weekly watch

The Weekly Watch

All My Trials...

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It has been a week of trials...Julian in the UK, the ICJ case on Israeli occupation of Palestine, Trump's trumped up cases, and many trials in the court of public opinion like the case of Navalny vs Gonzalo and Epstein, all our unnecessary wars, and mass migration. All these and more below the fold.

"All My Trials" was a folk song during the social protest movement of the 1950s and 1960s. it is based on a "Bahamian" lullaby that tells the story of a mother on her death bed, comforting her children...The message --- that no matter how bleak the situation seemed, the struggle would "soon be over" -- propelled the song to an anthem by many of the leading artists of the era."

The Weekly Watch

A Western Ship of Fools

Sailing on a Sea of Corruption

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Why do you think Biden (et al) are so desperate to get more of our money to a failed proxy war in Ukraine? Think it might be the 10% for the big guy? I also heard much of the money comes back to DC to fund the Ukraine lobby, and therefore our representatives. Sounds about right. It is a similar phenomenon in Gaza with the Zionist literally owning the US government. Add in the utter incompetence of our administration from the top down. So here we are mired in unnecessary conflicts with no foreseeable escape. I thought Larry did a good job describing our predicament.

(53 min)

The Weekly Watch

Get to the Root!

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The goal of functional doctors is to find the root cause of peoples' health problems. It's too bad that no functional practitioners can deal with the root cause of the US national illness(es). At this point the system seems so corrupt, dysfunctional, and war hungry that it can't be salvaged...I wish we could wipe the slate clean and start over. None the less I think we're in for major changes due to our declining economy and loss of prestige and respect among most of the world.

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The Weekly Watch

Pawns in the Great Geopolitical Game

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Demented, arrogant, and ignorant western leaders are out of their depth and in over their heads. They are embroiled in so many conflicts they don't know if they're coming or going. Like Brer Rabbit's encounter with the tar baby we are entrapped in a morass of multiple wars of our own making. The empire's collapse looms large.


The Weekly Watch

The Business of War

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Last week Michael and Richard described the US as a pentagon economy in their 45 minute conversation with Nima entitled "Why are China and Russia the US No. 1 Enemy?". However, what inspired this week's topic was Nima's conversation with Dmitry Orlov with whom I'm not familiar. Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic family, and emigrated to the US in the mid-1970s. He holds degrees in Computer Engineering and Linguistics, and has worked in a variety of fields, including high-energy physics, Internet commerce, network security and advertising. I found his comments and observations on target: The US continues wars until they are not profitable, for example we left Afghanistan because Fentanyl replaced heroin, The MIC isn't about winning wars, it is about maximizing profits, and many more.

(52 min)

The Weekly Watch

Arrogance and Ignorance

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Today's title is a description of US/Western leadership courtesy of Col Larry Wilkerson in his 40 min conversation with Dima. Larry was also on with the Judge this week discussing Blinky at Davos. I've been describing US diplomacy as just threats and sanctions. It isn't just the US. Did you catch any of the WEF arrogance and ignorance on display this week?


Another misattributed quote. Evidently any quote that sounds wise must have been from Albert?

The Weekly Watch

Time Tripping

The Past and Future World

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The world is in flux. Things are changing as the balance of power shifts from West to East. In a desperate bid to maintain US hegemony, there are efforts to stir up both an Iranian conflict and use Taiwan as Ukraine 2.0. There is push back. There are massive protests in Germany as farmers and truckers join forces to demand their government serve the needs of their people rather than Ukraine. South Africa's case against Israel's genocide in Gaza made it to court this week dealing another blow to western hegemony. Things are indeed in a state of flux....hopefully for the better.

(11 min) St. George's great routine on time...

The Weekly Watch

Building Anew

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There are times when a structure is so damaged or rotten, it just isn't worth trying to repair. That's the way I currently view western governments...they promote the globalists agenda, corporate interests, and deep state directives not the needs of their own citizens. These western governments are, to my mind, irreparable. Changing the direction of the ship of state racing to crash on the shore is simply a task fighting too much inertia. Time to jump ship. My approach is to step outside the system and build for yourself, your family and community.

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The Weekly Watch

The Years Just Flow By Like a Broken Down Dam

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From John Prine's song Angel from Montgomery
We're all caught in the ebb and flow of time as the years come and go. The month of January is named for the Roman God Janus who looks forward toward the future and back at the past. His image often appeared on doorways, arches, and gates. This time of year is a good opportunity to look at what has happened, and think about what will come.

