My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 10:51pm 4 0
Aww, man!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 10:29pm 3 0
It is always memorized.
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 10:17pm 7 0
Will she step down?
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 08:47pm 7 0
Hey, el!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 08:42pm 5 0
Cass, I just got news that a former sil
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 08:18pm 6 0
I vote
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 07:31pm 4 0
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 07:30pm 5 1 Sat, 12/14/2024 - 08:46pm
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 07:12pm 7 0
I encourage EVERYONE
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 06:29pm 6 1 Sat, 12/14/2024 - 07:47pm
VERY true,
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 05:06pm 5 0
Good afternoon, snoops!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 04:46pm 8 0
Hiya, humphrey!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 04:37pm 7 1 Sat, 12/14/2024 - 05:00pm
Good afternoon, chica!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 04:29pm 4 0
Good afternoon, soryang!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 04:07pm 5 0
Good afternoon, cass.
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 03:41pm 8 1 Sat, 12/14/2024 - 04:29pm
Awww, you have to be pretty damn sane
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 03:16pm 5 0
Good afternoon, enchantress!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 03:01pm 8 0
I will give NC a good once over
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 01:25pm 7 1 Sat, 12/14/2024 - 01:34pm
I am at the half way mark
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 01:00pm 9 0
Happy Saturday mornin'!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/14/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/14/2024 - 12:30am 10 0
Nice of Biden
From:Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days
on the cusp Fri, 12/13/2024 - 03:30pm 8 0
From:Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days
on the cusp Fri, 12/13/2024 - 02:46pm 7 0
Good morning, good members!
From:Open Thread - 12-13-24 - Monochrome Days
on the cusp Fri, 12/13/2024 - 10:36am 11 2 Fri, 12/13/2024 - 11:07am
A client brought me
From:Open Thread - Thurs 12 Dec 2024 - Ask and Ye Shall Receive...
on the cusp Thu, 12/12/2024 - 04:06pm 8 0
Good afternoon, sima, et. al...
From:Open Thread - Thurs 12 Dec 2024 - Ask and Ye Shall Receive...
on the cusp Thu, 12/12/2024 - 02:35pm 10 1 Thu, 12/12/2024 - 10:03pm
Scott Ritter thinks BRICS
From:The Evening Blues - 12-11-24
on the cusp Wed, 12/11/2024 - 11:05pm 6 1 Wed, 12/11/2024 - 11:40pm
Agreed, BBC
From:Open Thread for Wed 11 DEC 24 ~ group thought
on the cusp Wed, 12/11/2024 - 08:04pm 3 0
Court on Tuesday
From:Open Thread for Wed 11 DEC 24 ~ group thought
on the cusp Wed, 12/11/2024 - 08:03pm 4 0
Weiner is
From:Open Thread for Wed 11 DEC 24 ~ group thought
on the cusp Wed, 12/11/2024 - 06:06pm 8 1 Wed, 12/11/2024 - 06:57pm
Good afternoon, Cap'n!
From:Open Thread for Wed 11 DEC 24 ~ group thought
on the cusp Wed, 12/11/2024 - 04:29pm 7 1 Wed, 12/11/2024 - 07:05pm
Are we being conditioned
From:Travelin' light
on the cusp Tue, 12/10/2024 - 04:22pm 8 1 Tue, 12/10/2024 - 05:21pm
Good afternoon, e1
From:Travelin' light
on the cusp Tue, 12/10/2024 - 12:50pm 12 3 Tue, 12/10/2024 - 04:43pm
I saw something
From:12/09 Open Thread - It's Anna's Day
on the cusp Mon, 12/09/2024 - 03:01pm 4 0
Good afternoon, LO!
From:The Weekly Watch
on the cusp Sun, 12/08/2024 - 01:33pm 10 1 Sun, 12/08/2024 - 01:45pm
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sun, 12/08/2024 - 12:05am 3 0
Same as Ukraine,
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 11:38pm 4 0
I will listen to that after
From:Craig Murray: The End of Pluralism in the Middle East
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 06:39pm 4 0
I have been keeping up with Murray's
From:Craig Murray: The End of Pluralism in the Middle East
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 06:34pm 9 0
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 06:23pm 6 0
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 05:53pm 5 1 Sat, 12/07/2024 - 08:45pm
Good one!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 05:51pm 2 0
The only incentive afforded by euthanasia
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 03:45pm 7 0
I fear Syria is going the way of Lebanon.
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 03:39pm 5 0
Maybe the Founders
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 02:42pm 5 0
Thanks for the beautiful song
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 01:51pm 7 0
A believable CEO
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 01:25pm 8 0
Happy shoppin el!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 12:33pm 6 0
Obama betrayed his constituency
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 12:23pm 9 0
Let the Hide and Seek Games begin!
From:Saturday Open Thread - 12/7/24: Odds and Ends
on the cusp Sat, 12/07/2024 - 11:23am 8 0
