Open Thread - Thurs 07 Sep 2023 - Music Rabbithole
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 09/07/2023 - 5:00am
A Music Rabbit Hole
When I started writing this open thread post I decided it would be about a rabbit hole into old music from my youth. But I forgot how, for me at least, much of the music I listened to when I was young was about or related to politics and social questions. Much of it... But not always all of it! Maybe that was true for all of us?
The rabbit hole started when I read about the death of Toto Cutugno. I don't remember where I learned of his passing, perhaps it was here? I had to go find the song... the song he was famous for, because parts of it suddenly sprung into my mind after 40 years or so. How? I dunno, but apparently I remember stuff from when I was young even if I only heard it when I was traveling in Europe so long ago (it was released in 1983).
Here's the song by Toto Cutugno: 'L'Italiano'. Sing or hum along if you suddenly remember it, dance around the house, the kitchen, where-ever.