Why This Mouse Will Never Vote Cat
Submitted by mouselander on Wed, 04/20/2016 - 12:06pm
For those feeling a bit depressed and discouraged by yesterday's primary results, I thought the following video might help lift your spirits a bit. It's an animated version of a political fable made famous by the populist Canadian politician Tommy Douglas, who among other things was the main architect of Canada's single-payer health care system, and led North America's first democratic socialist government as premier of the province of Saskatchewan. As his grandson Kiefer Sutherland says, the story is as relevant and timely today as it was when Douglas first began incorporating it into his speeches over seventy-five years ago.

The worker is working when Fat Cat's about:
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
And for the injustice collectors who are quick to call...
Dropkick Murphy's "racist".
I'd like to refer them to the time three years ago when they beat the shit out of an actual Nazi onstage.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Dropkick Murphy's are racists now?
why am I not surprised? Standing up for the working class is somehow racist and sexist once Hillary Clinton started running for prez, I suppose because of how few women and POC are members of the working class....oh wait....
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
When they started calling "Folk Metal" racist and sexist...
That was the point that the injustice collectors crossed the Rubicon. Which is appropriate.
Installing Hegemony of thought is extremely Roman.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Ed Pickford's Workers Song is the greatest working class song
since Which Side Are You On and Solidarity and the Internationale. (Going back in time from the 30s to 1915 to the Paris Commune.)
Just my opinion, of course.
And the Dropkick Murphys completely won me over, whatever their music is called.
Somewhere at this very moment a woman is being raped and/or beaten to death, but yet these idiot injustice collectors are railing against the Dropkick Murphys?
To them I say: "yeah right, whatever."
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
How to scare a capitalist Fat Cat in just over three minutes.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Another way to scare Fat Cats, also in French ...
(I personally like cats, whether fried, baked, broiled or BBQ)
Oh man, I am depressed
I couldn't even watch the results in real time because I was too afraid that NY would go to Clinton. At this point I've lost all faith in the alleged freeness and fairness of this election such that I wonder when the UN will show up with their neutral observers; because it seems that the nefarious disenfranchising shenanigans are ramping up and mysteriously benefiting only one side. Keep fighting the good fight til the end, America, the world needs President Sanders.
Don't blame you a bit
But if there's one thing we can all be eternally grateful to Bernie Sanders for, it's that he has truly turned over the rock (as it were) and revealed the inner workings of our so-called democratic system for all to see, in all its creepy, crawly, slimy, writhing and disgusting "glory".
I continue to believe that there are still viable mechanisms by which average citizens can attain meaningful political power in this country, but it's now quite clear that the Democratic Party isn't one of them.
inactive account
I agree
And here's something else I've come around to: Hillary Clinton supporters are even worse than Republican supporters on all counts. Nobody voting for a Republican is pretending they are something they aren't; seriously, I have a better grasp of what Ted Cruz stands for and I trust that his insane convictions are actually his own.
This makes me terrible person, but I look forward to the day when Hillary's campaign blows up, whether because of an indictment, or a leak revealing shady Clinton foundation shit, or literally any other disaster, and then maybe she and her odious husband can finally take the first exit off the political highway into swift irrelevance. I will fist pump and cheer with glee.
They can take their charity on the road.
They can go back to promoting microlending and industrial parks where laborers can look forward to a life of serfdom.
As many times as I've watched the Tommy Douglas
Mouseland speech, I never get tired of it. Nor do I tire of its message and what he did for our cousins to the north.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Tommy Douglas was a giant among men
More like him, please!