The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 09/03/2023 - 7:02am
Losing Control

Western powers are losing their grip on global dominance. The rise of the BRICS+ provides other countries (especially in the global south) with an alternative to the IMF slavery through indebtedness program. Will these countries be paying off western debt with yuan? I understand the IMF is now accepting yuan as payment (as are the Saudi's and many others). However, this slip of power accompanies a rising sense of desperation, and desperate times lead to desperate measures. Suddenly there's a new strain of omicron COVID (which manifests like a cold), but be afraid, very afraid. Leaders blatantly lie...Ukraine is winning our proxy war! Indict your leading competitor and suppress your crimes using the DOJ. Rational voices are suppressed, and the censorship industrial complex goes into high gear. So today let's look at these stories and more below the fold...