
Speaking up to the fear mongers

In the face of adults in positions of responsibility who were questioning the wisdom of recently adopted guidelines meant to assure the safety and well-being of transgender students in Anne Arundel County, MD, a student rose to speak.

Scott Howarth is a student at Anne Arundel High School and current president of the Chesapeake Regional Association of Student Councils.

CA MD Election update- DNC spending millions to ensure honest elections [not] - DNC/"Super PAC" seem certain to have broken CA election law -SAT 7-22-2016- Annually the DNC spends millions election integrity/voter rights - more than all othgroups combined


Thank you Wikileaks - now we know that: Annually the DNC spends millions on election integrity/voter rights - MORE$$$ than all the election rights-integrity groups spend on elections COMBINED - After 20 years the DNC has VIRTUALLY nothing to show for how they have spent our money for more honest elections/ensuring voter rights.......... We are actually much worse off after 20 Years of their efforts............ Pathetic..

Wikileaks DNC document dump shows confirmation of illegal online posting in CA by the DNC/HRC campaign.

Taking it to court

A FreeState Justice has filed a lawsuit in Federal court against Talbot County on behalf of a 14-year-old Maryland transgender boy accusing an Eastern Shore school system of violating Title IX by denying him access to locker rooms consistent with his gender identity.

The boy, who was not identified in the lawsuit, will be a ninth grader at St. Michaels Middle-High School, and wants to try out for soccer in August, according to Jer Welter, FreeState Justice's deputy director and managing attorney.

During last school year, the boy used a gender neutral restroom far from the gym and his classrooms.

This has been a problem. It is stigmatizing for him. It marks him as different from the other students.


Trans woman found dead in Maryland hotel

 photo 041816keyonnablakeney_zps2ixazh52.jpgKeyonna Blakeney, 22, was found dead in a room of the Red Roof Inn Saturday morning. She had suffered severe trauma to her upper body. Police classified her death as a homicide.

Police were also very quick to suggest that Keyonna may have been working as a prostitute and to release her arrest history.

Her Name was Zella

It has been ten whole days since I wrote about the murder of a trans woman of color.

The respite couldn't last.

In the early evening on Thursday Zella Ziona, 21, was walking in an alleyway between two shopping centers in Montgomery Village, Maryland when she was surrounded by four or five teenagers. According to a witness, one of the youths pulled out a gun and shot Ziona in the head.

Zella was rushed to a hospital, where she died.

Police initially identified the victim as a woman, but by later in the evening insisted on misgendering and dead-naming her. As usual, the media followed suit.

An impromptu vigil took place last night.

Systematic Sexual Harassment

In a decision in Maryland Administrative LAw Judge Denise Shaffer has ruled that officials at Patuxent Institution in Jessup Maryland have failed to comply with the national standards for protection of sexual abuse as set forth in the Prisoner Rape Elimination Act.

Sandy Brown, a 40-year-old transgender woman, was serving a five-year sentence for assault in 2014 when she was placed in 24-hour solitary confinement for 66 days at Patuxent after a routine mental health screening. While so housed, Brown says that guards routinely watched her shower and encouraged her to commit suicide.

They didn't see me for the human being I am.

They treated me like a circus act. I understand how animals at the zoo feel now. They gawked, pointed, made fun of me and tried to break my spirit.

These were people I’d never met, people I’d never done anything to.


PREA requires prisons to have clear policies and mandatory training for prison personnel concerning the treatment of transgender inmates.