weekly watch

The Weekly Watch

Healing the Land...
and Ourselves

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Like humans, soils and ecosystems are individuals. We all can heal. Different people, like different ecosystems, require unique solutions fitted to the situation. There are some universals like clean water is healing, and there are ways to trap and store water with good management. We in the US have the worst health outcomes at the highest price tag in the world. This is largely a product of addictive processed foods which TPTB recommend we eat. Western society as a whole is ill. Seeking profit above all else has promoted a divisive culture (you're with us or against us) and has broken or at least damaged our social bonds.


The Weekly Watch

You Can't Make It Up!

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So last week the entire Canadian Parliament rose to their feet with raucous applause for a Nazi SS Veteran. It is indicative of the way in which Russiagate has morphed into Russiahate. The MP's heard "Ukrainian soldier Killed Russians" and jumped to their feet clapping like seals, but somehow they were deaf to the phrase, during WWII when of course Russia was our ally. Then to add fuel to the fire, we had Turdeau first throw the speaker under the bus, before declaring the incident was promoted by Russian propaganda. You really can't make it up. In the scheme of things it was a trivial event, but speaks volumes of the bias and ignorance in the west.


The Weekly Watch

Sanction Insanity

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A study finds that the sanction regime often prolongs conflicts, collectively punishes whole populations and hinders third-party humanitarian efforts. Sanctions imposed by the US are nothing but war by other means. Ironically US sanctions are backfiring as nations dump the dollar and trade in their own currency...$114,500,000,000 in US Treasuries Dumped By China and New BRICS Member Saudi Arabia. All as US debt soars to the point that just interest payments are a trillion dollars a year and going higher.


The Weekly Watch

Government Graft and Giant Grifts

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Ask yourself why both parties voted against appointing an auditor to track Ukraine weapons and monies. Greed is the operative descriptor. The US government doesn't care about its citizens. Consider the hundreds of billions going to Ukraine and the total lack of support for the people of Maui. No, we have a government by and for the multinational corporations, oligarchs, and globalists. Is there a way out of this conundrum? I don't see it. I hope you can offer some possible solutions in the comments below.

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The Weekly Watch

Losing Control

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Western powers are losing their grip on global dominance. The rise of the BRICS+ provides other countries (especially in the global south) with an alternative to the IMF slavery through indebtedness program. Will these countries be paying off western debt with yuan? I understand the IMF is now accepting yuan as payment (as are the Saudi's and many others). However, this slip of power accompanies a rising sense of desperation, and desperate times lead to desperate measures. Suddenly there's a new strain of omicron COVID (which manifests like a cold), but be afraid, very afraid. Leaders blatantly lie...Ukraine is winning our proxy war! Indict your leading competitor and suppress your crimes using the DOJ. Rational voices are suppressed, and the censorship industrial complex goes into high gear. So today let's look at these stories and more below the fold...


The Weekly Watch

Another Hot Week of News

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This has been our hottest week of the year. Cooler weather is expected as a front moves south and a tropical system moves into the gulf. It was also another very busy news cycle. The BRICS+ meeting had (and will have) a large ripple effect. Trump was indicted yet again, preceded by a widely seen interview with Tucker. The other republican candidates debated. The Ukraine proxy war grinds on as Russian artillery and air power dominates. Wagner's front man, Prigozhin, is presumed dead in plane crash. He's died in one before. DNA evidence has yet to be revealed, however it has been collected. [edit to add: His DNA was identified] The second plane is still a mystery. So, let's dive into these and other stories...


The Weekly Watch

Growing Frustration

...and food for thought

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It seems there is a growing sense of frustration in the US and western world in general. People know the system is broken, and like me have no idea how to correct our course. Many are hurting, homeless, and hungry. This week there's been a viral song that has captured this spirit of frustration. Lots of people have discussed it but I'll let the song speak for itself...

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond (3 min)

The Weekly Watch

Complete Corporate Capture

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Politicians, state and federal agencies, government regulators and inspectors, have all been captured by a multitude of corporate interests...Wall Street, big pharma, the MIC, oil companies, big food, commercial media and so on. The game is rigged and these various corporations hold all the cards. The government needs to re-boot with a new operating system, but the vested interest won't allow that to happen. We the people are mere pawns in the rigged game used for labor and as consumers...grease in the gears of corporate greed.

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The Weekly Watch

Constantly Escalating?

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More war, more indictments, more sanctions, more currency creation, more accusations, more coups...we're caught in an expanding aggressive cycle and all we seem able to do is double down on stupid. What goes up, must come down, and the bigger they are, the harder they fall...and an eventual fall is inevitable. My hope is we don't take the biosphere down with the empire's collapse. Notice how mention of nuclear weapons is becoming more common? Naturally we project the use of nuclear weapons on the Russians and Chinese, but not ourselves? My memory is that the US is the only nation to have used atomic bombs in war.

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