letting Bernie and the world know she endorses Hillary, she just doesn't know if now is a good time to say it out loud to everyone. To me, I say sheesh.
The article is somewhat better than other reports I had seen. Others just said she would be endorsing soon. This one at least says she wants to wait and see what Bernie says and does. Maybe she's floating it to see how irate her fans and Bernie supporters get about it. It says she will be watching to see what Bernie says after his meetings tomorrow with Obama and Reid. Guess he will be getting a lot of pressure in those meetings.
Also, why not link to the article you are discussing? It's basic blogging etiquette and protocol. Why tell people to search for it if they want to read it? If a source is so crappy that it shouldn't be linked to, then maybe an essay shouldn't be posted.
I thought it was an obnoxious article
and I didn't want to send more clicks to it wherever it is...
Elizabeth Warren supports
Elizabeth Warren supports Monsanto - she voted against GMO labeling - simply informing citizens food choices. Her foreign policy positions are closely aligned with Hillary's. Sorry but she is not the progressive, people imagine her to be. That she could possibly endorse Hillary, considering her seeming economic stances, leads to questioning how deep Elizabeth's values go. Hillary is a believer, not just doing her owners' business. The Clinton Foundation is deeply involved in criminal behavior and represents the kind of business dealings that would repel the Elizabeth Warren who is presented to us as the savior of Main Street. Bernie's campaign has pulled back the curtain on many of our delusions.
You Missed the Actual Story
Endorsement is not the issue. The issue is Hill's VP. Harry Reid has been pressuring Warren to be Clinton's VP. Don't know if SHE tasked him with this mission or if he's taking the initiative. One would assume that Hill gave the order. This after Warren's nonstop tweeting against Trump for over a month. One plus one = Elizabeth Warren, Dem VP candidate? If Warren goes to the dark side, Hill's a shoe-in.
the height of wishful thinking
I think they are deluding themselves on this one.
I think they vastly underestimate the amount of damage Clinton and her surrogates bridge burning inflicted on the party.
Personally, I think many progressives think as I do. That the Party is indeed not our party anymore, that we are not wanted there and that they will NEVER do anything to fight alongside us to achieving our goals.
So why in the hell would I ever support that party?
I will save my support for Progressives, no matter what party they are in.
Screw unity, Screw the DNC 3rd wayers. I will no longer enable their corruption.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
this, I think, is the kernel of truth in the article...
"Warren's backing is viewed as important for Clinton, who needs the help of the liberal Massachusetts Democrat to win over young and progressive voters who are fervent Sanders backers but skeptical of their party's presumptive nominee." The rest is rumors, speculation, and wishful/hopeful thinking. It's clear she's expected to get on board. "Assuming Sanders drops out soon..." They're focusing on her as a progressive icon whose endorsement will magically wipe out all their dismissal of Sanders and his supporters, and unite all the dems in a heartwarming kumbaya moment. Same BS as top.
Whatever Warren does
endorse hrc or become her running mate, imo will not have any effect on Bernie supporters and having two women on the ticket will probably push more men to t rump.MSM keeps talking about how the glass ceiling has been shattered but its probably more like cracked and as many know a cracked window doesn't always get replaced.Also with Warrens age it is almost certain she would not run for POTUS after hrc's reign.
A vote for the lesser evil is still a vote for evil.
But really, if you're going to vote for evil, vote for the greater evil.
Cthulhu 2016!
There is no endorsement that would make me vote Hillary
She isn't fit to be POTUS and will do at least as much damage to the country as any GOPer. That's because she is a GOPer. They've taken over the Democratic Party.
In terms of seeing Warren and Obama as unifiers
I think this quote from today's Politico article about Sanders supporters warning Obama to back off is extremely accurate:
“In some ways, even though [the president’s] numbers are good, and good with the Democratic base, he overestimates,” said a Democratic strategist aligned with Sanders. “Much of the activist Bernie movement — I think he overestimates his strength with those people.”
The president has no credibility left with real liberals, especially those that aren't part of the Democratic Party anymore. The majority of Bernie's base consists of the activist left and independents, the exact same people that he's betrayed and talked down to for the last 8 years. Why would they care what a neoliberal Democrat has to say?
After sitting out the entire primary when an endorsement would have mattered a lot, Warren is in a similar position. She has political capital with the party faithful and people who claim to be liberal, but if she endorses Hillary and effectively sanctions everything that she's ever claimed to be against, she will also lose all credibility whatsoever, especially with those that refuse to vote for Hillary. I think that Washington insiders, to their peril, greatly overestimate her influence.