World War I

The Night the Guns of War Fell Silent and the Carnage Stopped

Wars suppress the natural urge of men to behave in a manner that has no bearing to and can even remotely be construed as civilized behavior. Anytime, anywhere, when the cycle of violence is momentarily interrupted or broken, that, in itself, is worthy of remembrance. Even in the midst of unprecedented carnage in World War I, soldiers on both sides found within themselves a modicum of human decency and desire for peace.

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn on the “Glory” of War and Thoughts on Breeding for War

Defend your country?
What ground do you own?
-not even enough to stand on, perhaps,
much less enough to bury yourself in!
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Tuesday May 30, 1916
St. Louis, Missouri - Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Preparedness

Robert Minor, Breed Mother Breed, NY Call, Aug 8, 1915.png
From the New York Call of August 8, 1915

Hellraisers Journal: War, Patriotism, and Wage Reductions to Beat the “Barbarous” German Workers

The working class has no country.
The employing class has stolen them all.
-Robert Minor

Sunday May 21, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: War and Wages by Robert Minor

From this month's Review, some thoughts on War, Patriotism, and International Solidarity:

WWI, When They Ask You, Robert Minor, ISR, May 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: “The men that fight and the men that fall are the sons of the working class."

Hands 'round the world!
Let the system fall
That covers the earth with dead!
-C. A. Miller

Sunday May 7, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: "Hands 'Round the World"

Robert Minor, Hands Round World, ISR, May 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: May Day in New York City! Unionists & Socialist Turn Out by Tens of Thousands!

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Tuesday May 2, 1916
From The New York Times: Thousands March Singing Marseillaise

May Day 1916, NYC Parade, LOC.png

WE NEVER FORGET: Last Statement of James Connolly, Irish Rebel

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones
James Connolly
June 5, 1868-May 12, 1916

Last Statement, smuggled out to the world through his daughter, Nora,
on the eve of his execution:

Hellraisers Journal: Irish Rebellion "Spreads West and South;" Maj. Gen. Maxwell Takes Charge

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday April 29, 1916
Dublin, Ireland - Irish Rebels Continue to Battle British Troops

Easter Rising, Irish Rebels at the Barricades, Apr 24-30, 1916_0.png
Irish Rebels at the Barricades

Hellraisers Journal: Robert Minor Sends a Letter from War-Torn Paris to The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Sunday March 19, 1916
From The Masses: Bob Minor Sends a Letter from Paris

A Letter From Bob Minor

Robert Minor, Paris WWI, The Masses, March 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn & Sara Bard Field on "Patriotism" from The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Friday March 17, 1916
From The Masses: "Do You Believe in Patriotism?" Part I

In the March issue of The Masses, various Socialist writers respond to the question, "Do you believe in Patriotism?" Today Hellraisers features the answers to that question from two prominent Socialist women, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Sara Bard Field. Tomorrow's edition will feature the responses of John Sloan and Charles Erskine Scott Wood. K. R. Chamberlin also offers an artistic answer to the question:

Artist K. R. Chamberlain on Patriotism

Patriotism by KR Chamberlain, The Masses, Mar 1916.png
PATRIOTISM by K. R. Chamberlain.
The Editor, the Munition Maker and Investor: "Outrage! American Killed in Mexico! War!"
