Voter Suppression in CA documented by first time voter
Submitted by Steven D on Tue, 06/07/2016 - 6:32pm
Found this on Twitter initially, a Facebook post by a young, first time voter in California:
Go thank Maddi for doing the job that poll worker should have been doing if she hadn't been a corrupt crooked cog in the California Democratic Party machine.
# # # UPDATE # # #
Thanks to c99 member WaveyDavey in the comments, here is a video by a California poll worker about the "training" she received telling her to give all NPP (No Party Preference) voters provisional ballots:

I wonder if Bernie's
campaign has volunteers outside telling voters this?
His campaign is pretty lean right now
from what I hear. Just senior staff and enough to coordinate events (i.e., rallies).
I hope the grassroots groups that organized to support Bernie are aware of this issue and have people out at the polling stations, but it's a big state.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
This may have been part of the plan
This young woman has recorded a youtube video explaining how she was told during poll worker training that 'no party preference' voters were always to be given a provisional ballot. Furthermore nothing in the training mentioned anything about "crossover" ballots.
After calling the country registration office she was notified that the trainer was wrong. However, the other people in the training session started today unaware they were being used as tools to suppress the no party preference vote (which is usually around 80% pro Bernie).
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Going to update the post to include that video.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Ugh, worse than I thought
It's looking more like a widespread attempt to suppress the vote across the state by giving NPP voters the wrong ballots or provisional ballots by "accident." I hope there's someone collecting this and investigating.
Only those who fear
that they cannot win without it resort to cheating. This is open systemic cheating to cancel out the voices of those who would vote for Bernie. Tiresome to the extreme. It was such an easy task here in the Red State of West Virginia. I can only hope that it remains so in the future. Fight for your Right to Vote!
Go Bernie!
my NPP daughter voted in Sherman Oaks this morning
This morning my daughter voted successfully with a Dem crossover ballot in Sherman problems. Her husband was registered Dem but she was NPP...both, vote by mail. Weeks ago when she saw that Bernie was not on her mail-in-ballot, she contacted me.
On reddit at Kossacks_for_Sanders, Mahakali Overdrive2's research helped me a lot! From her I learned about swapping the NPP ballot for the Dem crossover ballot at the polling station. I also encountered that video by the Orange County poll worker being trained to give NPP voters provisional ballots.
So, there were numerous emails between daughter & me on coaching her to build confidence in case she encountered an uninformed or ill-trained poll worker who might try to push the provisional. Didn't happen & all went well.
VISUALIZE: President Sanders.
Honest Public Dialogue. Truth.
This needs to go viral.
This needs to go viral.
More than that.
Bernie needs to go third party and explain that if the Democratic party hadn't resorted to cheating to crown their 'queen', he would have endorsed her. But since they resorted to voter suppression, fraud, electioneering, etc....They broke faith.
I'm hoping he does.
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
I've been tweeting it like crazy
Also seeing lots of other tweets about it during the past week, whatever that's worth.
And here's another article reporting the same
voter suppression
The author, Greg Palast, is the author of The New York Times bestseller, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy"
The people, united, will never be defeated.
This part:
At my Calif polling place this went very smoothly. Right where I signed my name on the registry I had a choice of one of 4 boxes to check off to indicate which ballot I wanted. Of course I checked Dem and the pollworker promptly handed it to me. So the state of Cal. is not engaging in voter suppression - this is occurring only in the case of Clinton infiltrators into the system, either as pollworkers or trainers.
BTW, this !@%% is the very last straw. There is no way I will *ever* vote for anyone from the Clinton gang. This from a lifelong Dem who has never missed an election in 40+ years of voting.
Jimmy Carter needs to be an observer on
the voting practices in the US. Obviously this country is on a level of third world countries when it comes to voting practices. What the hell has happened to this country??? (Rhetorical question only - but sad, none the less)
Think off-center.
George Carlin
No, we're BELOW the third world level
which is why UN observers can't supervise US elections. They. are. too. corrupt.
Mull that over for a while.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I spent a couple of years
as a child living in East Africa back in the days of Idi Amin, Julius Nyrere and Jomo Kenyatta. I remember seeing an election ballot with a picture of THE candidate on one side, and a blank box on the other side. I had just read George Orwell's "Animal Farm" - between those two events, my political views started being shaped. Today, I see that this country is now exactly what I saw as a child in a third world country (Tanzania). Without Bernie we, the 99%, are totally fucked.
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Any notice at TOP
Has anyone posted this at TOP. As though anyone there would actually care.
I'm not going. I went over there earlier to gauge
the reaction to the AP's announcement of Hillary's victory. I was greeted with a front page blog claiming the California primary was a waste of money. I guaran-effen-tee you that if the situation was reversed nobody in the Clinton camp would be claiming that is was a waste of money.
That's it. I'm been tapering off more and more, now I'm officially finally done with them. I would tell you who authored the blog but I don't want to sully this place with that name.
I agree with you that they would deny it and repeat ad infinitum "it's over, do the math, drop out sore sexist loser".
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I keep my account only
to send messages to people for whom I do not have an email address and cannot reach any other way.
That's it.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Agreed that you should ask for the crossover ballot, but
The California Secretary of State seems to say provisional ballots do count:
I could be interpreting it wrong, but he seems to say that if you get there and ask to vote with a provisional ballot at the polls, it will count.
They always say that
but it never happens.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
They lie.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Greg Palast
Calls them Placebo Ballots.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
What's ON the provisional ballot?
Aside from the fact that any provisional ballots will be counted long after the "winner" has been announced, does an NPP voter who gets a provisional ballot even have the Democratic primary candidates on that ballot?
Does anyone have any idea when provisional ballot counts will be released? Ever? (I'm one of those "dead-enders" who damned well wants to see the facts).
not for President
just downballot Dems. You had to specifically use the magic words "I want a crossover DEMOCRATIC ballot." And if you had received one in the mail already, there was a special dance you had to do to get the right one. Or if you were a first time voter.
It all stinks.
See the comment upthread, or Greg Palast's piece quoted in it.
You keep using that word...
Interesting...all this effort for a candidate that has a good
chance of being indicted or at the very least found negligent in the performance of her required SOS duties. I cannot believe the democratic party is ignoring all the risks associated with Hillary. They are going to try to blame Bernie if Hillary loses but Hillary was always going to be a problematic candidate.
A UCLA poll worker
UCLA poll worker tweeted yesterday that many of the stations didn't get their 'blue lists' of new registrants, and so these folks were being handed provisional ballots, which we know from experience with the $$Hillary-corrupted precincts to date will mean that those new voters will have their ballots tossed, and never know it.
I'll believe the Cal results when they show me a total that includes all provisional ballots, and a count of ballots 'tossed' and why.
So basically, never.
Part of a comment posted last night at NC
I'm seriously depressed about this.
Don't believe everything you think.
Pretty close to my reaction.
I don't live in California, but I just don't buy the official figures. And yes, democracy is dead. The big question for me is, where do we go from here?
my only question is
did Maddi ever give Hillary that $1?
You keep using that word...