My Content

Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
Trans-Friendly primary medical care?
04/24/2017 - 2:01pm
1 Tall Bald and Ugly
04/24/2017 - 6:24pm
Number 9 of 2017
04/23/2017 - 2:42pm
04/23/2017 - 2:42pm
Checking out the Human Library
04/22/2017 - 2:36pm
3 riverlover
04/23/2017 - 6:55am
Trans woman suing the state of Idaho
04/20/2017 - 2:25pm
04/20/2017 - 2:25pm
An historic election
04/19/2017 - 1:52pm
3 enhydra lutris
04/19/2017 - 4:10pm
European Rights Court calls for striking down sterilization requirement
04/18/2017 - 2:23pm
04/18/2017 - 2:23pm
Varner fired
04/16/2017 - 2:36pm
6 enhydra lutris
04/17/2017 - 9:50am
Texas politicians uncover a work-around
04/15/2017 - 1:51pm
6 Centaurea
04/16/2017 - 4:00am
Real Moms
04/14/2017 - 2:15pm
4 enhydra lutris
04/15/2017 - 10:15am
Public outing on national television
04/13/2017 - 1:46pm
4 Dr. John Carpenter
04/14/2017 - 10:30am
