By voting for Clinton or Trump, are you enabling the current broken political system?

Okay, let me first start by saying, I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote (or not) for any candidate that they deem acceptable. Moreover, you have every right to vote for anyone for any office because it is your right and you do not need a reason. However, I believe you need to understand why you support your selected candidate; policies, positions, or political ideology. Finally, you need to support your candidates based on your understanding or even likeability instead of FEAR!

Therefore, with the above disclaimer, my question to you and premise of this essay is if you support Clinton or Trump, are you supporting or enabling the current broken system?

From my perspective, our government has been stuck in neutral since at least 1980 (please note I am 48 years old and did not really become aware of national politics and understanding until about 12 years old so it could be longer). When I say stuck in neutral meaning the rich keep getting richer, the likelihood of having a comfortable lifestyle through hard work is declining, wages are stagnant, and people are working hard just to stay afloat while corporations, lawyers, politicians, bankers, and entertainers are the only ones doing well. Finally, our rights are eroding, climate conditions are growing worse, policing is growing worse and the media is more about making a name for themselves instead of reporting the news. Basically, the middle class is failing and the very wealthy and very poor will soon be the only ones left in our society- one of the historical signs of a collapsing empire (review your history). Besides a few major pieces of legislation, how has our society improved during the last 40 years? To me very little besides all the cool and nifty toys that distract us from our fundamental societal problems.

So even with all the crappy problems, we are still the overall greatest nation on earth. Therefore, freaking WHY is it we have Clinton and Trump as the presidential nominees? Please note I understand Bernie can still be the nominee but with the rigged system, the democrats will not allow him to be it. Even if Clinton is convicted of the email scandal, the Democratic Party with still support her as the nominee. My guess is they will coronate the Queen on Tuesday, June 7 after the New Jersey results. Therefore, this is why I ask this freaking question- why are these two terrible candidates the only choices that we have for president?

Therefore, I ask again if we are so great why do we have should terrible nominees for president. Well I boil it down to a few major points:
1) The Establishment likes it this way- both parties are very similar in policies and strategies- besides social (wedge) issues think about it. Their goal is to support and keep their select group of elites happy and in power.
2) Politicians setup the structure and system to enrich and ensure they are the only parties allowed to play.
3) The dumbing down of our educational system, focusing on just taking tests instead of learning something of value and removing unnecessary civic classes from our high schools.
4) Voter suppression by both parties- voter id laws, purging voter records, and set up barriers (laws) to only allow people that meet specific requirements to vote
5) Apathy of voters- “it is broken why should I care or even participate”- guess what both parties love this attitude because that means they do not have to care about you.
6) Finally, the most important one- are you contributing to this broken system? Meaning are you doing the following actions with your vote: voting out of FEAR, choosing the lesser of two evils, voting for the party because you really have not done any homework to enable the candidate to earn your vote, or not voting because you just are too busy?

These are some of the reasons we have problems with our political system in our country, but all you have to do is look in the mirror and ask yourself are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Please note this essay is not to shame, convince or guilty you into voting for someone or even against someone, but the purpose is to help you grow the awareness and understand about the importance of your vote. If you want things to change then do something about it, vote for a different party, vote your conscience or heck do not vote at all. These are all your options, but realize you have more choices then what the two party system has given you (shoved down your throat), please do something about it.

Because I know that I will do something different during this election. Peace and blessing to you all.

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Bisbonian's picture

Next question.

(sorry for the curt answer. Well thought out and written essay, you covered a lot of good points.)

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture

I'm still hoping Bernie is the master politician that steers his way to the nomination. Let's wait and see.

Oakland aerial.jpg

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Zinman's picture

We have a textbook example this year: many Democrats and "fellow travelers" are being pressured to vote for Hillary because she is seen as the "lesser of two evils" because, it is argued, she is more electable than the ideologically preferable Bernie Sanders.

The question becomes: do you vote for the candidate you prefer, or do you vote based on which candidate you think might have the best chance to defeat the candidate you fear most. I believe the answer lies in evaluating your assumptions: predicting election results is a flawed strategy compared to evaluating which candidate you prefer. Therefore, I believe one should chose and vote for the candidate you prefer most.

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Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.

Bisbonian's picture

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Bollox Ref's picture


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from a reasonably stable genius.

Because I believe she will build on the successes of the Obama administration.

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Bailing out wallstreet? More quagmires in the middle east, or making sure we never get universal coverage, or a public option, lowering the life expectancy of the 99%? Maybe keeping minimum wage down as low as possible, or shipping more jobs out of the United States, through more bad trade deals, or keeping the pipeline idea alive and kicking?

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And I'm proud to have had him as my president.

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If you feel no obligation to others, others have no obligation to you. That is the way the world works.

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To improve the lives of people in my community. You have to be the change you want to see.

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working very hard to help others. I have worked hard for a 15 dollar living wage, and to stop more stupid wars, and both Clinton and Obama have undermined my efforts, through war mongering, bank deals, and broken promises, and selling out America's jobs.

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tgat the previous comment assumed I was selfish. The actions you take, positive and negative, birth their own results in others.

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of the ways you did that?

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sandino's picture


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and engage beyond the "better together" level of Clinton campaign lit. So let's sit back and enjoy the show with this newly registered member excited about working with everyone to beat the Republican. Wink

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sandino's picture

to keep my snark cannons sighted in and the ammo fresh.

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mjsmeme's picture

earlier post and got 0 response. I'm not feeling good about that, its creepy. n top of that, yesterday an essay by LD and all the responses to it were unceremonously removed - disappeared by the mods - for what appears to be the crime of attempting to grow this community's reach. So who's in charge here?? and why were my questions not deemed worthy of a response from management??

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LD drama is done here, so drop it. I want no more disruption over it.

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mjsmeme's picture

It makes it very difficult to communicate if I have to self-censor myself. I'm not sorry that I questioned your judgment, and am a bit surprised at your tone. I guess the honeymoon's over. I see now that I just don't belong here. Thanks for setting me straight, Johnny.

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requesting your account be deleted?

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mjsmeme's picture

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and rec'd no reply until the one posted to you here. Unfortunate handling of the situation, imo.

As to that new poster full of one-dimensional HRC and Team Blue chants, not worth amusing myself there any more. This community's general disregard for that drivel is a suitable response.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

requesting to have your account deleted?

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directly, through a private communication rather than a public post (GBCW is so not my style).

It's helpful to any community to know the rules. If something as mild as commenting that I'd made a private inquiry and not had a response, and that I think the situation could have been handled better, prompts a question of whether I'd like to take a hike, that's surprising to me and not in line with my experience of this site. So if those two comments violated some unstated rule (or a stated one I missed), I'd very much like to know, so that I, and others, will see the lines in the sand and, if we cross them, do so deliberately. Make sense?

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

you to this comment, I don't know how much more direct I can be than that. I'm growing very tired of the drama.

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beholder and all that. Final answer duly noted, and a good time to cue some music.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

We used to do community gatherings. On Tuesdays, we'd have all the kids from the neighborhood come together and provide basketball competitions. We'd bring speakers out and a sound system, and then we'd play music. Our goal was to provide some after school once a week where everyone could get together. Every month we'd do clothes and food drives so that we could help needy people in our area, but the Tuesday nights were the best. On the weekends I liked to help at a shelter for kids who were thrown out of their homes, a lot of times because they were LGBT. We'd have chances to feed them, and the money we raised for the shelter was used to keep it going, so the kids could live there. We helped connect them to job opportunities and were able to help them in a big brother-big sister kind of way. We tried to give them emotional support and social things to do, but also give them real ways to connect and find ways to start working. If they wanted to get more education, we tried to find grants and things like that that could help them.

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inequality or low wages. It allows survival in bad conditions and not much else. Republicans promote charity too. Their slogan was a "thousand points of light" I seek a world where most don't need it. Obama admitted he is an 80s republican so he parades republican mumbo-jumbo as change and progressiveness. It is a lie. It is bait and switch. I voted for a progressive in 2008 and he gave me Bush the Second. He is a fraud.

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some attention from your local media. I'd love to read more about it and who the "we" is or were. Any links?

Others might be inspired by the details of how this effort was organized and by whom. You have to get people to commit to the time, then find the people you want to help and encourage them to give your gatherings a try. Then find facilities, maybe sponsors. Researching grants is a specialty; networking in the community for job opportunities is another level of sophistication. Sustaining the program over time takes work and buy-in and usually funds, and funders often want data. Quite the effort. Are those community gatherings still happening (and in what community), and if not, what happened?

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

jorogo's picture

or in Honduras or Libya or Ukraine or any one of the many "global initiative" human disasters Hillary has helped to create? Or don't those "other" people matter?

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

ngant17's picture

If Hillary is Eileen Wournous, Trump is Ted Bundy. Which hitchhiker is best for you? Do you prefer carjacking by garrotting or more-traditional jacking at gunpoint?

One of them is shady, debonaire but may be violent. The other one has a thousand-yard stare, shabby clothes and a track record of secrecy and violence. You have room for one passenger. Choose your rider carefully.

I pass both by, Don't wave or make eye contact, They continue to thumb for a ride on the interstate as they grow smaller and smaller in my rear view mirror. I sleep peacefully that night and live happily ever after.

Victim(s) were dumped and found years later, shallow grave, side road off the interstate. Killing spree by a serial killer is suspected.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

KyleGNally's picture

Those GLBT kids were thrown into the street because "I believe marriage is, not just a bond, but a sacred bond, between a man and a woman."

That's damning.

Her exact words.


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gulfgal98's picture

The need to provide charity is proof of society's failure.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Haikukitty's picture

and seriously commendable.

But wouldn't it be great if we had a country where that wasn't necessary? A country that provided safe childcare and free or low-cost education opportunities to all qualified students? Wouldn't it be great if children weren't going hungry or unclothed?

I sincerely admire the work you've done, but I want to have a country that doesn't require that work to be done at all. That's why I can't vote for Trump or Hillary.

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RejectingThe3rdWay's picture

I understand that point.

To illustrate:

It is preferable to only get one hand broken (Obama) versus both (Bush).

That doesn't mean I am happy to continue to get one hand broken, and wanting something better doesn't mean I want both hands broken.

That is why Obama being better than Bush is no substitute for expecting and wanting real and better change (something he promised then ran away from as fast as possible). As such Hillary stating she wants to continue Obama's policies (which are 3rd way to the max) is a non-starter for most progressives!

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When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!

B. Joe King's picture

or shit sandwich with mustard. At the end of the day you're still getting shit.

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Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.

snoopydawg's picture

Obama than Bush, but not many other people saw that happen to them.
Especially with the ACA. They have seen their premiums and deductibles go up and this year they will go up to over 50% or more. And even if they can make their premiums, the deductibles are so damned high, they can't afford to see a doctor or pay for their prescriptions.

And if you ask the people in the Middle East if their lives are better under Obama, then under Gaddafi, I bet that they would rather see Gaddafi back in power.
Libya had a great standard of living until Obama's bombs blew that country up.
Or the people in Honduras wouldn't be fleeing to the US if Obama with Hillary's help hadn't overthrown the government.

Next let's talk about the Syrian refugees who had to flee their country and take a chance of dying crossing the ocean to get to safety.
But, I'm glad you're doing ok.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Sandino's picture

you're in good company, lets just hope you didn't imprint with neoliberalism.

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jorogo's picture

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

remarkably like substance-free campaign slogans and sound bites. You might be more persuasive on this site if you provided examples of what you regard as successes from her record and from Obama's. Others can then gauge your reference points and either agree or offer a different perspective with reasons.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sandino's picture

I voted for Hillary because:
The insurance industry has worked hard to skim 40% of our healthcare budget, they deserve to keep it.

I voted for Hillary because:
Why let a single egomainiac billionaire buy the presidency, when we can have a dozen of them?

I voted for Hillary because:
Regime change works, and the resulting death and chaos just give her more opportunities for fund raising from arms dealers.

I voted for Hillary because:
It is her turn and no amount of bribery, lies and indictments can change that.

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Sandino's picture

NAFTA was awesome, and TPP will be awesomer. Free your capital and your jobs will follow!

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lotlizard's picture

own sense of self-centered narcissism?

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Surely cannot escape notice...

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janis b's picture

that represents progressive interests. Therefore my tendency is to vote for Jill Stein, and hoping that enough others do the same. This could create a greater sense of possibility (in the publics mind) that the future can be different. The only concern I have in not voting for Hillary in order to help defeat Trump is when I think about the deep seated, simmering anger living in Trump supporters. I worry that his presidency would give permission to all those angry people to become more violent toward the vulnerable, and that really concerns me too.

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worry about how Clinton will get us into more wars. There is really no win with either of them, so it is Jill Stein for me.

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janis b's picture

about the loss of life due to the wars that Hillary would involve us in, but I also think that if Trump is president he will also be subject to the MIC, no matter what he says now.

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where as at least progressive can get toehold in the party if she crashes a burns.

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lotlizard's picture

and policy of the current administration — from jailing of whistleblowers, to blasting of MSF hospitals, to blatant lies about Libya and Syria, to political assassination without a trial, to letting murderers of pregnant Afghan women and torturers off scot-free, and on and on and on.

By voting for someone who represents all of that, we ratify it.

No matter what we think we are doing when we cast our votes, our intent will be “trumped” by the supposed mandate the Powers That Be will claim we gave them.

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Arrow's picture

^^^ THIS^^^

The immorality of the past and the promise of 'stay the course' a position I find untenable.

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I want a Pony!

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

history shows that when angry white racists lose elections, they get madder, and nastier, and commit more hate crimes, even than when they win. They are more likely to run amok if Hillary wins than if Donald does--just like they did after Obama won (hate crimes spiked). Doesn't mean we want them in the Oval Office--but does mean the angry racist isn't gonna go away because Hillary gets into the White House, and things may actually get worse in terms of hate crimes by angry racists if she does.

Additionally, I have no faith in Hillary to protect people of color from gun-toting racist bastards, because 8 years ago, she was on the other side of the race war. Last time, she was running against a black man, and racism gave her a bump in the polls. This year, she's running against a white man, so she flip-flopped on the race war and got on the other side. This time, being Rainbow Hillary is getting her a bump in the polls. She is completely mercenary on the subject of race, so hardly the person I want to march behind while Trump's crazies rage in the streets b/c they were cheated out of the Presidency. They will believe that they were cheated regardless of facts, but, in this case, they actually WILL have facts to back up their beliefs, courtesy of the election fraud Hillary has committed during the primary. That will make them even angrier, and crazier. And I believe strongly that Hillary and Trump are each happy to use the ongoing race war--and to dump gasoline on its flames--in order to get more power and money for themselves, or for their rich friends.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

darkmatter's picture

You write, "So even with all the crappy problems, we are still the overall greatest nation on earth."

Well, "greatest" in what sense?

Wealthiest? Sure. Strongest military? Yes.

But in virtually all other categories relating to standard of living for a statistically average person, we are not the "greatest." No other modern nation gouges its young citizens on education costs as we do, or gouges sick people for medical treatment, as we do. The size of our prison population is itself a huge tell. Our mainstream media is a corporate joke. There are, of course, far worse places, but the "greatest" designation is hard for us to claim credibly anymore.

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janis b's picture

might have been a little facetious.

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I saw your comment. We're no. 1 in military might and incarceration of our people. We're high up on gun violence, too. But we lag on standard measures of health from birth on. We lag on education. We lag on social safety net measures. We lag on income equality and justice under the law. We lag on employment and even paid vacation. We lag on food safety and water safety. We lag on housing. We lag on child care and senior care and health insurance as a right. We lag on election transparency. A Princeton study shows we no longer have a democracy. So I question that premise while appreciating the question you raised and the discussion it's generating.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

snoopydawg's picture

biggest arms dealer in the world and we are selling weapons to Saudi Arabia who are bombing the shit out of Yemen and killing many innocent civilians and hospitals.
And we are also refueling their jets that are dropping bombs in Yemen.
We are the greatest purveyors of violence in the world and the biggest threat to peace.
Yeah, America!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

continues to do so with depleted uranium, causing death and birth defects. And the US wants to "upgrade" and "modernize" its nuclear arsenal:

Reminder: Clinton voted to continue the use of cluster bombs, which devastate civilians, especially children.

In her autobiography, Living History, Senator Hillary Clinton portrays herself as an advocate for children, a defender of women and human rights. In fact, the Clintons have a long history of sacrificing the rights, even the lives of children, for political expediency. It is time to set the record straight.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

snoopydawg's picture

go after Bernie about his gun votes, I would remind them about that. That she voted against banning cluster bombs that are being used in Yemen right now. And their answer to my comment was? .................They never answer. In fact, they don't really talk much about the issues at all. Just that she has the experience and has been vetted.
They're right she has been vetted, but they won't look at the truth.
And you are right about how Obama is speaking out of both sides of his mouth during his visit to Japan. He says that the world needs to reduce the amount of nuclear weapons, yet is spending a trillion dollars to upgrade and make mini nukes that won't do as much damage.
And the use of depleted uranium in fallujah was another war crime that the US committed.
But since every US invasion after the Nuremberg principle was written was a war crime. From Korea to what Obama is doing to over 7-8 countries in the Middle East is a war crime. The rules are that countries can only go into other countries if they are threatened.
The only things being threatened the corporations not being able to steal other country's resources.
That's one of the reasons for the Afghanistan war, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Honduras and Ukraine. Those countries have resources that the corporations want. And this is been happening since the Monroe doctrine was signed. Smedley Butler told us this back in the 30's, yet people still believe that the military are fighting to defend this country and our freedoms.
And I'm so tired of hearing about how she has been fighting for women and children her whole life.
The only thing that has helped the children is SCHIP, but Kennedy did most of the work on that.
Hillary hurt them with welfare reform, the crime bill, the bankruptcy bill and then there's all the women and children in the Middle East and Honduras that are exposed to so much violence because of her policies.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Haikukitty's picture

This constant focus on "American exceptionalism" is what prevents us from being a good neighbor to the other countries of the world, from taking responsibility for our errors and our outsize pollution and consumption, and also from taking inspiration from countries who are doing things better than we are in any area: climate change, education, health care, etc.

It prevents our citizens from critiquing and improving our country, which is true patriotism, not this sad jingoism we call patriotism here.

This unwarranted arrogance has got to go. We are a country - we have many good points, and many bad points. But we are a country just like any other country. No country is the greatest in all things.

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Big Al's picture

of killers, criminals, people who trample over anyone we want to have our "American way of life". We killed the Indians, enslaved the Africans, and we wage war on the world so our rulers can have their yachts and castles. "We've killed 30-50 million people since WWII alone in our quest for the ultimate Manifest Destiny.

Yes, voting in this system absolutely enables it to continue. It's no different than continuing to shop at a store, or enabling you child to curse.

We need a new political system and the only way to do that is to reject the current one.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

B. Joe King's picture

But doesn't have a snowball's chance. First past the post elections by their very nature disenfranchise a lot of people and ultimately lead to two party states. The number of people who completely agree with the Ds or the Rs is likely very small with most people having views that differ greatly from what the two main parties represent. I think MMP would allow much greater diversity in politics, coupled with the repeal of citizens united and a parliamentary system a lot could get done.

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Gold is the wealth of kings; silver is the wealth of commoners; barter is the wealth of peasants; and debt is the wealth of slaves.

Clinton most certainly. Trump? Hard to say. Washington seems to hate him enough that a President Trump could break the system. The end results could be worse for everyone, but then again the status quo just seems to be making things worse also. Are we to the point that we're just debating over the speed at which we want the Titanic to sink?

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And in terms of climate change, the Titanic looks more like Spaceship Earth.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Your question deserves a little more thought than a simple yes or no. Except in the case of Mrs. Clinton. Regarding her a clear yes.

Trump, however, is a very different animal and I think much smarter than Clinton. I could never vote for the dude but consider: It is impossible for me to believe anything that he has said either about policy, or law, or personal attacks. I consider absolutely everything that comes out of is mouth is deceptive. We really no idea what he would do, who he would appoint, or how he might present himself after winning the nomination. He is 100% wild card.

I think the real question about Trump is how much does he really burn to become president. We'll see. But, some may recall that big annual press association social fest a couple of years ago. Obama spoke and made several droll comments savagely insulting Trump. And Trump was in the audience enduring it in public. Do you suppose he might still burn from treatment like that?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

If you support Clinton or Trump, are you supporting or enabling the current broken system?

Of course you are enabling the system of non-representation in matters of government policies.

But keep in mind: If you do not support either Clinton or Trump, you are also enabling the "broken" system.

Americans cannot "disable" the system from the inside, no matter how many times they vote. The People are never invited to vote directly on key policy issues, they may only vote for third-party proxies and surrogates.

So even with all the crappy problems, we are still the overall greatest nation on earth.

Folks who believe that or who even say those words aloud — taken as a whole — are the key reason that Americans always get exactly what they deserve — every time they vote. By embodying this dangerous delusion, they sabotage a promising future for all Americans. This mass delusion, for example, is the sole reason that the American people do not have a single human right, and suffer horribly as a result. This mass delusion is the sole reason that the American People fund the murder and displacement of brown people throughout the world every day. In 2015, the American people directly funded the creation of most of the 47 million (formerly middle-class) refugees who were dislocated last year, and who now roam in a living hell.

Because Americans believe they are the greatest nation on earth, they have the right to rule over it and destroy other civilizations when it is profitable to do so.

Nothing personal, here.

It's merely a demonstration of how brainwashing works, starting in the individual and infecting society as a whole. Fix the brainwashing narrative in yourself and you will have — collectively — all the power and the moral compass you need to fix the "broken" system.

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