A Plea from FB/Democratic Socialist to stay engaged
I, too, have seriously considered renouncing my membership in the Dem Party. Then I read this. Maybe it's too soon? But I feel like a 6 year old announcing they are running away from home to their parents. They ask, "Where will you go?." Oh, right, our "first past the post" system isn't kind to 3rd parties. Anyway, consider:
Fellow American-Social Democrats, Rooseveltian Progressives, and blue-collar laborites. I beseech you to remain within the Democratic Party as a new crop of progressive populists — belonging to Bernie Sanders' progressive-populist wing of the Democratic Party. We now possess the political-clout needed to challenge the Clintonian-Neoliberal orthodoxy and Neo-classical intelligentsia — our new coalition must not fall victim to disarray due to a mass exodus from the Democratic Party.
Please, take into consideration our unprecedented accomplishments with Sanders' Presidential campaign:
✪ 8 million individual contributions, averaging $27 per-donation
✪ $207.7 million raised, 99.98% from campaign donations
✪ 47% rank-and-file Democrats prefer Sanders (46% Clinton)
✪ 42.68% of the popular vote (source: The Green Papers)A political transformation of unusual speed and scope is taking place in the United States; never before seen in the history of American electoral politics. Its most momentous feature is the emergence of a new reigning socio-economic philosophy of Social Democracy — akin to mid 20ᵗʰ century New Deal liberalism.
Please understand that the Democratic Party has experienced shifting Party coalitions for generations. Shifting partisan alliances invokes a common observation about social change. Broad sectors of the working and lower-middle classes, will no longer hesitate to make their unhappiness known. Bill Clinton's New Democrat coalition is unraveling, and you're witnessing the ascent of Sanders' Social-Democrat coalition.
The true basis of Sanders’ strength has been largely overlooked: He gives voice to a set of policy ideas that lie closer to the hearts of most Democratic voters—and especially the Democratic voters of the future—than Clinton’s do.That’s why the grassroots-progressive revolution won’t be quelled for long. This is as much a demographic certainty as a political one.
In one last stand, we have to strike fear into the hearts of the beltway Democratic Party leaders attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We'll need hundreds of thousands demonstrating the power of grassroots mass-politics; the power of this mobilization will be measured in the size of the crowds outside of the Wells Fargo Center July 25ᵗʰ-28ᵗʰ.
Please, I implore you to be patient and allow Bernie Sanders to make his case at the convention.The struggle continues, for political action starts with civil-unrest as an expression of democratic upsurge, and ends with voting as an expression of civic engagement.

Sorry, this feels like...
come back baby! We promise we won't hit ya again! And after all it's really YOUR fault we're the way we are. Where are you gonna go? To that Green Party LOSER? He doesn't really care about you. Only I care about you! *SMACK* See! Why you gotta make me mad?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
the text our essayist quoted
...... sounds like it was written by a millennial, and towards the young end of the range at that. Although I do credit the writer with referencing political shifts in the Democratic Party over decades, it's still pretty obvious to me that (s)he only knows of these via history books. Many of us were around during those decades, and what we've seen is a single set of shifts ever more towards the right.
Many of us, myself included, don't have yet more decades to give. We need the FDR/JFK/Bernie vision for the United States of America enacted now. And we also know that ShillBillary and her ilk won't enact it -- or through inaction, permit Congress to do so.
We need Wall Street to take orders from the Federal Government, not the other way around. And I don't see the Dems as being willing to do what it takes to make things that way (read: expel the Third Wayers, the Clintons, and all the conservas).
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Who can say?
Anymore, I can't dismiss the possibility that something like this is written by an agent provocateur to head off defection from the anointed one—the Royal Treasury seems to have a sizable budget for that sort of thing.
Besides there doesn't seem anything actionable in it other than "don't go".
A lesson from economics
The first to sell gets to keep their winnings.
This ship is going down. You can get in the lifeboat, or go down with the ship.
Fuck the Democratic Party
If HRC heads that party's ticket, it is dead to me.
I was never much of a "party" person anyway.
If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.
Heck, this Boomer has become a party pooper in her 60s
The D party pooped all over me. Though I won't return the favor, I will give it a view of my backside on the way out the shrinking-tent's flap. Not looking back, either--might turn into a pillar of salt.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Seriously, the poorer attempts to sway us back to that Party
are sad, whether they're truly sincere or not.
No offense to the OP here, but I'm not buying it and I'm not going back. They're not going to stop hitting me and abusing me, so FUCK THEM.
That's fear driven.
I will not be afraid. I will wait for the convention - I think that's what people here are saying - wait until after the convention to see what happens - thus the Labor Day time being thrown around. Let's not use fear, though, the dem party is screwing us and I'm not bending over anymore.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I think it's an argument to try to change the Dem Party
from within.
I hear you, I'm sick to death about what has happened. But the Party has changed before and can change again.
I know it can change, because I was on my Dad's shoulders when he shook Bobby Kennedy's hand on a San Diego campaign stop, not long before he was killed.
But it won't change if all the good people leave. This could be a beginning, and not an end.
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
They will change if they have to
They have to if all the pissed off Dems leave! If you stay they don't have to change. Y'all been doing this for decades. They are always promises,but nothing ever changes. How many more times do yuo take this abuse.
They screwed over our candidate by cheating and refusing to let so many vote. What does it take.....?
" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "
You stated the obvious.
Bobby Kennedy, like his brother, were killed. I used to not go for CT, but the PTB have ways to get what they want. And it's only our blind acceptance of that, plus all the labor and funds that they can extract from us, another natural resource.
I am not sure what will happen at or before the convention now. We wait.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This Party and this existence we have in this country today
are NOTHING LIKE Bobby Kennedy's day. From top to bottom, from local to Federal levels, the good people of the Party who are powerful enough to do anything about this mess are GONE.
If you weren't already that powerful, then get out NOW while you can and stop aspiring to something that no longer exists.
You have to know when to fold 'em.
Any hope of changing the Democratic party from within are futile. The country-club and opportunistic GOPers (that's where Clinton came from before there was even a need to flee) are fleeing the Teabaggers and reinforcing the DLC types. Big money is all in with that; they've got the conservadems trained like Pavlov's dogs: wave a check in front of their greedy muzzles and the convervadems will salivate and sell out. Fighting from the outside is likely going to be an easier battle since the Clintonistas and their ilk seem to have the controls firmly in their hands: let them run the Democratic Party onto the reef and sink like a rock. It won't be the first time an American political party has died a timely death.
Indeed, I *am* waiting for the convention.
And when they unequivocally tell him to go pound sand, I intend to return the favor. As I've said, I'm out the day after.
Here's the deal: I hold out zero hope of any real change in a Clinton-driven party. I find it interesting that people are concerned about the contents of the platform document. As soon as the HRC coronation occurs, the *actual* platform will be "line the pockets of the MIC and the Clinton family", regardless of any damned party document.
I can't wait for Bernie to make his case at the convention, and maybe he will prove me wrong. Doubt it, though. Most likely, it'll be "go fuck yourself", and that'll mean no more votes, no more money, no more effort. They have sown the wind, and they will now reap the whirlwind.
reap the whirlwind
As well they should!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I'm hoping Bernie started something
I'm hoping Bernie started something -- or rather continued something that OWS started -- that will continue building towards the convention, Midterms and on to 2020.
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Suspect most of us share that hope, but whatever OWS and
Bernie started has no need to confine itself to a Democratic Party that couldn't have been more hostile toward any meaningful change or resistant even to an admission of a need to change.
If some wish to stay and push from within, no reason that effort can't work synergistically with external manifestations of a movement for sweeping change to the way our government and society function. And don't.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thank you
That's a really good point. I think it's nuts for rank-and-file little folks like me to try to change that monolith from within, but anyone that wants to try while still understanding that we don't have to pick one or the other won't completely lose my respect. If you want to push for one at the expense of the other, you're probably not going to get a real good response from the likes of me.
Oh, I'll Wait
until he makes his case.
And then... I'm gone. Just like the wind. (picture Kayser Sosa in your head... you'll get it)
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
And keep those donations coming in folks. And you'l just have to
take our word AGAIN that we're on your side kid. I know, I know, that's what we always say just before we tell you to go pound sand, but THIS TIME WE REALLY REALLY MEAN IT. Pinkie swear!
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I am the first one to say screw Hillary and the Democrats...
Having said that, I am open minded enough to listen to arguments about a plan forward. If I am being asked to wait to see what Bernie is going to do, I am going to do that. It is what I planned to do anyway. IF this turns into the same ol' same ol', I'll walk away.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
for all the talk of "berniebros" those Hillbots are nasty
and I expect that if there's an actual show of support for policies (and not just adoration for the Queen) that those Hill people will boo.
The attitude I see, at this point, is they'll let us back in if we shut up.
They want us to shut our mouths and open our wallets.
They desperately want a bit of Bernie's Fundraising.
Pressure's gonna be on him to release his donor list, AND to make personal appeals.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
As far as I'm concerned,
he can give them my name and other information, so I can laugh at them when they call me for money.
Oh, boy, I can't wait for that one. HAR! They're really stupid if they think that's gonna yield a whole lot. I sincerely doubt it'll be worth all the grief their volunteers are gonna get...
the Prez sent Shaz a letter yesterday
he knows how important this election is and shaz should send money. We "filed" it.
In the unlikely event
that I answer a call from an unknown caller, and it turns out to be Team Hellery trying to suck what little I have into their "campaign", I've got a couple of prepared responses.
"I'm sorry, I've already spent my spare cash stocking up on lead-free bottled water."
"Go fuck yourself."
"Oh, you need money? Hang on, I'll transfer you to Goldman Sachs on line 2." **click**
Oh, there are so many ways to do this! It would be kind of fun if this whole thing weren't so goddamn infuriating. Enjoyed your comment, though. Imagining the torment one could inflict on shilling hillbots does rather soothe the psyche.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Hellery dialing for dollars
"I've already donated more than I should to Donald Trump."
"Is there some way I can donate less than zero money to Hillary's campaign?"
"What's a nice gal/guy like you doing, volunteering for a candidate like this?"
Have an analog modem waiting on the line. Issue command "ATZH1B0". Get yourself a cup of coffee. Drink it. Come back and issue "ATH0ATZ". The caller will be long gone.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
These are all perfect, but particularly the "less than zero" donation amount. That one's priceless! Get it? (cymbal, clown horn). And I love your signature line.
Also, I'm thinking of getting an ink stamp in the shape of a bird, for the spot where the dollar amount would go on paper donation forms. And my democratic party survey is still sitting in the dining room, blank. Why bother filling it out? It's not like they actually care what we think. They've made that abundantly clear this season, if it wasn't already.
Already unsubscribed from democrat party email lists other than Tim Canova, et al. Thus the divorce process from from the dems begins. It's a noble plea in this diary, but as others have mentioned here, eventually it gets to be one black eye too many. We all have our limits.
Speaking of... "Oh, darn, I've reached my war mongering, lying, cheating corporatist contribution limit this week. Maybe try calling Jeb!'s people again."
Okay okay, sleepy time here. Thanks for the chuckles
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
I've been picturing them as vampires lately
Just ready to suck the blood of all those young Bernie fans to give them some more unholy life.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Thanks for a good conversation (eom)
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Yeah, maybe
try again next week? I doubt it'll get any more takers, but....