
Real US goal in Syria remains the same despite massive gains made by Syrian government against ISIS and Al Nusra

This goal is the destruction of Syria as a viable state and installation of leaders that are compliant to the western power structure. Anything short of this will result in the continuing and escalating destabilization of the country as we are currently witnessing.

Just how far will the US go this time in mounting a direct military attack against Syria? This brinkmanship being played against a nation backed by nuclear armed Russia is arguably the greatest threat to world peace since the worst days of the Cold War. It is obvious the neocons have taken over the Executive Office and are using the uniformed and weak minded Trump as a tool to directly affect foreign policies they have been working towards for the last several decades. Are there any voices of reason left within the government that can push back against these ill-advised actions?

Moon of Alabama has reported on yesterday's strange and unexpected warning from the President's office.

Monsters Inc. - Starring Hillary T. Inevitable

Every now and then one of our "representative" leaders lets the mask slip and Americans get a peek at the monster behind the mask. The monsters that represent us are well-known elsewhere in the world by the people who are variously invaded, bombed, incinerated by flying death robots, disappeared, held in gulags, tortured, sanctioned, starved, treated to heaping helpings of depleted uranium, attacked with banned weapons like white phosphorus, brutalized by authoritarian dictators and puppets that our monsters support with weapons Made in America(tm). I could go on, but you get the picture.