
Americans Apoplectic over Putin Interview [Opinion]

You don't have to believe anything that Putin said to see that Tucker Carlson's interview has gotten people talking about Ukraine pre-2022, and starting a discussion is what journalism is all about. And that's a good thing, unless of course you don't want people discussing the historical context of the war in Ukraine. I'll wager that Tucker's critics did not watch the interview. They don't believe it would be informative.

U.S. Propaganda Doesn't Get More Shameless Than 'Jack Ryan'

I actually watched season 1 and found it to be sort of propagandist, but not to the point where I couldn't overlook it and enjoy the show. But then I tried to watch season 2, and I literally turned it off 1 minute into the second scene because of the vomit inducing propaganda. I am happy to find this article at truthdig validating my revulsion.

Conspiracy Theory and the Bounding of Debate

Anytime a government person tells me something, I do not automatically believe everything they say and take them at face value. Have you ever listen to Josh Earnest do a Q & A after a press release? It's festival of pretzel logic and linguistic gymnastics. Cringe worthy even. History has proven over and over our government lies to us. 935 times the GWB administration went on TV, and to the UN, and LIED to everybody, the entire world about Iraq's WMD's. That is fact, is it not?