Workers of the World Awaken

Hellraisers Journal: Gaylord Wilshire Calls for General Strike to Free Moyer, Haywood & Pettibone

If the workers take a notion,
They can stop all speeding trains;
Every ship upon the ocean
They can tie with mighty chains.
-Joe Hill

Wednesday April 11, 1906
Wilshire's Magazine: Editorial Calls for General Strike

Moyer and Haywood, Wilshire's Magazine, 1906.png

Hellraisers Journal: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral from the International Socialist Review

The murdering of martyrs has never yet made
a tyrant's place secure.
-Ralph Chaplin

Monday January 3, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: Ralph Chaplin on Joe Hill's Funeral

In the latest edition of the Review, Fellow Worker Ralph Chaplin offers this account of the funeral of our martyred rebel songwriter which was held in Chicago this past Thanksgiving Day, November 25th:

Joe Hill Funeral, West Side Auditorium, ISR Jan 1916.png