weekly watch

The Weekly Watch

The Dark is Rising...

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...but only for a few more days. The celestial clock is about to chime. Thursday is our winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Afterward day length will slowly grow until June 20th and the summer solstice. I loved the series "The Dark is Rising" filled with Welsh mythology, but it is fiction. The dark ages today are real as we experience the slow death of US empire. I thought it might be timely to look at some of the steps that have led to creation and now dissolution of US empire. I'll be interested in your thoughts as well...


The Weekly Watch

Seeing Through the Narratives

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Perhaps the pandemic brought some awareness of the lies promoted to control us. Anyone paying attention now sees the virus was engineered, deaths were exaggerated to manufacture fear, lockdowns were unnecessary and harmful, adverse reactions to the vax were not allowed to be made public as were simple preventative measures, ivermectin was an effective treatment, and many more lies. As this community is well aware, there are many more lies being pushed on variety of topics. Let's dive into some of those schemes below the fold.

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The Weekly Watch

Giving Thanks?

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In our chaotic world it can be difficult to be thankful about the state of things. However, we can be grateful for the truce in Gaza and the hostage exchange. Too bad this isn't a permanent ceasefire, but merely a delay in the genocide perpetrated upon the Palestinians. One aspect is that this aggression has gone so far as to shock people awake to US and Israel's inhumanity. That story and more below the fold.

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The Weekly Watch

Why War?

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This week I heard an array of reasons for Israel's Gaza genocide. Pepe, in the first clip below, thinks it was engineered by Israel, and Biden was forewarned when Bibi was in DC in late September. He sees the IMEC project versus the BRI as one key to the conflict. If that is true, it answers Paul Craig Robert's question in the second clip, how did we get all the military equipment and forces to the region so quickly. Both Ray and Scott think the opposite, that Israel was caught by surprise. Jimmy thinks it may be about oil. Bin Laden's letter to America explains his motivation for 9/11...

Jihad against the aggressors is a form of great worship in our religion, and killing us means a high status with our Lord. Thanks to God, we have been waging jihad for 30 years, against the Russians and then against you. Not a single one of our men has committed suicide, whereas every 30 days 30 of your men commit suicide. Continue the war if you will. Justice is the strongest army, and security is the best way of life, but it slipped out of your grasp the day you made the Jews victorious in occupying our land and killing our brothers in Palestine. The path to security is for you to lift your oppression from us.

The Weekly Watch

The Waste of War

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Wars are largely created to enrich the elite at the expense of everyone else. The cost can be measured in lives, money, environmental destruction, social and mental health, and much more, as the oligarchs count their profits. Yesterday used to be Armistice Day, the end of the war to end all wars, but now we honor war and warriors, not peace.

This year we celebrate the 105th anniversary of the signing of the World War I armistice that ceased hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918. With this instrument, nations still recovering from the dreadful nightmare of WWI, one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, collectively embraced peace as a universal principle and called for an end to all wars. Armistice Day was initially designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated."

(17 min)

The Weekly Watch

Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

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Observed in the United Kingdom every year on November 5, Guy Fawkes Day—also called Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night—commemorates a failed assassination attempt from more than 400 years ago. On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and a group of radical English Catholics tried to assassinate King James I by blowing up Parliament's House of Lords. The plot went awry and all of the conspirators were executed. Soon after, Britons began to celebrate Fawkes' day by burning effigies, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks—a tradition that has continued to this day.
3.5 min clip of speech from the movie "V for Vendetta"

You can see the entire movie here.
If you're a Prime member there is a better copy available there.

The Weekly Watch

On the Road to Armageddon?

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Armageddon, the ancient city known as Megiddo, was inhabited between roughly 7000 B.C. and 300 B.C. Numerous battles were fought near Megiddo during that time, and the Book of Revelation, which refers to the site as Armageddon, prophesied that a final battle at the end of time would take place there. The name Armageddon comes from the Hebrew word "Har Megiddo," which means the "mountain of Megiddo," according to Cline. "By the Middle Ages, multiple nationalities, languages, and centuries had added an 'n' and dropped the 'h', transforming Har Megiddo to Harmageddon and thence to Armageddon."
Are we approaching the so called "end times"? Let's explore the idea below the fold...


The Weekly Watch

Too Many Moving Parts...

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The Great Game just keeps churning with ever more players and pieces. This summer we've seen Africa and the Global South reject western dominance and bullying. This week we saw the contrast of west and east. The western leaders (who over their citizens' objections) support the genocide of the Palestinians (really other than the advancement in weaponry, it's no different than the genocide the US carried out on first nations peoples), versus the global belt and road conference taking place in China to promote trade and construction projects for mutual economic benefit. BRICS pay, a blockchain based exchange is going to continue to accelerate de-dollarization. Also this week, it is clear that Ukraine has been displaced by Israel in the media, as the Ukrainian conflict looks to be almost over. None the less, Joementia isn't willing to let go of his 10% cut and wants more money for Ukraine and other wars all over the world.


The Weekly Watch

Unprovoked Attacks...
A Heaping Helping of Hypocrisy

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Unprovoked attacks by Russia on Ukraine and now Hamas on Israel....kinda like Native Americans unprovoked attacks on white European settlers. The judge asked Dr. Mearsheimer this week about current western leadership and he replied that the young today lack empathy and a sense of history. Sadly people analyze these conflicts emotionally rather than rationally. In retrospect, was the US provoked to invade Iraq...or Libya...or Syria...or...

