
"American Made" - the Tom Cruise movie that changed my life, in a bad way.

I just had one of those vertigo-inducing moments when you realize that just about everyone around you is utterly clueless about the "hidden history" of the US Deep State (DS) and is willing to swallow whatever bilge Hollywood is offering as long as it includes lots of violence and babes. This moment happened when I watched a 2017 Tom Cruise movie called "American Made", about the CIA agent/drug smuggler, Barry Seal.

Anti-Capitalist Meet-Up: Agita, Agit-Prop, and the US gale of creative destruction

Agita and agitprop are the current features of what purports to be Trumpian US policy in numerous areas of contradiction, whether it’s international trade chaos or racist border policies.

Vulture capitalists are investors that acquire distressed firms in the hopes of making them more profitable so as to ultimately sell them for a profit.[1] Due to their aggressive investing nature, and the methods they use to make firms more profitable, vulture capitalists are often criticized.[2]

Some writers would like to attribute child-like motives to current WH policies, considering the use of tweets as “official statements”, however false, infantile, and irrational. SAD! As if preying on mass anxiety was a useful policy.
