
Check Your White Privilege?

That is the title of an outstanding critique of the "white privilege" meme that has been tossed around recently:

Money quote:

But a significant question facing progressives today is whether the use of the term "white privilege" helps or hurts building the kind of solidarity needed to promote racial justice and reverse runaway inequality.

Why is moving the Overton Window not mentioned in 2016 election autopsies?

So, there is another major essay trying to understand and explain Trump's victory. In case you haven't seen mention of it yet, I am referring to The Nationalist's Delusion, by The Atlantic's senior political editor, Adam Serwer. It is an excellent, though lengthy read, which reaches the usual conclusion: white Americans are bigoted.

(Golly,what a surprise. Not!):DNC's fundraising woes continue with worst October in 15 years

DNC's fundraising woes continue with worst October in 15 years

The DNC is struggling to raise funds since former President Barack Obama left office
The monthly numbers are the worst October financially for Dems dating back to 2003
Washington (CNN)The Democratic National Committee's fundraising woes continued last month, when the party posted its lowest total for the month of October in at least 15 years.

(It’s Bill again): I published and then unpublished this the

day before yesterday because I thought it was funny but took it down because I could only find it in sources I didn’t like. Or trust might be a better word.

Now i’m wondering what the truth is about the situation. Did Bill do all this? Is ‘someone’ trying to put the final nail in the ‘two-for-the-price-of-one Clinton’s coffin? I understand fully that Bill most assuredly didn’t clean up his act after he left Washington in disgrace. Leoplard, spots, etc.

The "family values" crowd is MIA in the War on Thanksgiving

There really is a War on Thanksgiving(WoT), that commercially unprofitable holiday. It gets stronger every year. This year, we have the pre-Black Friday sales - pushing the Xmas shopping back to at least two weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving. In my town, the homophobic Salvation Army started their irritating, non-stop bell ringing on November first - three weeks before Thanksgiving. The junk email bombardment supporting this time-grab is completely out of control.
